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Naveen's D-P-001 course work. Lv 1

This Report is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.


2 / 1 / 2025


Task 1:3-D Printing

Aim: To learn and use 3D Printer. Slice an STL file and print a 3D model. Learn about the PLA used in 3D printer.

Polyactic acid (PLA) is the material used in 3D printer . It can be printed lower at less than 210°C.

Nozzle Temperature: The temperature should be maintained at 200°C.

Bed Temperature: For best results the bed Temperature should be maintained between 50°C to 60°C.

Printers in MARVEL: Creality Ender V3 and Creality Ender Smart CR-10 smart pro.

I printed a Talisman stone .

Task 2:API

Aim: API and it’s application. How to use an API.

An API or Application programming Interface is a software interface that allows different programs to communicate and share data. APIs are used in many online actions and transactions, such as browsing an ecommerce site or making a mobile payment.

Why API is important?

  • Communication: APIs enable different software systems to "talk" to each other
  • Data Exchange: They allow for the seamless transfer of information between applications.

I have made an API Project that generates random Pokémon.

Link to the repository:link

Video Link : video

Task 3: Working with Git Hub

Aim: To Familiarize the usage of Github

GitHub is a website and cloud-based service that assists developers in storing and managing code, as well as tracking and controlling changes to their code

I have learnt how to create a repository, to give a pull request and making a fork in the repository.

The Task was to make the correction in the main code.

The link of the repository: LINK

Task 4: Getting familiar with command line on Ubuntu

Aim: To create 2600 folders and concatenate the 2 files.

I learnt the basic commands used in Ubuntu such as

  • ls : List Directory contents
  • cd: Change directory
  • pwd: print working directory
  • mkdir: make Directory
  • cat: catenation and display of file

Then I created a file named “test” .Using the above commands I created 2600 folders .

Then I concatenate the both files.

Task 5: Kaggle contest

Aim: To create a Kaggle account and to join a competition on Titanic survival.

Kaggle is a platform which organises data science competitions globally.

My task was to predict the survival of passengers in the Titanic shipwreck according to their age, gender, relationship and ticket price.

I got familiar how to use ML .and submitted my Prediction and got a score of 0.7751

Task 7: Create a Portfolio Webpage

Aim: To create a Portfolio for myself and reflects my career.

I had learnt how to work with HTML and CSS. I also how to do frame work of my portfolio so that it works correctly.

HTML – Hyper text Markup Language is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in web browser.

CSS -Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for specifying the presentation and styling of a document written in a Markdown language.

Github repository:[task] (

Task 8: Writing a Resource article using Markdown Language

Aim: Learn how to write a article using Markdown language

At the beginning , I learnt how to create a file extension for Markdown. Then I learnt how to use the font size for headings. Then I learnt to upload videos and images in the Markdown file.

I should upload the photo in github Then I should copy the link od the image with extension “ ![]”.

I have written a resource article about L293D Motor driver and I have specified it’s characteristics.

Github repository: link

Task 9: Tinkercad

Aim: To create and simulate the circuit in the reference video.

I created my Tinkercad account and simulated some basic circuits .The circuit in the reference video it shows measuring the distance using Arduino Uno, Servo Motor and Ultra sonic Sensor.

Link for simulation:SIMULATION

Task 10: Speed control of DC Motor

Aim: To control a DC motor using L298N H-Bridge and Arduino Uno.

Arduino Uno supplies the signal to the Motor driver which has H-bridge. The L298N H-bridge varies the duty cycle so that the speed varies.

The H-bridge works on the principle of pulse width Modulation.

I have simulated the particular Task in Tinkercad also.

Link for simulation:


Task 11: LED Toggle using ESP32

Aim: Using ESP 32 microcontroller, toggle the LED.

ESP 32 is microcontroller which has built-in WiFi which helps controlling the output of the circuit.

I connected the GPIO pins 26 and 27 to the LEDs. In the Arduino IDE , I connected to my wifi network and set the baud rate at 112600.

When I press the enable pin the IDE generates a IP Address and using that IP address , we are toggling the LED.

Task 13: Soldering Prerequisite

Aim: To learn the basic of soldering

Soldering is a process in which two or more metal items are joined together by melting and then flowing a filler metal into the joint—the filler metal having a relatively low melting point.

Soldering is used to form a permanent connection between electronic components.

Solder is an alloy of tin and lead. The ideal composition is 60% tin and 40% lead. Soldering iron needed to heated till the melting point of the solder .The soldering iron should be sanded and flux needed to be taken ,in order to prevent oxidation of the soldering iron.

The Task is a basic soldering of a LED and a resistor.

Task 13: IC 555

Aim: Using IC 555 timer obtain 60% duty cycle.

The 555 Timer IC got its name from the three 5KΩ resistors that are used in its voltage divider network. This IC is useful for generating accurate time delays and oscillations.

Application of IC 555:

The IC 555 timer is a versatile integrated circuit with a wide range of applications in electronics. It can be used in various modes, including astable (free-running) mode, monostable (one-shot) mode, and bistable (latch) mode.

Astable Mode:

* Oscillators: Generates periodic signals with adjustable frequency and duty cycle.

* Pulse Generators: Produces square wave or rectangular pulses.

* Clock Circuits: Provides timing signals for digital systems.

* Tone Generators: Creates audio tones with variable pitch.

* Security Alarms: Triggers alarms based on timing intervals.

Monostable Mode:

* Timers: Creates time delays for various applications.

* Pulse Shapers: Converts input pulses into specific durations.

* Touch Switches: Detects touch input and generates a timed pulse.

* Missing Pulse Detectors: Monitors pulse trains and triggers an alarm if a pulse is missing.

Bistable Mode:

* Latch Circuits: Stores a binary state (0 or 1).

* Set-Reset Flip-Flops: Implements basic logic functions.

Other Applications:

* Voltage-to-Frequency Converters: Converts analog voltages into digital frequencies.

* Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Generators: Controls the duty cycle of a signal for applications like motor speed control and dimming LEDs.

* Capacitance Measurement: Measures the value of a capacitor based on its charging time.

* Temperature Sensors: Uses a thermistor to measure temperature based on the frequency of the 555 timer.

The versatility of the IC 555 timer makes it a popular choice for a wide range of electronic projects, from simple circuits to complex systems.

I also simulated the circuit Tinkercad :simulation

By the calculation , the ratio of resistors is 1:2. I obtained a duty cycle of 59.65%.

Task 14: Karnaugh mapping

Aim: To obtain the logic for the alarm system and simulate in tinkercad.

K-map (Karnaugh Map)

A Karnaugh map (K-map) is a graphical method used to simplify Boolean expressions. It's a visual representation of a truth table, organized in a specific way to make it easier to identify and group common terms.

Key Concepts:

* Cells: Each cell in the K-map represents a unique combination of input variables.

* Adjacent Cells: Cells that differ by only one variable are considered adjacent. This is crucial for grouping terms.

* Grouping: The goal is to group adjacent cells containing 1s into the largest possible groups of powers of 2 (1, 2, 4, 8, etc.).

* Simplified Expression: The grouped cells represent the simplified Boolean expression, where each group corresponds to a product term.

Link for Tinkercad simulation:simulation

Task 15: Active Participation

I have enrolled into a course in Udemy for Complete electronics hardware design course.

Task 16: Datasets report writing

The requirements for a datasheet can vary depending on the specific product or component being described. However, there are some general requirements that most datasheets should include:

  • Product Identification
  • Description
  • Technical specification
  • Electrical specification
  • Environmental specification

I have written a report on L293D Motor driver.

I have specified about PWM (pulse width Modulation), duty cycle and H-bridge.

Link : LINK

Task 17: Introduction to VR

I had an opportunity to experience VR for the first time. I learnt how to control with joystick and experience for 30 minutes

Here is glimpse of it :[LINK] (

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01