27 / 12 / 2024
I created a "Simon Says" game using ESP32, push buttons, and LEDs. The game blinked LEDs randomly, and I pressed the corresponding buttons. It restarted when I failed. After identifying and fixing issues during simulations, the task was successfully completed with Ashok.
I learned about the MQTT protocol and implemented a system to publish and subscribe to messages for controlling LEDs. This task introduced me to the core use cases of IoT communication using MQTT.
This task involved creating a website with a button to toggle the webpage's background color. It helped me understand the basics of front-end and back-end web development.
Using an ESP32-CAM, I created a web server to display camera data. The next step in this project is incorporating the ZXing library to scan barcodes.
I set up MQTT publishing and subscribing functionalities to control three LEDs based on messages. This task demonstrated seamless IoT communication and was completed with Ashok, a B5 student.
In this task, I posted temperature data to ThingSpeak using ESP32, visualizing and analyzing data trends over time.
I sent data from ESP32 to Arduino using the I2C protocol and displayed a message on an LCD screen. The message was typed using a web server hosted on ESP32.
I measured soil moisture levels using a capacitive soil moisture sensor. Data was displayed on an LCD, and an alert triggered when moisture dropped below a threshold.
This task involved creating a fire alarm system using ESP32 and fire sensors. Upon detecting fire, the ESP32 sent email alerts. Since the IFTTT-based system failed due to updates, I implemented an alternative solution.
I designed a system with a solenoid valve to water a plant when soil moisture dropped below a threshold. A relay controlled the valve.
I used an RFID reader to scan metro cards and display hex codes on an LCD. I also modified an outdated method from the Marvel website to successfully complete the task and shared it on Instructables.
I interfaced a DS3231 RTC module with ESP32 to display real-time data on a serial monitor.
Using the Telegram API, I created a bot to control motor direction with ESP32. This project showcased IoT integration with messaging apps.
I used voice commands with Alexa to control the on/off state of an LED bulb via ESP32. While some aspects of the project remain incomplete, it was an exciting exploration into smart assistant integration.