2 / 10 / 2024
Task-1: LTspice and KiCad:
This task required us to get familiar with softwares like LTSpice and KiCad. LTSpice is used to simulate and analyze electronic circuits, especially for verifying analog and mixed-signal designs. KiCad is an open-source software used for designing electronic schematics and printed circuit boards (PCBs). I understood and got familiar with LTSpice and was able to build a 555 timer circuit.
KiCad was one of the more challenging tasks for me personally as it required a lot of patiences and time. But when I finally finished the PCB, it felt like true success :)
Steps to make a blinky in KiCad: 1.Installation and creation of a new project. 2. Schematic Design: This involves placing the components and creating a circuit. 3. Assign Footprints to Components: Footprints guide the machine or person assembling the board on how to place and solder the parts. 4. Desiging the PCB: This includes routing the tracks 5. Finishing the layout and 3D viewing: This includes generating files