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lekha's AI-ML-001 course work. Lv 3


Common Tasks Report

11 / 7 / 2024

Generic Tasks Final Report- Lekha DH


An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and tools that allows different software applications to communicate and work together. It defines how requests and responses should be made between systems, enabling them to share data and functions seamlessly.

Building a Weather App Using the Open Weather API:

1.Understanding APIs

2. Open this GitHub repository and Clone or download the zip file.

3.Extract all the contents of the folder and open through the vs code editor.

4.Create an account on Weather API website and click on the API doc. Scroll down a bit and we'll find example API calls.

5.Just copy any one of them and click on {API key}.The API key will be generated, copy the key and paste it in the JavaScript file.

6.Create a function called displayData to just show the temperature and description.

Screenshot (102)

TASK 3 :Working with GitHub

This task involve implementing Github actions, managing issues and creating pull requests to contribute to the repository.


1.Cloning the 'git-task' repository.

2.Implement the specified Github actions as described in the README file.

3.Create, label and manage issues using Github's issue tracking system and commit changes.

4.Contribute changes by creating pull requests addressing specific issues and making necessary modifications.


The main branch of this repository was having an error and is failing tests.

Screenshot (196)

Task 4: Get familiar With the Command line on ubuntu and do the following subtasks:

Ubuntu Command line subtasks:

Create a folder - Test

Open Command prompt:
mkdir name_of_the_folder
cd into the folder
cd name_of_the_folder
Create a blank file without using text editor:
touch blank_file.txt
List the files in that folder:
Create 2600 folders in this folder where each folder is named like M90 or B56:
for  /1   %i  in  (  ,2600)  do
mkdir  .\\M%i
Concatenate two text files containing random text and display them on the terminal
echo  \Random text for file 
1\" >  file1.txt\necho
\ "Random text for file   2\"   >
file2.txt\ncat file1.txt

Screenshot (193)

TASK 5 : Kaggle contest

Make a Kaggle account, visit the website and complete the competition. Participate in the Titanic ML competition is the best, first challenge is to dive into ML competitions and familirize with how the Kaggle platform works. Use machine learning to create model that predicts which passenger survive on the Titanic shipwreck. Resources: Titanic regression model-

video reference-

Screenshot (184)

TASK 6 : Working with Pandas and Matplotlib:


Imported pandas and downloaded the data sets to show the gas-price in various countries in particular year in Dollars. For the same plotted the line graph.

Screenshot (197)


Downloaded the datasets  to load the FIFA data and plot the histogram for the Distribution of the players skill in 2018.

Screenshot (198) Fifa_histogram

Pie chart for the Weight distribution of the FIFA players:


Box plot for the FIFA soccer team Comparision:


TASK 7: Create a Portfolio Webpage

A responsive website using HTML ,CSS & JavaScript to showcase my portfolio-about my self,Social media updates and my works.

Screenshot (202)

My Portfolio Website:

TASK 8: Writing Resource Article using Markdown

Here is the Article about the Computer Science Fundamentals in Markdown

Screenshot (203)

Screenshot (204)

TASK 9: Tinkercad

Tinkercad is an online tool for creating 3D models, simulating electronic circuits, and writing code for Arduino projects. It is user-friendly and ideal for beginners and educators.

Here is the Circuit designed by me to find the distance between the Ultrasonic Sensor and the Object.

Components Used:

Screenshot (210)

Circuit with corresponding Code:

Screenshot (206)

Screenshot (205)

TASK 12: Soldering Prerequisites

Learnt about the soldering equipment present in our lab, the solder, the soldering iron, soldering wick, flux and perform basic soldering on a perf board, a LED circuit.

The Soldering Process Step 1: If the perf board is full, desolder it by using a desoldering wick. Step 2: Place the perf board on the helping hand for better precision. Step 3: Place the required LED on to the perf board, on a side without copper pads. Step 4: Bend the leads to follow the path you want them to have. Add a bit of solder to both ends of that lead to hold it in place.



TASK 14: Karnaugh Maps and Deriving the logic circuit

A Karnaugh Map (K-map) is a graphical representation of truth tables that simplifies the process of designing and optimizing digital circuits. It is a tool used primarily in digital logic design and Boolean algebra to find the most efficient way to implement a logical expression.

How Burglar System works? Let us assume there are two switches, one for the door and the other for an alarm that they must remember to press. Assume that the door opened is 0 and closed as 1. Assume that the alarm pressed is 1 and not pressed is 0. One would naturally assume that the burglar opens the door and forgets to press the alarm. So the underlying logic is that the buzzer must ring when both the door is opened and the alarm is not pressed. i.e., 0 and 0 case. Only a NOR gate gives the necessary output of 1 when both the inputs are 0.

TinkerCAD implementation steps:

1.Take an IC 7432 for OR gate and an IC 7404 for Inverting and connect them in series to form a NOR gate. Make sure they are not grounded together.

2.Take 2 slideswitches to regulate the input. Give them as input to the OR gate.

3.Give the Regulated Power Supply and ground all the necessary components.

4.Connect the output of the entire NOR gate to the Piezo buzzer which gives the required output as an buzzer audio.

5.In the same fashion, connect an LED for additional safety.- - - -

My tinkercad simulation:

Screenshot (212)

Screenshot (211)

Components used:

Screenshot (213)

TASK 15: Active Participation:

1.Volunteered in the Katalyst Annual Tech-Fest 2024 for Final Year Engineering Project presentation.

K-Volunteer certi

2.Participated in the BitNBuild Hackathon Organized by GDSC CRCE and GDSC UVCE.

BitNBuild certificate

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01