2 / 1 / 2025
This task provided me the opportunity to interact with a 3D printer. I created a model of the Porsche Taycan Turbo S using PLA (Poly Lactic Acid) filament. The printer technology used was FDM. The model was designed by downloading the STL file from Thingiverse and slicing it with Ultimaker software. The STL file was then transferred to the 3D printer via an SD card for printing.
Key Points:
In this task, I learned how APIs work by creating an API key using the OpenWeather API. I developed a weather app using HTML and CSS that predicts the current weather status of a given region. This task improved my understanding of API integration and enhanced my skills in HTML and CSS.
This task helped me become familiar with GitHub's integrated workflows like GitHub Actions, Issues, and Pull Requests. I forked the Spoon-Knife project, cloned it using GitBash, and created a new branch named Ranjithanidnalli. I then made changes to the main.py file, which had a bug due to a "+1" issue. After fixing the bug, I opened a pull request and successfully merged the changes.
I gained hands-on experience with the command line on Ubuntu by performing basic file operations. I created a folder named "ranjitha", added a blank file, and listed the contents of the folder. Additionally, I created 2600 subfolders and concatenated two text files containing random text. Below are the commands used:
I explored Python's Matplotlib and Pandas libraries to create visualizations like line graphs, bar graphs, and scatter plots from a random dataset. This task enhanced my skills in data visualization and analysis using Python.
I wrote an article on the application of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) using Markdown. The simplicity of Markdown allowed me to create a clean and organized article, ensuring readability and accessibility for my audience.
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I explored Tinkercad and created a circuit using an ultrasonic sensor and servo motor to estimate the distance between an obstacle and the sensor. I simulated the circuit and displayed the data on the serial monitor.
Circuit Theory:
The radar system uses an ultrasonic sensor and servo motor to detect objects by emitting sound waves. The servo motor rotates the sensor for a wider scan, providing an effective method for object detection and ranging.
I worked with the ESP32 development board and learned to control LEDs using an IP address. After uploading the LED toggle code to the ESP32 via the Arduino IDE, I successfully controlled the state of the LEDs.
Components Required:
I learned the art of soldering, including how to use a soldering iron, flux, soldering wick, and desoldering tools. I successfully soldered an LED to a pref board and powered it on with a battery.
Key Points:
I derived the truth table for a logic problem, which resembled an XOR gate. I then used a Karnaugh Map (K-map) to design a circuit that uses an XOR gate and buzzer. The buzzer activates when the door is open and the key is pressed or the key is not pressed and the door is closed.
I wrote a detailed report on the MQ135 gas sensor, including its specifications, applications, and how it operates.
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I actively participated in technical activities at the college level, including a poster presentation at the annual national fest KAGADA organized by IEEE. I also attended the Bangalore Tech Summit.
I created a responsive portfolio webpage using HTML and CSS and deployed it via GitHub.
GitHub repo click me
I participated in the Sad Server challenge, where I worked through Linux command-line puzzles to solve a command-line murder mystery. This task enhanced my problem-solving skills under time constraints.
This task involved a quiz about the history of aviation. It provided a fun and engaging way to learn about the key milestones and pioneers in aviation history.
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I used the Real drone Simulator to simulate flying a drone on my PC. This experience helped me learn essential drone maneuvers and understand environmental conditions that affect flight.
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I designed an airfoil using the NACA 4412 coordinates in Fusion 360. Using the DAT to spline converter, I created the airfoil sketch. Due to time constraints and software default I could not complete the simulation on time.