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Generic Tasks
2 / 1 / 2025
Level 01: Final Report
Task 01: 3D Printing
Acquainted myself with the basics of 3-D Printers like:
a} Creality Ender V3
b} Creality CR-10 Smart Pro
Learned more about components like the filament material, optimal bed temperature, the slicing of an STL file (conversion of 3-D models to G-code for the printer), 'Stereolithography' and the required infill density required for the printing of a 3-D model.
My model will give you a feeling, such that you are under the doubt that someone is always watching you... but don't let it get to you!
Task 02: API
Worked on building a user-interactive and responsive API, specifically designed to portray weather conditions like:
1. Humidity
2. Temperature
3. Rainfall
The API was built using easy-to-use, primary languages like HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language), CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) and JS(Java Script).
GitHub is a platform for version control and collaboration, built around Git. It allows developers to manage, track, and collaborate on software development projects.
Acquiring basic skills pertaining to GitHub Integrated Workflows was an informative task, since I got to handle different operations like:
Ubuntu is a free and open-source Linux-based operating system known for its user-friendliness, reliability, and extensive community support. With respect to the OS: I carried out the following tasks.
Firstly, creating a folder named 'test'.
Next, cd'ing(change directory) into the same and then creating a blank folder without the usage of any text editors.
Listing all the files in the same folder and making use of the concatenate operation to merge two files and then displaying on the output terminal, my results.
The images below show how I made use of the command prompt to work on the task.
Task 05: Kaggle Contest
Kaggle is a leading platform for data science and machine learning enthusiasts, providing tools, datasets, and competitions to develop and showcase skills.
Thus, arose an opportunity for me to participate in the Titanic ML competition- *the best, first challenge for a beginner like me to explore and get accustomed to this platform. It was required of us to use machine learning to create a model that predicted which passengers survived the Titanic shipwreck.
My Kaggle Notebook:
Task 06: Working with Pandas and Matplotlib
Pandas is an essential Python library for data manipulation and analysis, widely used in data science, machine learning, and statistical computing. It provides powerful, flexible data structures like DataFrames and Series to handle structured data efficiently. With Pandas, users can perform operations such as filtering, grouping, aggregating, and reshaping data effortlessly. Its ability to handle missing data, merge datasets, and integrate seamlessly with libraries like NumPy and Matplotlib makes it indispensable for preprocessing and visualization tasks.
On the other hand, Matplotlib is a powerful Python library for data visualization, enabling users to create a wide variety of static, interactive, and animated plots. Its versatility and simplicity make it an essential tool in data science, machine learning, and scientific research. From plotting basic scatter plots to simple line or bar graphs, Matplotlib customizes visualizations and creates advanced chart types like: Heatmaps, contour plots, 3D plots, and pie charts.
My Kaggle Notebook:
Task 07: Creating a Portfolio Webpage
My portfolio was quite effortless to create and has information about my education and current interests.
It also contains the recent projects I've involved myself in the MARVEL lab of UVCE.
I blended HTML and CSS to develop this, and later on, saved it on my GitHub account by opening a new repository for the same.
Task 08: Writing a Resource Article using Markdown
My topic for the resource article is: Deep Learning
Task 09: Tinkercad
Tinkercad is an online 3-D design and modeling tool, known for its user-friendly interface and easy accessibility. People can collaborate over a wide range of projects in real-time.
My Tinkercad file Simulation looks something like this:
Task 10: Speed Control of DC Motor
The logic behind controlling the speed of a DC Motor is by altering the voltage input and the logic behind changing directions (anticlockwise and clockwise directions) of the DC Motor is by reversing polarities of the circuit. All of these integrated operations can be executed just by using one single L298 Motor Driver.
Learning about hardware components- the pins of an H-bridge L298 Motor Driver and the connections to be made between the Arduino and the motor, I comprehended the concept of PWM.
PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) is a technique used to control the speed of a DC motor by varying the duty cycle of a digital signal.
As soon as the hardware parts are assembled, the driver code(in C++) is uploaded on the Arduino IDE, that controls:
of the motor.
My experience went something like this:
Task 11: LED Toggle using an ESP32
Toggling is done to change the state of a component, such as an LED or a digital signal, between two values: ON and OFF.
The ESP32 is a powerful and versatile microcontroller developed by Espressif Systems. It is widely used in embedded systems, IoT (Internet of Things) applications.
Task 12: Soldering Prerequisites
Familiarizing with soldering equipment, necessary techniques and precautions, i mounted an LED onto a breadboard:
Task 13: 555 Astable Multivibrator
This task was the first one I worked on and honestly, working on it posed a few challenges.
So a 555 timer IC is an integrated circuit time delay in circuits.
It usually includes,
25 transistors
15 resistors
2 diodes
on a silicon chip installed in an 8-pin mini dual-in-line package (DIP-8). Variants consist of combining multiple chips on one board.
What 'Astable' means is that there will be no stable level of output. So, the output will be swinging between high and low with Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). This character of unstable output is used as a clock or square wave output for many applications.
Features of the 555 Astable Multivibrator:
Wide range of frequencies
Adjustable Frequency and Duty Cycle
Continuous Oscillation
I built the circuit based on the rationale of .
Before putting the entire circuit together, I figured that the ratio between the connected resistors would have to be 1:2 by the following method:
Frequency (f):
f = (1.44)
Time Period(T):
T= 0.693 *(R1+R2)*C
Duty Cycle (D):
D = R1+R2
___________ * 100%
Later on, I congregated the necessary circuital components (resistors, capacitor, jumper wires) and powered it up by a USB connected to an Arduino.
Naturally, this is how the input voltage must look against the output voltage.
This is what accuracy was displayed when the circuit was connected to the oscilloscope:
Task 14: Karnaugh Maps and Deriving the logic circuit
K-mapping or Karnaugh-Mapping is a visual method used in digital electronics and Boolean algebra to simplify Boolean expressions and minimize logic circuits. It helps to systematically reduce complex logic functions into simpler forms, ultimately leading to cost-effective and efficient hardware implementations.
The K-map groups adjacent 1's into clusters or rectangles, where the groups must contain 2^n^ cells and should be as large as possible to simplify the expression maximally.
Steps undertaken to solve the following using K-maps:
For 4 cases, based on door lock/open and key pressed/not pressed. Determine the Karnaugh map and make a burglar alarm using simple logic circuits.
Truth Table
B/A | 0 | 1 |
0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 1 |
Task 15: Active Participation
I have enrolled for a course from 'The Coding School'. It is divided into 2 semesters, where I learn about 2 different inter-connected topics(September 2024 - April 2025).
Fundamentals of Quantum Computing
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
You will find the course 01 completion certificate below:
Based on the given murder case, using the clues
Right after I cd into the root directory, I use basic commands to work on the task.
The grep command will find words or patterns in files.
The cat command prints out the entire contents of the files in terminal.
The ls will help list directories in the file.
The hint1 instructs to check the information in the file named people located inside the mystery subdirectory
I find the number of people listed in the directory, along with their age, gender and address, and go on to hint2 which helps make things clear: the perpetrator is a tall male, at least 6'.
Suspects are interviewed.
Vehicles along with the license plate, color, owner, and their details are listed.
nano mysolution is used to echo our result to the output terminal window.
And this is the 'Happily Ever After' of my sad server:
Task 19: Make a Web app
My app is fundamentally, a to-do list. I made use of HTML, CSS and JS. One can edit the to-do list by adding on to the list, modifying the existing one and deleting an entry.
Link to my Web app: