19 / 7 / 2024
Name: Manu Kalyani
Branch: AIML, 4th semester
Batch: 5
Got insights about API(Application Programming Interface).In which it is a set of rules and protocols for building and interacting with software applications, Which helped in building a Weather App Using the Open Weather API.
GitHub is web-based platform used primarily for version control and collaborative software development. It uses Git, a distributive version control system, to manage and track changes in code. By which I got to learn about GitHub integrated workflows(GitHub actions), Issues, and pull requests with this task.
Kaggle contests are the data science and machine learning challenges where participants compete to solve complex problems using datasets provided by companies or organization.
Using pandas and matplotlib, and a dataset, Plotted a line graph, bar graph, and a hexbin graph.
Using HTML and CSS created a responsive website to showcase my portfolio. Where it features a clean and responsive design, including sections for an introduction, projects, and contact information.
My portfolio website:
Markdown is a easy-to-use markup language that is used with plain text to add formatting elements to plain text without the use of a formal text editor or the use of HTML and CSS. Here I wrote an article on the topic Importance of Skill Building using markdown.
Learned about to create 3D designs, electronics, and coding projects in an online platform, which is Tinkercad.
Steps followed:
Learned about the importance of soldering and about the Soldering equipment, the solder, the soldering wick, flux, etc.
Created a burglar alarm using simple logic circuits with AND gate. And elements required are as follows: