3 / 7 / 2024
The project aimed to create a Simon Says game using the ESP32 microcontroller. The ESP32 known for its versatility and connectivity options and was chosen for this project. Familiarization: I familiarized myself with the ESP32 microcontroller and its capabilities. Research: I referred to provided resources and online documentation to understand the circuit connections and coding requirements. Implementation: I connected LEDs and a buzzer to the ESP32 microcontroller according to the schematic.Testing I thoroughly tested the game to ensure correct functionality and user feedback. Understanding code: Initially&comma understanding the code for game logic and interaction was challenging. Successful implementation after iterations of coding and testing&comma I successfully developed a functioning Simon Says game with the ESP32 The project demonstrated the feasibility of creating interactive games using the ESP32 microcontroller. I overcame challenges and developed a fully functional Simon Says game. This project underscores the potential of microcontrollers in creating engaging applications.
MQTT is a lightweight publish-subscribe messaging protocol designed for low-bandwidth and high-latency or unreliable networks, making it ideal for IoT applications. In MQTT, there are two main entities ,publishers and subscribers. Publishers are responsible for sending messages & comma while subscribers receive messages. MQTT allows for the retention of the last message sent on a topic. When a new subscriber connects to a topic & comma it can receive the most recent message published on that topic
This project aimed to develop a simple website with a toggle feature using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I created the structure of the website using HTML tags comma including buttons and containers. Applied CSS styles to enhance the appearance of the website. Implemented JavaScript code to add interactivity to the website, defining event listeners and toggle functions. Learning JavaScript syntax and concepts, especially related to event handling and DOM manipulation was bit complex and hard. I Improved understanding of front-end web development concepts including HTML, CSS,and JavaScript. Creating a toggle website with HTML,CSS and JavaScript was a valuable learning experience.
The project involved exploring the ESP32 CAM module to understand its features and capabilities. I utilized online resources to learn about hardware connections and communication protocols specific to the ESP32 CAM. I connected the ESP32 CAM module to the computer using an FTDI programmer for programming and communication. I faced challenges during the code uploading process, particularly with the ESP32 CAM module. I will furthur Continue exploring ESP32 CAM module and its applications&comma, focusing on resolving communication and uploading issues.
The project utilized an ESP32 microcontroller connected to a temperature sensor to collect real-time temperature readings. The collected data was then transmitted to the ThingSpeak platform using its API for storage and visualization. After processing the data on ThingSpeak&comma ,a graph depicting temperature versus time was displayed on the platform. Finally, the processed data was retrieved from ThingSpeak for further analysis. Utilized the ThingSpeak platform to visualize the collected temperature data in the form of a graph. It was wonderful learning experiance with the thingspeak.
The primary objective of the project was to demonstrate the utilization of an ESP32 microcontroller to receive messages via a web server and convert them into Morse code signals to control an LED. By completing this project, I aimed to enhance my understanding of ESP32 programmingand web server hosting, and Morse code encoding.The received messages were encoded into Morse code signals and the corresponding LED was flashed accordingly. By completing this project. I have gained valuable insights into ESP32 programming.
By completing this project,I aimed to enhance my understanding of I2C communication and web server programming.The project utilized an ESP32 microcontroller as a web server to receive messages typed by the user. The received messages were then sent to an Arduino via the I2C protocol. The Arduino interpreted the messages and displayed them on an LCD screen connected to it. Enhanced understanding of I2C communication principles and their application in inter-microcontroller communication.
This project utilized a capacitive soil moisture sensor to measure the moisture content of the soil in a pot. The sensor output was processed by a microcontroller to determine the moisture level. The system monitored the moisture level and generated an alert if it fell below a predefined threshold. Studied the principles of operation and characteristics of capacitive soil moisture sensors. I was able to enhanced understanding of soil moisture sensing principles and sensor calibration techniques. This also made me to explor integration with IoT platforms for remote monitoring and control of soil moisture levels.
The primary objective of the project was to design and implement a portable monitoring system for heart rate and blood oxygen levels.By completing this project&comma I aimed to gain practical experience in sensor interfacing&comma ESP32 application development and real-time data communication between hardware and software components. The project utilized the MAX30100 sensor, which combines a sensor and an infrared LED to measure heart rate and blood oxygen saturation levels.Studied the principles of operation and characteristics of the MAX30100 sensor for heart rate and blood oxygen monitoring. I was able to check my pulse rate and it was normal ,I felt happy for that . I was able to check other people pulse rate and different values.