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Bhuvan's EV-RE-001 course work. Lv 3



25 / 1 / 2023

Task 1: LTspice and Kicad

Date: October 03, 2022

Aim: To Figure out how to use LTspice. Design and simulate a astable multivibrator using 555 timer.

Software used: LTspice

Circuit diagram and output waveform:


The capacitor voltage for a low pass RC circuit subjected to a step input of VCC volts is given by

vc = VCC (1- e -t/RC)

The time t1 taken by the circuit to charge from 0 to 2/3 of Vcc is

(2/3) VCC = VCC (1- e -t1/RC) or t1 = 1.09 RC

The time t2 taken by the circuit to charge from 0 to 1/3 of Vcc is

(1/3) VCC = VCC (1- e -t2/RC) or t2 = 0.405 RC

so tHIGH = t1 - t2 tHIGH = 1.09 RC - 0.405 RC => 0.69RC

so for the given circuit, tHIGH = 0.69(RA + RB )C

Here let C = 0.01uF , RA = 10K and RB = 100K

Thus tHIGH = 0.759 ms

The output is low while the capacitor discharges from (2/3)Vcc to (1/3)Vcc

(1/3) VCC = (2/3)VCC (1- e -t/RC)

Then tLOW = 0.69 RB C Thus tLOW = 0.69 ms


Understood how to use LTspice software and using IC555 in this software how to implement astable multivibrator .

Date: October 12, 2022

Aim: To Figure out working of Kicad and use it to make a simple led blinking circuit.

Software used: Kicad software


1.Schematic symbol is a symbolic representation of an actual physical circuit.

2.Footprint is a physical thing to which we solder stuff to.

3.Resistors : SMD 0.8 inch x 0.5inch 4.Surface mount battery holder S8211 - 48R


1.Schematic Symbol Creation

2.Making The Schematic

  1. Associating Symbol and Footprint

  2. Creating A Custom Footprint

  3. Finishing The Layout


1.Understood how to use Kicad software.

2.A simple LED blinking circuit is implemented using this software

Task 2 : Speed control of DC motor

Aim : To Learn about the dual H-Bridge L293D motor driver and control the speed of the dc motor shaft

Software used : TinkerCad

Components used : Components 5V DC motors 2, Arduino Uno 1, motor controller module L293D chip - 1, Battery 9V - 1, potentiometer 10K ohm - 1, Jumper wire few,

Circuit connections in TinkerCad :

TinkerCad Link :

Task 3 : Direction Control of a Motor

Aim : To Learn about the dual H-Bridge L293D motor driver and control the direction of the dc motor shaft

Software used : TinkerCad

Components used : Components 5V DC motors 2, Arduino Uno 1, motor controller module L293D chip - 1, Battery 9V - 1, potentiometer 10K ohm - 1, Jumper wire few,

Circuit connections in TinkerCad :

TinkerCad Link :


1.Learned about the dual H-Bridge L293D motor driver from the following youtube channel.

2.Learned the circuit connections and arduino code from the resources provided.

Task 4 :Point Turn of a Vehicle

Date: 6 January 2023

Aim : Achieve point turn of a vehicle, use the knowledge accumulated from previous tasks.

Components used : Components 5V DC motors 2, Arduino Uno 1, motor controller module L293D chip - 1, Battery 9V - 1, potentiometer 10K ohm - 1, Jumper wire few

Implementation: To achieve the point turn of a vehicle I made the both the wheels of the vehicle to move forward at first and later after certain interval of time made them both of them to turn in opposite direction in the code. To make it to turn smoothly I used a ball wheel.

Problems faced: At first I used all 4 normal wheels even though the vehicle turned it was not a point turn so to improve it I used a ball wheel.

Task 5 :Ultrasonic Sensor

Date: 5 January 2023

Aim : The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor is a sensor used for detecting the distance to an object using sonar. Using HC SR-04, make an obstacle avoiding vehicle.

Components used : Components 5V DC motors 2, Arduino Uno 1, motor controller module L293D chip - 1, Battery 9V - 1, potentiometer 10K ohm - 1, Jumper wire few, Ultrasonic sensor - HC-SR04

Implementation: To implement the object avoiding bot I fixed a ultrasonic sensor in front of the bot and set a threshold distance in the code such that whenever if the distance measured by the sensor is less than the threshold distance only any one wheel should move reverse and the other should stop such that the bot should come back for certain interval of time and continue to move forward as before.

Reference or Resources used:

Ultrasonic sensor pin out Learnt the basic working of the sensor from this video below:

Task 6 : Temperature Detection

Date : 18 November 2022

Aim : To Measure temperature using an lm35 temperature sensor and Arduino and display it on the serial monitor. Measure temperature readings of air around soldering gun tip taken at intervals of 5 seconds and turn a led on using BJT as a switch when the temp crosses a certain threshold.

Software used : TinkerCad, Arduino ide.

Components used : Temperature sensor- LM 35 ,Arduino Uno- 1 ,LED -1 Resistor- 1K ohm -1, Breadboard -1, Jumper wire -few

Circuit connections in TinkerCad :

TinkerCad Link :

References: 1.Learned about the LM 35 temperature sensor from the following youtube channel. And Learned the circuit connections and arduino code from the resources provided.

Problem faced: Confusion in the pin configuration of the sensor

Task 7 : Temperature and Humidity Detection

Date : 22 December 2022

Aim: The DHT11 is a basic, low cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. Measure temperature and humidity using dht11 and display the readings on a LCD display.

Components used: Components used: Temperature sensor- DHT 11 ,Arduino Uno- 1, Resistor- 1K ohm -1, Breadboard- 1, Jumper wire -few.

Implementation: Here to measure the temperature and humidity a digital sensor is used, and the output is displayed on a 16*2 lcd display.

Problems faced: Was not able to display the output in lcd screen so i reffered the below video for connection of lcd with arduino


1.Learned about the dht11 sensor and its working.

2.Was able to implement the output in an lcd screen.

Task 8: BLDC Motor And Hall Effect Sensor

Aim: Measure the speed of a BLDC motor using a hall effect sensor and display it on the serial monitor.

Components Requried: Hall Effect Sensor module - 1, 5V DC Fan/Blower-1, Arduino Uno - 1, Neodymium magnets 5mm x 1mm - 3, Breadboard - 1

Implementation: This experiment using a 5V blower fan, hall sensor, and neodymium magnet attached to the fan. The setup allowed us to print out values for the approximate RPM of the fan, which can give us a more accurate idea of the flow rate of the fan. Tachometers are very useful for measuring speeds of various parts in mechanical systems like aircraft and automobiles. This method of tachometer: a contactless, interference resistant.

Theory Background: The hall effect, in short, is a relationship between electric and magnetic fields through a semiconductor that allows electricity to flow when a magnetic field is applied within the vicinity of a given hall sensor. Unipolar sensors are great for scenarios where only one pole of magnet is needed. This allows us to stick a magnet to a moving object and as it cycles through its rotation, each time it passes the hall sensor, the hall sensor registers its passing and we can say that one period has been completed.

Problems faced: For the better results the magnets should be sticked to the middle of the fan rather than on the blades. The distance between the magnet and the sensor should be less than 3cm.

Task 9: Battery Capacity Measurement

Aim: Construct a battery undercharge monitor: Monitor the voltage of a Li-ion battery connected to a load and cut off the current to the load using MOSFET as a switch. Custom: overcharge and/or current protection.

Components Required: Arduino -1, Lcd display -1 , n-channel Mosfets - 2, resistors, 10k potentiomete ires and li-ion battery 3v.

References: For the theory background and the arduino code i have reffered to the following website

Outcomes: Was able to measure the voltage of the li-ion battery used and display it on lcd. And also verified the measured voltage using multimeter.

Task 10: Battery Charging

Date: 21 January 2023

Aim: Charge the Li-ion battery using solar panels.

Components Required: Solar panel 6 i - Ion charger board TP405 chottky diode ,Lithium - Ion battery, Lithium - Ion battery holder, wires.

Circuit Diagram:

Implementation: Connect positive terminal of solar cell to anode of diode. Connect negative terminal of diode to IN+ (input positive) of TP4056. Diode is used because of reverse current. Also connect negative terminal of solar cell to IN- (input negative) of TP4056. Finally connect battery, positive terminal of battery to BAT + of TP4056, similar negative terminal.

Outcomes: The li-ion battery got charged under the light.

Task 11 : Understanding 555 Timer And LDR

Date: 22 December 2022

Aim: Construct an automated headlight setup, using an NE555 (IC1) and a LDR(Light dependent resistor).

Components Required:

1.L.D.R (Light Dependent Resistor)

2.IC NE555 with Base

3.LED1 & LED 2 (Light Emitting Diode)

4.Variable Resistance of 47 KΩ

5.On/Off Switch

6.9v Battery with strip

7.47K Trimmer or Preset

8.330E Resistor

Circuit Diagram:

Implementation: LDR is a Light Dependent Resistor whose value depends on the quantity of the light which is falling on it. It has a resistance of almost 1 mega ohm when it is in total darkness, but its resistance is about 5k ohms when exposed to full brightness. The IC 555 timer is used to control the operations of the circuit which acts as a comparator circuit with pin 6 connected to the positive terminal. The output goes high when the pin no. 2 i.e trigger pin goes one-third of the supply voltage. Similarly, its output goes to low when output is above one-third of the voltage. For detection of the amount of light, LDR is used as a resistor to adjust the circuit voltage.

Outcomes: During the day the green led glows and during night red led glows in the experiment.

Task 12: Solar Panel

Date: 12 January 2023

Aim: Make a simple solar panel set-up using diodes

Components Required : Schottky diodes- readboard- ultimeter and Light.

Implementation: 5-6 schottky diodes are connected in parallel with all anodes connected to one node and similarly cathode connected to another node, when the set up is illuminated with light we observe a potential difference developing across the diodes using multimeter.

Problem Faced:

1.normal diodes did not work. results under sunlight.

Respective Videos and arduino code of all executed tasks are in the given drive link below

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01