9 / 12 / 2024
EV-RE Level 1 Report
Task 1: Simple Electric Circuit Simulation on MATLAB
- Activity: Simulated a full-wave rectifier circuit using MATLAB Simulink.
- Outcome: Verified input and output waveforms with a scope.
Task 2: Speed Control of DC Motor
- Objective: Control the speed of a DC motor using the L293D motor driver.
- Components:
- Arduino board
- L293D motor driver
- DC motor
- Potentiometer
- Jumper wires
- 9-12V power supply
- Procedure:
- Connected motor driver inputs and outputs to Arduino and DC motors.
- Integrated a potentiometer to adjust motor speed via analog input.
- Powered the motor driver with a 12V power supply.
Task 3: Direction Control of a Motor
- Objective: Rotate the motor clockwise or counterclockwise by toggling input pins.
- Activity:
- Configured
pins for directional control.
- Configured
Task 4: Point Turn of a Vehicle
- Objective: Achieve rotation in place by running two DC motors in opposite directions.
- Outcome: Successfully implemented point-turn logic in code.
Task 5: Automatic Door Opener System
- Objective: Detect motion and automate door opening/closing.
- Components:
- Arduino
- PIR motion sensor
- Servo motor
- Breadboard and jumper wires
- Power supply
- Outcome:
- PIR sensor triggered servo motor to open door to 90°, then reset to 0° after 5 seconds.
Task 6: BLDC Motor and Hall Effect Sensor
- Objective: Measure RPM using a Hall effect sensor.
- Components:
- Arduino
- Hall effect sensor
- DC motor
- Jumper wires
- Power supply
- Outcome: RPM calculated by counting sensor pulses over a fixed interval.
Task 7: Temperature and Humidity Detection
- Objective: Measure environmental temperature and humidity.
- Components:
- Arduino
- DHT11 sensor
- Resistors
- Breadboard and jumper wires
Task 8: Understanding 555 Timer and LDR
- Objective: Control an LED based on ambient light using NE555 timer and LDR.
- Components:
- NE555 Timer IC
- Resistors: 10kΩ, 1kΩ
- Capacitor: 10µF
- Power supply
- Breadboard and jumper wires
- Outcome: Successfully implemented light-sensitive headlight control.
Task 9: Solar Panel
- Objective: Construct a simple solar panel setup using silicon diodes.
- Outcome: Observed negligible voltage output.
Task 10: Solar Tracker
- Objective: Track sunlight direction using a servo motor and Arduino.
- Components:
- Arduino
- Servo motor
- Solar panel
- Outcome: Solar panel rotated to maximize sunlight exposure.
Task 11: Temperature Detection
- Objective: Measure temperature using an LM35 sensor.
- Components:
- Arduino
- LM35 temperature sensor
- Outcome: Displayed room and solder gun temperatures on the Arduino IDE serial monitor.