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Vishal's AIR-001 course work. Lv 1

This Report is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

Vishal's Level 001 Report

2 / 1 / 2025

TASK 1: 3D Printing

Objective: To understand the working of 3D printer, from online sources. To learn about the Bed temperature and other priner settings.

1.PLA(Poly latic acid):

one of the most widely used plastics in the additive manufacturing sector. PLA is often considered to be a more sustainable thermoplastic since it does not come from finite resources, as is the case with petroleum, but is sourced from natural and renewable resources.

2.Bed Temperature:

PLA/PLA+ can be printed on an unheated bed, for best results we can maintain the bed temperature 50°C-60°C.

3.PLA prints best when rapidly cooled with the aid of your extruder's fan. This will ensure a clean, crisp layers with neat details. For the best surface resolution possible, set the extruder fan speed to 100%

4.Printing Speed:

For the better results from the 3D printer we should the speed at 55mm/s or lesst to achieve great surface resolution.

5.Post printing procedures:

a.Joining 3D printed parts
Cyanoacrylate glue (superglue) or two-stage epoxies are a great choice when joining PLA parts.
Except Nylon and PETG allmost all 3D printed parts can be painted.
PLA parts with progressively finer grades of sandpaper can result in super smooth surface finishes, but sanding process should be done slowly to prevent parts from breaking and melting because of the friction.
Due to time constraint on the lab i missed to print a model.In future i defenately print a model.

TASK 2: Kaggle Contest

Objective: To make a account in kaggle, visit to website and participate in machine learning competation. fist challenge is titanic ML competation and familiarize ourselves in the kaggle platform works. the competation is about to use machine learning to calculate the number of passengers survived in titanic shipwerk.

clickhere To open my work in kaggle
I have compeleted this competation with public score 0.77511 alt text

TASK 3: Portfolio webpage

Objective: To create an webpage describeing our portfolio.about myself,interests,projects,social media profiles and more. It should be responsive and CSS can be choice for framework.

I have learnt basics of CSS and HTML and how to use these language it was difficult because it was my first experience with this languages.
click here to view my portfolio websalt text

TASK 4: Writing Resource Article Using Markdown

Objective: To write an technical resource article Using markdown language.

I Wrote a resource article on the first mission by the ISRO (Indian Space Research And Organisation) alt text click Here To view my resource article

TASK 5: Tinkercad

Objective: To create an account in the tinkercad and make simple circuit to estimate the distance between the ultra sonic sensor and object.
components for the task alt text The connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram alt text The Look after connection alt text Outcomes&Learning:

1.working of ultrasonic sensor

alt text Ultrasonic sensors are electronic devices that calculate the target’s distance by emission of ultrasonic sound waves and convert those waves into electrical signals. The speed of emitted ultrasonic waves traveling speed is faster than the audible sound.
To know the distance between the target and the sensor, the sensor calculates the amount of time required for sound emission to travel from transmitter to receiver. The calculation is done as follows:
where, ‘T’ corresponds to time measured in seconds
'c' corresponds to speed of sound= 343 m/s
Ultrasonic sensor Working Principle
The working principle of the ultra sonic sensor is same as radar or sonar it produces high frequency of sound and analyze the echoes by sensors.
click here to view my circuit.
Video of the stimulation

TASK 6: Speed control of DC motor by using L298N driver

Understand the control DC motors using the L298N motor driver and the Arduino board. Using an UNO and H-Bridge L298N motor driver, control the speed of a 5V motor.
components required for the project alt text connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram alt text The circuit Look after all connections. alt text Outcomes&Learning:

1.working of L298N motor driver

alt text learnt about various parts and functions of the L298N Motor driver\

2.Speed Controlling Using an L298N Motor Driver

The speed of a DC motor can be controlled by changing its input voltage. A widely used technique to accomplish this is Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). PWM is a technique in which the average value of the input voltage is adjusted by sending a series of ON-OFF pulses. This average voltage is proportional to the width of the pulses, which is referred to as the Duty Cycle. The higher the duty cycle, the higher the average voltage applied to the DC motor, resulting in an increase in motor speed. The shorter the duty cycle, the lower the average voltage applied to the DC motor, resulting in a decrease in motor speed. Note: The pins in L298N driver which are responsible for speed control are ENA & ENB, these pins should be compulsorily connected to the PWM (~) ports of the Arduino UNO, so that PWM takes place.
Lab Performance: alt text Video of the task done in the lab

TASK 7:LED Toggle Using ESP32

Learn the working of an ESP32 and create a standalone web server with an ESP32 that controls the LED connected with ESP32 GPIOs.
Required components :
1.Two Resistors of 220Ω
2.One ESP32
3.Two LED Lights
connections are made as shown in the circuit alt text After feeding the required code into the ESP32 microcontroller enter the mobile hotspot credentials into the code & change the baud rate to 115200, later during the compilation of the code when you receive an IP address, paste the same into your browser and toggle the LED using the same website.
Performence of task in lab:

alt text video of the task in lab.

TASK 8: Soldering Prerequisites

To Learn about the soldering equipment and perform basic soldering on a perf board, for example a LED circuit.
It was my first experience with soldering of an LED light in the circuit.The precautionary thing is the temperature is to high so we should be careful while performing the task and wash our hands after soldering because the materials like alloy of lead.
Lab Performance : alt text video of the task done in lab.

TASK 9:555 IC astable multivibrator with 60% duty cycle

To Design a 555 IC astable multivibrator with 60% duty cycle.
Procedure: \

1.One 10kΩ Resistor
2.One 20kΩ (10+10)kΩ Resistor
3.One 555 IC timer
4.Two 0.01 uF capacitors
5.One VRPS- 5V
Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram alt text Outcomes&Learning:
I learnt the general working of the of 555 IC timer with truth table alt text
Formula to calulate the % of duty cycle alt text
We performed the task in the lab we got 59.44% perfomence alt text video of the task performance

TASK 10: Active Participation

To participate in the technical event
I have participated in the KAGADA 20 poster presentation and won first prize our topic is 3 way solution to tackle air polution alt text

TASK 11: Working with git hub

Familiarize yourself with GitHub integrated workflows (GitHub actions), Issues, and pull requests with this task. Given below is a git repository, go check it out and then perform the necessary tasks stated in the readme file as given in the MARVEL website.

  1. I have created an account on git hub.
  2. I learnt how to create and delete own repositories.
  3. I learnt to fork the given repository to my repository. alt text clickhere to view what changes i have done.

TASK 12: Working with Pandas and Matplotlib

By Using Pandas and Matplotlib, and a dataset of your choice, plot a line graph, bar graph, and scatter plot.
I learnt to plot line graph, bar graph and scatter plot.
Line Graph: alt text Bar graph:
I have ploted Fruit Sales Bar Graph alt text Scatter Graph: alt text


Learn the working of an API and its applications. Using any API of your choice, build a user interface (web app, mobile app, etc), where you can make calls and then display the necessary information. An example weather app is given below, using the open weather API.

I have made an open weather web page by using HTML and CSS alt text

TASK 14: K-Map & Deriving Logic Gates

To determine the Karnaugh map and create a burglar alarm using simple logic circuits and to push buttons for the door and key, and design the circuit based on the K-map.

A burglar alarm system is a network of sensors and devices that detect unauthorized entry into a building or vehicle.

let us make the following assumptions:

  • Let D denotes Door and open door denoted by 1 and closed door is denoted by 0.
  • Let k denotes key if key is used to open door is denoted by 1 and if key is not used to open door is denoted by 0.
  • Let A denotes burglar alarm and 1 denotes it is activated and 0 denotes it is not activated. Alaram works on the following truth table: alt text K-Map obtained from the given truth table: alt text Outcomes&Learning:
    The logic circuit representing as shown alt text Logic circuit in Simulator: alt text

TASK 15: Datasheets report Writing

To study the datasheet of L293D motor driver and write a report on it. Specify about the IC's used in L293D, PWM, H-Bridge etc. Outcomes&Learnings:
alt text H-Bridge circuit diagram using transistor alt text The motor driver act as amplifier which amplifies the input voltage to drive the motor L293D motor also H-bridge circuit used by transistor. The amplifier is used to amplifies the input voltage because the voltage is 5v of microcontroller. The motor driver is made up of H-bridge in which 4 switches as used. It is capable to drive the motor unidirectional and bidirectional.

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01