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Saher's EV-RE-001 course work. Lv 3



2 / 10 / 2024

Task-1: LTspice and KiCad:

This task required us to get familiar with softwares like LTSpice and KiCad. LTSpice is used to simulate and analyze electronic circuits, especially for verifying analog and mixed-signal designs. KiCad is an open-source software used for designing electronic schematics and printed circuit boards (PCBs). I understood and got familiar with LTSpice and was able to build a 555 timer circuit.

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KiCad was one of the more challenging tasks for me personally as it required a lot of patiences and time. But when I finally finished the PCB, it felt like true success :)

Steps to make a blinky in KiCad: 1.Installation and creation of a new project. 2. Schematic Design: This involves placing the components and creating a circuit. 3. Assign Footprints to Components: Footprints guide the machine or person assembling the board on how to place and solder the parts. 4. Desiging the PCB: This includes routing the tracks 5. Finishing the layout and 3D viewing: This includes generating files

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Task-2: Speed control of DC motor

This task required us to control the speed of a dc motor using a dual H-Bridge L293D motor driver and a potentiometer. An H-Bridge is a circuit that allows a voltage to be applied across a motor in either direction, enabling forward and reverse operation. The "H" shape is formed by four switches that control the flow of current. The speed of the motor can be controlled using a potentiometer and a motor driver. Find the code here
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Task-3: Direction Control of a Motor

This task required us to control the direction of a dc motor using a dual H-Bridge L293D motor driver and a potentiometer. Two Input Pins (IN1 and IN2) determine the direction of the motor's rotation. By adjusting the logic on these pins, the motor can spin forward or reverse. Find the code here
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Task-4: Point Turn of a Vehicle

A point turn refers to the ability of a vehicle to rotate around its own axis (on the spot) without needing to move forward or backward. A point turn can be achieved by making one wheel move forward and the other move backward, this causes the vehicle to rotate around its center point. A point turn is useful for enabling precise, on-the-spot directional changes in vehicles or robots, especially in tight or confined spaces. Find the code here
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Task-5: Temperature Detection

The task required us to learn and understand the working of a lm35 temperature sesnsor.The LM35 outputs a voltage of 10 mV for each degree Celsius of temperature. For example, at 25°C, the output voltage will be 250 mV (0.25 V). Therefore, the LM35 is a precision temperature sensor that provides an analog output voltage proportional to the temperature. This was a pretty simple and straightforward task which allowed me to understanding how temperature can be determined from volatges.

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Task-6: Temperature and Humidity Detection

The task required us to learn and understand the working of a DHT11 sesnsor.The DHT11 is a digital sensor that measures both temperature and humidity. The DHT11 contains a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the air. The sensor captures the surrounding temperature and humidity and sends the data as a digital signal. The Lm35 is an analog output sensor whereas the DTH11 sensor is a digital output. I have previously worked with the DHT11 sensor so i found this task pretty easy.

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Task-7: Understanding 555 Timer And LDR

The 555 Timer is a versatile integrated circuit (IC) commonly used in various timing, delay, and oscillation applications. This task required us to construct an automated headlight setup, using an NE555 (IC1) and a LDR. LDR stands for Light Dependent Resistor, it changes its resistance based on light. Therefore a 555 timer can be used to turn the light on when the LDR reads and outputs a value of LOW, that is, when it is dark.

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Task-8: Automatic Door Opener System

This task required us to build an automated door opener system that detects individuals or objects using a PIR sensor and smoothly opens and closes the door using a servo motor, providing convenience and accessibility. A PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor is an electronic sensor that detects motion by measuring changes in infrared (IR) radiation in its environment. When motion is detected, the Arduino will activate the servo motor to smoothly open the door.
Watch the working here---

Task-9: Solar Panel

Solar panels are essentially made out of semiconductor diodes. Exposure to light induces voltage due to the photovoltaic effect. Hence by using a few diodes we can get a voltage across them by shining a light.
More about photovoltaic effect: When photons from sunlight hit the diode, they transfer energy to the electrons in the semiconductor material, hence knocking an electron free from its atom, creating an electron-hole pair. The internal electric field at the p-n junction drives the free electrons to the n-type side and the holes to the p-type side which sets up a voltage across the junction.

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Task-10: Solar Tracker

In this task we had to create a solar tracker that turned its direction based on sunlight. This can be done by using LDRs (Light Dependent Resistors), a servo motor and and arduino. LDR is a type of resistor whose value varies depending on light. When light hits the surface of the LDR, the photons excite electrons in the semiconductor material. This excitation increases the number of free electrons, reducing the LDR's resistance and allowing more current to pass through. Through the LDR readings, the arduino rotates the servo motor to track the light.
Watch the working here

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Task-11: BLDC Motor And Hall Effect Sensor

A Hall Effect sensor varies its output voltage in response to a magnetic field. The Hall voltage is proportional to the strength of the magnetic field, which allows the sensor to detect magnetic field variations. Unlike in a brushed DC motor that uses brushes to switch the direction of the current through the motor windings, a Brushless DC (BLDC) motor is a type of electric motor that uses electronic commutation to control the movement of the rotor.
A BLDC motor contains a permanent magnet in its rotor, which generates a magnetic field. Hence by using a magnet on a rotating part, Hall Effect sensors can measure rotational speed.
Watch the working here

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K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01