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Mathew's EV-RE-001 course work. Lv 2


Common Task Report

25 / 4 / 2023

Level 1 TASKS

TASK 1: LTspice and KiCad

To design and simulate a astable multivibrator using 555 timer.


555 graph


  1. Pulse Generation: The 555 timer in astable mode can be used to generate precise square wave pulses. This is useful in various applications, such as triggering other electronic components or measuring time intervals.

  2. LED Flashers: You can use this circuit to create a simple LED flasher or blinker for decorative or signaling purposes.

  3. Tone Generation: By connecting a speaker or piezo buzzer to the output of the 555 timer, you can generate tones of different frequencies for alarms or musical applications.

  4. Timing and Delay Circuits: The 555 timer can be used in combination with other components to create timing and delay circuits for various purposes, such as triggering relays, opening and closing valves, or controlling lights.

  5. PWM Generation: With appropriate components and adjustments, the 555 timer in astable mode can be used to generate PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signals for motor speed control and dimming applications.

  6. Frequency Division: It can also be used for frequency division in digital circuits.

Remember that the specific values of R1, R2, and C, as well as the optional reset function, can be chosen to suit the desired frequency and duty cycle for your particular application.

TASK 2: Speed control of DC motor

Here are the steps to control the speed of a DC motor using the L293D motor driver:


Connect the components as follows:

  • Connect the positive terminal of your power supply to pin 8 (Vcc2) of the L293D (this powers the motor driver).
  • Connect the ground of your power supply to pin 4 (GND) of the L293D.
  • Connect the DC motor to pins 3 (OUT1) and 6 (OUT2) of the L293D. The polarity matters; if the motor runs in the wrong direction, swap the connections.
  • Connect the inputs for motor control to your microcontroller. Connect the control pins (e.g., IN1, IN2, IN3, and IN4) of the L293D to the digital output pins on your microcontroller. You'll use these pins to control the motor direction and speed.
  • Connect the Vcc1 (pin 16) of the L293D to a separate power supply, which should match the motor's voltage requirements. This powers the motor itself.
  • Connect the ground of the motor power supply to pin 5 (GND) of the L293D.

Video of speed control done by me

Task 3 - Direction Control of a Motor

Video of changing direction

Task 4&5 - Point Turn of a Vehicle

Task 6 - Temperature Detection using LM35

555 graph The above diagram is the stimulation when the temperature level is less that 50 degree. The led is therefore not switched on.

555 graph The above diagram is the simulation when the temperature level is above 50. The led is therefore in ON state.

Task 7 - Temperature and Humidity Detection


K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01