2 / 1 / 2025
In this task, I learned about 3D printing and how a 3D printer works. I explored the various 3D printing technologies such as FDM, SLA, and others, with a focus on FDM technology using a Marvel 3D printer. I also learned how to slice an STL file using slicing software like Ultimaker Cura
STL file: A 3D model file used for 3D printing.
Slicing STL file: Downloaded an STL file of a snowflake from Thingiverse, sliced it with Ultimaker Cura
Printer Settings: Bed temperature, infill density, and other key parameters.
-Nozzle Temperature - 180-220°C
-Bed Temperature - 55-70°C
-First Layer Cooling - NO
-Layer Cooling - 100%
In this task, I learned what an API is and its various applications. I used the Open Weather API to create a simple weather web application. The app made API calls and displayed real-time weather information.This task helped me to get familiarise with HTML and CSS .I faced some problems in activating the API key but then I succeeded in doing it.
-GitHub repository link : Link for Repo
-Weather app: Link for website
This task familiarized me with GitHub workflows, including actions, issues, and pull requests. I explored a Git repository and followed the steps outlined in the readme file to complete the task.Then learned to perform some changes in branch.Then I debbuged main.py which was failing test due to "+1" in the code.Then I opened a pull request proposing to fix the issue.
Link to GitHub Repo : Link to github
In this task, I got familiar with Ubuntu's command line interface. I created a folder named "test", navigated through it, created files, listed contents, and created 2600 folders using the command line. I also concatenated text files and displayed their contents in the terminal.
mkdir : Created a folder named "test".
cd : Navigated into the "test" folder.
touch : Created a blank file without using any text editor.
ls : Listed the files in the folder.
cat : Concatenated and displayed content of two text files.
I created a Kaggle account and participated in the Titanic ML competition. My goal was to build a machine learning model to predict passenger survival from the Titanic dataset.
I learned to use Pandas for data manipulation and Matplotlib for visualization. I used a dataset of my choice to create line graphs, bar graphs, and scatter plots.
Link For Code :link
I created a personal portfolio webpage to showcase my projects, interests, and social media profiles. The website is responsive and was pushed to GitHub.
Portfolio website: link for portfolio
I wrote a technical resource article on a topic of Egde Computing using Markdown. The article was
Link for Article Task: Article task link
In this task, I created a Tinkercad account and explored the platform to simulate circuits. I built a radar system using an ultrasonic sensor and a servo motor to detect objects within a certain range. The ultrasonic sensor emits sound waves, and by measuring how long it takes for them to return, it calculates the distance. The servo motor rotates the sensor, providing a broader detection area.
In this task, I explored controlling the speed of a DC motor using the L298N motor driver and Arduino UNO. I first simulated the circuit on Tinkercad, and then built the physical setup. The speed of the motor was controlled using a potentiometer, and I could change the motor speed by adjusting the potentiometer.
1.Potentiometer : (from left to right) GND (A0) 5v
2.L298n: IN1 IN2 ENA with respectively D8,D9 and D10 From Arduino and the DC motor is in Out1 and Out2
3.The driver is powerd by 9v battery wired with +12v and GND ( don't forget to ground the Arduino too)
4.The ENA here wired with D10 should always be wired with a pin that can deliver PWM signal
I learned about the ESP32 and its capabilities. I created a web server using ESP32, which allowed me to toggle an LED connected to its GPIO pins. I could control the LED using a simple web interface, making it easy to turn the LED on and off remotely.
Components Required :
-ESP32 development board
-2x 5mm LED
-10 k Ohm Resistor
-Jumper wires
Successfully toggled an LED using ESP32 via a web interface.
Photos/Videos of the Project.
With the guidance of a coordinator, I learned the basics of soldering and desoldering. I used soldering equipment like a soldering iron, wick, and flux to perform basic soldering on a perf board, creating a simple LED circuit.
-A soldering iron is a hand tool that plugs into a standard 120v AC outlet and heats up in order to melt solder around electrical connections.
-Solder is a metal alloy material that is melted to create a permanent bond between electrical parts.
-Soldering flux is mainly used to prepare the metal surfaces before soldering by cleaning and removing any oxides and impurities.
-To desolder a joint, you will need solder wick which is also known as desoldering braid.
Successfully soldered an LED circuit under supervision.
I designed a 555 astable multivibrator circuit to produce a 60% duty cycle. This circuit generated a square wave, and I observed its output using an oscilloscope (DSO) to verify the waveform.
-555 Timer IC
-Capacitors: C1, C2 = 0.01 μF
-Resistors: R1 = 10 kΩ, R2 = 22 kΩ (adjusted due to availability)
-Power Supply: 5V
-Oscilloscope: To measure waveform and duty cycle.
-In astable mode, the 555 Timer IC oscillates continuously, producing square wave pulses.
Frequency and duty cycle depend on R1, R2, and C:
Frequency (f) = 1.44 / [(R1 + 2R2) × C]
Duty Cycle (%) = ((R1 + R2) / (R1 + 2R2)) × 100
Target: 60% Duty Cycle.
Achieved: 59.331% Duty Cycle (due to nearest resistor values).
Successfully built and tested the 555 multivibrator circuit.
I designed a burglar alarm system using Karnaugh maps and logic gates. The alarm is triggered when certain conditions (like a door being open and a key being pressed) are met.I derived the truth table for the given situtaion ,which is given below .Then got to know that it resembeles XOR gate ,derived a K-Map for it and then I designed circuit using XOR gate and buzzer as shown below .The buzzer will activate only when door is open and key pressed or key not pressed and door is close.
Karnaugh Map (K-map): A tool to simplify Boolean expressions.
Logic Gates: Used to implement the conditions that trigger the alarm.
Built and tested a burglar alarm system based on K-map simplifications.
I participated in a technical event and received a certificate of participation in Kagada in 2024.
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