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T's D-P-001 course work. Lv 2


Task 1 Report

30 / 6 / 2024

Task 1

At first,I Applied fro autodesk FUSION 360 Student software and by using it i did the designing part which are required for Mechanical tasks.

1)Make basic gates using TTL logic.

This task was about how we design AND, OR gates using NPN transistors, using TinkerCAD. At first,I wrote the Truth table of OR & AND Gate. By the video reference,attached to this task,I understood more about designing Gates using transistor and what are the differences between OR & AND Gate designs by using transistor.The work of my task is attached And gate & OR Gate. Andgate OR Gate

2)Driving an N-channel MOSFET

This task was about how to design N Channel mosfet using Tinkercad.Firstly, I Understood Construction,Working of MOSFET & Differentiation between Enhancement and Depletion type MOSFETs.Later,I understood the difference between N Type and P Type the material used In MOSFETs & Why N type Enhancement MOSFET is preferred he most.The link to my work is attached here n type enhancement mosfet

3)3D Drafting

Task 1

In this task I Designed ALLEN key of required dimensions using FUSION 360.I Learnt mainly about sweep technique and fillet in FUSION 360 which is the main thing to design Allen Key. Allen key

4)2D Drawings in CAD.

In this,I Usually learnt how to draw the 2D Drawings of the required parts in Fusion 360.This task basically helped me in understanding the difference between the Drawing in A2 Paper and Fusion 360.The works of my task are attached below. 2D Drawing 1 2d drawing 2

5) Filter design.

This was actually tricky part ,as it required designing second order band pass filter using IC741 OF Cutoff range between 4kHz and 10KHz and a gain of 1.5.The formula to calculate the resistor and capacitor values of second order band pass filter was researched in the internet.A band pass filter is nothing but that allows only certain range of frequency and rejecting outside range frequencies.Formulas for caluclating voltage gain ,Lower frequency and upper frequency are: Voltage gain=-(R2/R1) Lower Frequency=1/(2* 3.14 * R1 * C1) Upper Frequency=1/(2* 3.14 * R2 * C2) filter1

6)3D Solid Modelling

I modeled different parts of machines using Extrude,Fillet.I learnt how to operate fillet & chamfer.I learnt how dimension play a major role in developmement of 3D Model. 3D DRAWING1 3d drawing 2 3d drawing3

7)TASK: 2D Drafting

The Sierpinski triangle, a mesmerizing fractal, is formed by endlessly removing smaller equilateral triangles from a larger one. Imagine starting with a whole triangle, scooping out its center, and repeating this for each remaining triangle. This infinitely detailed process results in a ghostly silhouette with a surprising property: its area shrinks to zero, while its perimeter becomes infinitely long. I manually found midpoints of the equilateral triangle and drew the Level 2 Sierpenski Triangle. sperskey triangle


I Implement and designed a full adder using 2x1 Multiplexers to generate sum and carry using open source circuit design software CircuitVerse .The most difficult part was to find out the correct truth table and implement accordingly the required logic. FULL ADDER Link to my simulation.

9)Sheet Metal

I designed the post box using the required sheet metal Enviornment.I understood how does sheet metal enviornment works and also it helped me in knowning Fusion 360 at more detail and importance of Blend,Flange. post office postoffic2 postoff3

10)Assembly and animation

I learnt how joints,join with butt joints actually work and also gained an little understating of animation.importance of silder,revolving etc.I designed quick return mechanism,which is a mechanical device that creates a reciporcating motion when return stroke is faster than forward stroke. assembley

11)Design and implement a 4bit ALU

This task was easy to do separately each operations in circuit verse, but difficult to merge and control it .Then i came to know about insert subcircuit operation in circuitverse which helped me a lot in connecting each operations and providing a control signal.The control signal helps in choosing the operation the user needs to perform.The material provided was a much use.I think a video of how sub circuit works in circuit verse should be provided as a resource material as it may help in to my circuit is attached here. The below resource also helped me a lot in building ALU. Alu design

12) Matlab OnRamp

I completed Matlab OnRamp course ,It helped me in knowing shorcuts in matlab which eases our task.The last project was about Stellar motion project which was basically hydrogen spectrum of star.I gained insights into plotting,operating with vectors etc. in matlab. matlab1 matlab2

13) Organic Designing using forms

A Hollow vase was designed using Forms in fusion 360.The main thing I learned that how forms work,and importance of revolve which is the most important thing in developing a hollow vase. vase1 vase2

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01