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Mathew's EV-RE-001 course work. Lv 2


8 / 3 / 2024

Task 1 - SPI Communication


SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) is a synchronous serial communication protocol commonly used for communication between microcontrollers and peripheral devices.

Screenshot 2024-03-08 210734


-Used in embedded systems, IC's.
-Since it is a very fast method of Communication it is used in systems connected to       various sensors.

Key Components

  1. Master: The device initiating the communication.
  2. Slave: The device responding to the master's requests.
  3. MOSI (Master Out Slave In): Master sends data to the slave.
  4. MISO (Master In Slave Out): Slave sends data to the master.
  5. SCLK (Serial Clock): Clock signal generated by the master to synchronize communication.
  6. SS/CS (Slave Select/Chip Select): Signals used to select the target slave device

Task 2 - I2C Protocol

I2C Communication with Arduino


I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is a serial communication protocol commonly used for communication between microcontrollers and peripheral devices. It utilizes two wires - one for data (SDA) and one for a clock signal (SCL). Devices on the I2C bus are identified by unique addresses.

Key Components

  • SDA (Serial Data Line): Used for bidirectional data transfer.
  • SCL (Serial Clock Line): Provides a clock signal for synchronization.
  • Master: The device controlling the communication.
  • Slave: The device responding to the master's requests.

I2C protocol


Connect SDA and SCL pins of the Arduino to the corresponding pins on your I2C device. Additionally, connect the power and ground pins as required.

I2C Protocol tinker cad

Task 3 - BLDC Speed Control

How I did it.

  • First made the connection as shown in the circuit diagram. image
  • Uploaded the code in the Arduino.


  • Connected a potentiometer to the circuit.


Task 4 - Build chassis

Built a Chassis which can move on the ground and can move through bigger obstacles /rocks when connected to a a belt across its wheels.


Task 5 - BMS

A Battery Management System (BMS) is an electronic system that manages and monitors the performance of rechargeable batteries
- State of Health (SoH) Estimation: Assessing the overall health and condition of the battery, including factors such as capacity degradation and impedance.
-SoH : Which keeps track of the charge system of each liPo. 
The BMS is connected to each batter seperately. 

- Cell Balancing: Ensuring that the individual cells within a battery pack are charged and discharged uniformly to maximize energy storage and lifespan.

- Temperature Monitoring and Control: Monitoring the temperature of the battery cells to prevent overheating, which can degrade performance and pose safety risks. 
 - Overcharge and Overdischarge Protection: Preventing the battery from being charged or discharged beyond safe limits to avoid damage or safety hazards.
- Cell Voltage Monitoring: Monitoring the voltage of each individual cell within a battery pack to ensure that they operate within safe limits and to detect any potential issues such as cell imbalance.
- Fault Detection and Diagnosis: Detecting and diagnosing any faults or abnormalities in the battery system to ensure safe operation and prevent potential hazards.

Task 6 - Make a lithium ion battery pack

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-07 at 3 27 35 PM

Task 7 - Working with multiple sensors

Was not able to integrate multiple sensors in a single project - but I was able to work with multiple sensors over the course of this tasks.

  • Ultrasonic sensor - Which detect obstacles
  • PIR - Motion sensor to detect motion
  • Temperature sensor - to detect temperature
  • Guiding few 12th students in making an RC car using Transmitter and receiver
  • Hall effect sensor - to measure high speeds. Still working on integrating the all the sensor in an RC Car.

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01