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Sohan's AI-ML-001 course work. Lv 2


A V Sohan Aiyappa\'s General Task Report

9 / 12 / 2023

Task 1-3D Printing:

I learnt the working of 3D printe iffferent techniques of 3D printing, and learnt to use Ultimaker Cura software . I also learnt about optimum Temp. and other settings and 3D printed a Pokeball. \n\nPokeball\n\n### Task 2 -API:\n\nAn API( Application Programming Interface) is a set of definite protocols for integrating/building appplication software. I made a Dictionary API using HTM SS and JavaScript. \n\nHere's my API.\n\n### Task 3-Working With Github: \nI created a Github acount for the first time. I was really fascinated by this platform.Since then, I have been using github very often. I have completed the task given in the readme File. \n\n\nMy pull request.\n\n### Task 4 : Get Familiar with command line on Ubuntu and do the subtasks :\nA text-based OS like ubuntu was very new to me. I struggled at first but eventually gained a good insight into how to use the command line interface. I completed the task to create a folder, cd into the folder, list files in that folder and create 2600 new folders in that folder. \nmy commands\n\n### Task 5-Kaggle contest :\n\nI created a Kaggle Account, went through the tutorial and submitted my first ML project. \nMy Profile\nMy submission\n\n### Task 6 -Working with Pandas and Matplotlib :\n\nThis Task has been helpful to improve my understanding of coding , And I really loved plotting the line graph, bar graph and scatterplot .\nline graph\n\n\nbar graph\n\nscattterplot\n\n### Task 7- Create a Portfolio Webpage: \nI created a responsive portfolio webpage using HTML along with some design elements. \n\nGitHub Repository. \n\n My Portfolio. \n\n### Task 8 -Writing Resource Article using markdown : \nI learnt about markdown and was surprised by its simplicity while also being very versatile. I wrote a resource article on Abiogenesis , and also uploaded it on resource articles section of AI-ML domain in the Marvel Website. \n\nMy Resource Article\n\n### Task 9- Tinkercad:\nThis application has become one of my favourities. I created my account and simulated an Ultrasonic distance sensor.\nMy Project\n\n### Task 10 - Speed Control Of DC motor : \nThis was my first Hardware Task , I really enjoyed it . We simulated it on Tinkercad (L298N motor Driver was not available , so we used L293D driver) . We recreated the circuit in the lab , and it performed well. Tinkercad Circuit\n\n\n### Task 11 - LED Toggle using ESP32 :\nThis was a very interesting task. I learnt Working of ESP32 , created a standalone webserver with ESP32 that Controls the LEDs connected with GPIOs, and used Arduino IDE to upload code to ESP32.\nESP32 \n\n### Task 12 - Soldering Prerequisites : \nI learnt about Soldering, Desolderin ow to use soldering iro lux and performed soldering on a perf board to make an LED circuit.\n\nperf board\ncirccuit\n\n### Task 13 : 555 Multivibrator : \nI learnt working of a 555 Timer IC , calculated value of resistances for duty cycle 60% , built the circuit and checked the output using Oscilloscope . The observed duty cycle was 60.4 % . \ncircuit\nreading\n\n### Task 14 : Karnaugh Maps and Deriving the logic circuit : \nI built the circuit using the assumption that the alarm would need to buzz for two cases: \n1.door closed(0) key pressed(1) \n2.door open(1) kep not pressed(0) \nI have used input A as Key and input B as Door sensor. So the karnaugh Map would look like: \nk-map\nThen I used Tinkercad to simulate the circuit and it worked successfully.\nMy circuit.\nimage\n### Task 15-Active Participation: \nI had participated in a quiz competition conducted by ISRO on 12 October 2023 and I had won 2nd Place.\nbrag\n \n#### This journey has been very exciting . I have gained a lot of knowledge in this one month . I consider this to be the trailer to the upcoming levels of Batch 4 , and what can I say except that I am really eager to learn more. Thank you Marvel ! \n\n\n"

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01