IOT 001 - Level 2 & 3 Report 2022
28 / 1 / 2023
#IOT 001 - An Introductory Course on Internet Of Things ##Level 2 ###Task 3: ESP 32 Cam Aim: Set up a CCTV camera system that streams/records video footage from MARVEL as a measure to heighten the lab’s security. -Going through the resource given on the website gave a clear understanding about the ESP 32 module and also the FTDI cable. -The uploading part of the task was a bit confusing and took multiple trials to understand the correct procedure. -Video Recording of Task 3: <iframe height="\315""> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##Level 3 ###Task 1: ESP32 as a Webserver Aim: Set up ESP32 as an HTTP server to serve a webpage that contains a button that controls a relay to turn ON/OFF an LED using the webpage as interface. -The resource given along with this task was really helpful. It had the web server code and also a video tutorial which made learning easier. Also, there was a detailed explanation about how the code works. -The connections were simple and the entire process of uploading was really smooth. -I learned about the ESP IP Address and also how to access it. -This was a really interesting task as it gave a basic idea about how certain home appliances work over Wi-fi. -Image of the setup:
-Video Recording of Task 1: <iframe height=""315""> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ###Task 2: Flashing Morse Code Aim: Set up the ESP32 to flash Morse code using an LED making use of the above setup with a web page. -In this task, I learnt about what Morse code exactly is and how it works. This in turn gave me a clear idea about how this setup is expected to work. -The connections were simple with just 3 LEDs and 3 Resistors connected to the ESP32. -The code was, however, a bit difficult to find as most of the resources suggested to use a buzzer instead of LEDs. -Image of the setup:
-Video Recording of Task 2: <iframe height=""315""> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ###Task 3: Soil Moisture Sensor Aim: Measure soil moisture using appropriate sensors and use ESP32 to display the readings in the terminal. -For this task, I tried researching about the sensor being used and in the process, I learnt about the different sensors that can be used for this task, namely: Capacitive Moisture Sensor and the Resistive Moisture Sensor. -I’ve used the Capacitive Moisture Sensor here, as it does not corrode over time in contrast to the Resistive Moisture Sensor. This is because, in the Capacitive Moisture Sensor, the sensor’s electrodes are not exposed and no electrical current flows between them. -The connections were really simple as I had to just connect the sensor to the ESP32 according to the wiring diagram. -The code was also easy to understand and implement. -Image of the setup:
-Video Recording of Task 3: <iframe height=""315""> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Utkarsh R 3rd Year ECE UVCE "