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Vaishnav's AI-ML-001 course work. Lv 1


Level 0 report

21 / 7 / 2024

Marvel Level 0 Tasks

Task 1: 3D Printing

Learned how to use a 3D printer. Uploaded a file to a 3D printer using Creality Cloud. Sliced the file using Ultimaker Cura to determine printing time. Printed a mini sailboat. 3D Printing

Task 2: API

Learned what an API is and its uses.Built a weather forecast app using an API, HTML, CSS, and JS. api.png

Task 3: Working with Github

Familiarized with Github. Forked the main repository. Corrected an error and created a pull request. github.png

Task 4: Ubuntu Command Line

Learned Ubuntu commands like pwd, ls, cat, etc. Created a blank file without using a text editor.Created 2600 folders in a folder. Concatenated two files with random texts. ubuntu.png

Task 5: Kaggle Contest

Created a Kaggle account. Participated in a challenge. Submitted predictions for the Titanic survival challenge with a public score of 0.78. kaggle.png

Task 6: Working with Pandas and Matplotlib

Learned how to use NumPy and Matplotlib to plot graphs.

  • Created:
    • A scatter plot for Day vs Holiday. scatter-plot.png
    • A bar graph for Lang vs No. Bar Graph
    • A line plot for Working vs Days. line-graph.png

Task 7: Create a Portfolio Website

Created a basic portfolio website using HTML and CSS. You can view it here.

Task 8: Writing a Report in Markdown Language

I wrote about quantum computing using Markdown language, which is on Github. Refer to it here.

Task 9: Tinkercad

Created a Tinkercad account. Learned how to use Tinkercad tools. Built a simple circuit using an ultrasonic sensor to estimate the distance between an obstacle and the sensor, displaying the result on the serial monitor. Tinkercad.png

Task 10: Speed Control of DC Motor

Learned how to control the speed of a DC motor using UNO, H-bridge L298N motor driver, and Arduino board. Speed Control of DC Motor

Task 11: LED Toggle using ESP32

Learned the working of ESP32. Built a standalone web server that controls an LED connected to ESP32 GPIOs. Used Arduino to code it. LED Toggle using ESP32 LED Toggle using ESP32

Task 12: Soldering Prerequisites

Learned how soldering works and about soldering equipment like soldering gun, flux, and solder. Soldered an LED and checked its function using a battery. Soldering

Task 13: 555 Astable Multivibrator

Designed an astable multivibrator with a duty cycle of 60% using 10 kilo ohms and 20 kilo ohms resistors. Set up the circuit on a breadboard and observed the output on the DSO. 555 Astable Multivibrator 555 Astable Multivibrator

Task 14: Karnaugh Maps and Logic Circuits

Designed a system consisting of a 74HC04 Hex inverter, 74HC08 quad NAND Gate, two switches, one buzzer, one LED, and a power supply. Simulated a burglar alarm with the following cases:

  • Case 1: Door closed, key not pressed. No alarm, LED off.
  • Case 2: Door closed, key pressed. No alarm, LED off.
  • Case 3: Door open, key pressed. No alarm, LED off.
  • Case 4: Door open, key not pressed. Burglar alarm rings and LED is turned on. alarm.png

Task 15: Active Participation

Participated in the Bit’n Build hackathon.

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01