20 / 11 / 2022
IOT 001- An Introductory Course on Internet Of Things
###Level 1 ##Task 1: Setting up the ESP32 and Blink an LED Date: 12-10-2022 Aim: Figuring out the ESP32: Setting up Arduino IDE to program ESP32. -Went through the given resources to understand the pin diagram of ESP32 , figure out the circuit elements required to perform the task and also get an understanding of how the syntax works. -Ran a simulation on Wokiw simulator to understand the connections. -Executed the same on Arduino IDE and recorded the result.
#define LED 2 void setup(){ pinMode(LED , OUTPUT); } void loop(){ digitalWrite(LED , HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(LED , LOW); delay(500); }
Video Recording of Task 1: <iframe height="\315""> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##Task 4: Basics of creating a website Date: 13-10-2022 Aim: Create a website with a button that when pressed toggles the color of the website. -Learned the basic semantics of HTML and CSS and went through the documentation as well to understand the function and use cases of different tags in HTML and attributes in CSS. -With the help of the resource given , I understood the function of the 'script ' tag which embeds the client-side script. Source code: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VOPJpmbX2Nv-Ll1k1XkI19rACVTmmVue/view?usp=share_link Before: After:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##Task 3: Basics of MQTT Protocol Date: 14-10-2022 Aim: Learn the basics of MQTT protocol and its working Read an article on MQTT and its working. MQTT stands for Message Queuing Telemetry Transport which is a messaging protocol for communication between IOT devices. MQTT - Publish / Subscribe: Devices publish messages on a topic and all the devices that are subscribed to that specific topic receive the message. MQTT - Messages: Information which is exchanged between devices which can be commands to control outputs , read and publish data from sensor nodes or data like sensor readings. MQTT - Topics: Topics are the way we register interest for incoming messages or specify where we want to publish the message. Basically , they are similar to addresses. MQTT - Broker: The MQTT Broker is responsible for receiving and filtering all the messages , deciding which devices are interested in them and publishing the message to all subscribed clients/devices. In home automation , we preferably use the Mosquitto Broker on Raspberry Pi. Finally , read about how to use MQTT in Home Automation and IOT projects. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Utkarsh R 3rd Year ECE UVCE "