Common Tasks Report
20 / 7 / 2024
Task-1: 3D Printing
3D printing was definitely the most exciting task. This task required us to download an STL file, slice it and then print it. Through this task I understood the working of a 3D printer and STL files and slicing it.
For my task, I downloaded an STL file from and used creality to resize and slice it. Watching the 3D printer in action and just staring at it was super fun :)

Task-2: API
Through this task I understood what APIs are and how they work. I got to explore the vast variety of APIs that one could use and also learnt about API keys. Using the openweather website and by using a video reference, I created a weather application. 

It seemed like a lot of work at first as I wanted to change the interface, but once I followed a reference it became a lot easier. For the weather icons I used the fontawesome website where I learnt how to use kits.
Task-3: Working with Github
The goal of this task was to understand the functioning of github and to familiarize ourself with GitHub integrated workflows (GitHub actions), Issues, and pull requests.
This task was pretty straightforward. As access to the main repository was restricted it had to be forked to make changes in the code. I found an error and debugged the code and proposed to the main project through a pull request.
Task-4: Get familiar with the command line on ubuntu
In this task we were required to get familiar with the command line. The first subtask was to create a folder and change its directory. Then create a blank file and display the files in the folder. The last subtask was to create 2600 folders in that folder where each folder is named like M90 or B56 etc.
- To create a folder: mkdir folder_name (mkdir stands for make directory)
- To change directory: cd folder_name
- To create a blank file: touch blankfile.txt
- To list the contents: ls
- To create 2600 folders: mkdir -p name{1..2600} (where, -p creates a parent directory)
- To create two files with text: echo "content" > file_name.txt
- To concatenate the files: cat file1.txt file2.txt

Task-5: Writing Resource Article using Markdown
This task required us to write an article on any topic using Markdown. I chose to write it on Neutrinos because I saw it in an episode of Modern Family and found it interesting. It was really interesting and fun to research about the topic and write an article of my own. I learnt the basic syntax of markdown and understood its application.
Task-6: Tinkercad
The aim of this task was to familiarize ourselves with Tinkercad. This was something completely new to me and I got to explore Tinkercad and understand how important it can be in real life applications.

We also had to create a radar system utilizing an ultrasonic sensor and servo motor to detect objects within a certain range. The ultrasonic sensor uses sound waves to measures the time taken for it to bounce back, while the servo motor rotates the sensor to cover a wider area.
- The distance is calculated by sending a trigger pulse from the ultrasonic sensor, waiting for the echo to receive it back, and measures the time it takes for the pulse to return.
- Distance = (speed x time)/2
Task-7: 555 Timer
The 555 timer is an integrated circuit (IC) used in various timer, delay, pulse generation, and oscillator applications. In this task we had to design a 555 astable multivibrator with a duty cycle of 60%. Duty cycle refers to the proportion of time the output signal is in the high state compared to the total period of the signal.

The reristors and capacitors to be used can be calculated using the below formulae:
- t1= 0.693 (R1 + R2)C
- t2=0.693 R2 x C
- T = t1 + t2= 0.693 (R1 + 2R2)C
Task-8: Speed Control of DC Motor
Through this task I understood the control of DC motors using the L298N motor driver and the Arduino board. This was my first time working with an Arduino board so it seemed very intimidating at first. But with the help of tutorials I understood the basics. I struggled to get the desired output at first and spent a long time trying to figure out what was wrong. After a lot of trial and error, I finally succeeded :)

Task-9: Karnaugh Maps and Deriving the logic circuit
A Karnaugh map (K-map) is a visual tool used in Boolean algebra and digital logic design to simplify expressions. This was a topic I was very familiar with. Through this task I was able to use a topic I knew and actually implement it in an application.

The alarm buzzes when the door is unlocked without pressing the key i.e., for the 1(Door) 0(Key) condition. Through K-map it can be simplified to Door AND (Key)'. It can be implemented by using a push-button, an alarm or an led along with a NOT and AND gate.
Task-10: Soldering Prerequisites
A perf board, also called as a Perforated Circuit Boards or dot PCB is used to solder an led circuit containing a resistor and an led. The temperature is set to 300 and the solder iron (or the hand-held tool) is used to melt the solder. This task was really fun and interesting.

Task-11: Active Participation
I had participated in the Electroauction event conducted during impetus along with my friends and managed to secure the 1st place. In this event we had to buy electronic components from an auction and build the most possible circuits in the given time frame. I am looking into courses for python and will hopefully register for one soon.

Task-12: Datasheet report writing
L293D motor driver
The L293D is a popular motor driver integrated circuit (IC) used for controlling the direction and speed of DC motors. It is widely used in robotics and embedded systems due to its ability to control two motors independently.
The L293D contains two H-bridge drivers internally. Each H-bridge consists of four transistors and diodes to protect against back EMF generated by the motor. The IC uses bipolar transistors, which are controlled by the input logic signals.
- Transistors: Act as switches to control the direction of current flow through the motor.
- Diodes: Protect the transistors from voltage spikes caused by the inductive load of the motor.
Specification | Value |
Operating Voltage | 4.5V to 36V |
Output Current | 600 mA per channel (peak up to 1.2A) |
Number of Channels | 2 (dual H-bridge) |
Control Logic Voltage | 5V |
Operating Temperature Range | 0°C to 70°C |
The L293D uses an H-bridge configuration to control the direction and speed of DC motors. The H-bridge is a circuit design that allows voltage to be applied across a load in either direction. This is achieved by using four switches (transistors) that can be controlled in pairs to create different paths for current flow, thus changing the motor's direction.
H-Bridge Configuration:
Forward Rotation: To rotate the motor forward, switches S1 and S4 are closed, and S2 and S3 are open.
Reverse Rotation: To rotate the motor in reverse, switches S2 and S3 are closed, and S1 and S4 are open.
Stop: All switches are open.

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM):
PWM is a technique used to control the speed of the motor by varying the width of the pulses applied to the motor. PWM works by switching the power supplied to the motor on and off at a high frequency. The speed of the motor is controlled by the ratio of the time the power is on (high) to the time the power is off (low). This ratio is known as the duty cycle. When the duty cycle is high, the motor receives more power, making it run faster. When the duty cycle is low, the motor receives less power, hence making it run slower.
The number of PWM cycles per second. Common frequencies for motor control are in the range of 1 kHz to 20 kHz.