13 / 4 / 2023
This report aims to document my learning process and experience in understanding and working with the ESP32 microcontroller and developing a Simmons game using the ESP32 platform. The ESP32 is a powerful and versatile microcontroller commonly used in IoT projects,and the Simmons game is a popular electronic memory game that tests the players memory and reflexes.
The purpose of this report is to document my learning process and experience in understanding and implementing the MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol. This protocol is widely used in the Internet of Things (IoT) domain and plays a crucial role in enabling efficient communication between devices.
The MQTT protocol works on the principles of the publish/subscribe model. In traditional network communication,clients and servers communicate with each other directly. The clients request resources or data from the server,then the server processes and sends back a response
MQTT client
An MQTT client is any device from a server to a microcontroller that runs an MQTT library. If the client is sending messages,it acts as a publisher,and if it is receiving messages,it acts as a receiver. Basically,any device that communicates using MQTT over a network can be called an MQTT client device.
MQTT broker
The MQTT broker is the backend system which coordinates messages between the different clients. Responsibilities of the broker include receiving and filtering messages,identifying clients subscribed to each message,and sending them the messages.
is a common communication protocol used by many different devices. For example,SD card reader modules,RFID card reader modules,and 2.4 GHz wireless transmitter/receivers all use SPI to communicate with microcontrollers. One unique benefit of SPI is the fact that data can be transferred without interruption. Any number of bits can be sent or received in a continuous stream. With I2C and UART,data is sent in packets,limited to a specific number of bits. Start and stop conditions define the beginning and end of each packet,so the data is interrupted during transmission. ##UART UART is a hardware communication protocol that uses asynchronous serial communication with configurable speed. Asynchronous means there is no clock signal to synchronize the output bits from the transmitting device going to the receiving end.
I2C stands for the inter-integrated controller. This is a serial communication protocol that can connect low-speed devices. It is a master-slave communication in which we can connect and control multiple slaves from a single master. In this,each slave device has a specific address.
i created a website with help of html i had been new to html and i learnt a few code and
created a website which changes colour when you click on button
the task was to build a cctv using esp cam materials used 1 espcam 2 fdti programmer i build the circuit and connected fdti programmer for programming esp cam and i recorded a small video of the lab . the esp cam is a very versatile device which can be used in all projects which need a camera and it can also be used for machine learning and image proccesing applications
## task 5 # Sending data to ThingSpeak the aim was to use the esp32 and dht11 sensor and to post the data of a temperature sensor to the Thingspeak Website using its api and display the graph of temp vs time and after processing retrieve the data back from the website. material dht11 sensor esp32 i had build the circuit and made a code which updates the data frequently using things speak library and made a UI which shows temperature and humidity.   ## task6 # Communication using I2C protocol the aim was to Send data from Esp32 to Arduino via I2C protocol and display a message on the lcd screen by typing the message using the webserver hosted on the esp32. and to learn avout I2C protocol i build a circuit which shows the numbers which you type on esp32 webserver and it is been displayed in a lcd display which is connected to arduino UNO uno and esp32 are connected via I2C protocol  the aim was to Set up an ESP32 to flash morse code using an led making use of the message sent by the webserver hosted on the esp32.
i connected led to esp32 and uploaded a code which makes the led to blink which depicts a morse code the code consisted of a array which has letters assigned to morse code with '_','.' which shows the on and off time of the led by this way we can communicate secretly
the aim of the task was to Measure the moisture level of the soil in the pot using the capacitive soil moisture sensor and display the moisture level on the serial monitor or on the LCD screen. Give an alert to the user if the soil moisutre level is below a certain level.
i had build a circuit which had capcitive soil moisture sensor which displayed the moisture content in soil using a esp32 and the capasitive sensor donot expose and metals so it is not rusted this is a good advantage campared to resistive sensor
the aim was to Measure heart rate and blood oxygen levels using MAX30100 sensor and display the results on an Android Application using MIT App Inventor. i had rigged up the ckt and made a app in mit app inventer and displayed the readings from esp webserver .