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Shashank's AI-ML-001 course work. Lv 1

This Report is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

2 / 1 / 2025

TASK 1: 3D Printing

This task involved exploring the basics of 3D printing, including understanding how 3D printers work and the role of STL files in the process. I learned to use slicing software like Ultimaker Cura to convert STL files into G-code for printing. I also studied key printer settings such as bed temperature and nozzle temperature.After the duration of printing time(1 hour 2 minutes) I got my model ready. 2e451708-a21c-44ad-b165-f78b55204465.jpg


In this task I created a weather web application where users can fetch the weather data using the search option. Application Programming Interface(API) is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. I used free API which are available in web. I used python for entire tasks from GUI for fetching API. Github link : Screenshot-2024-11-28-220534.png

TASK 3: Working with Github

In this task Familiarized myself with GitHub. Cloned the given repository to my account using the git command git-clone. Corrected the error. Saved and committed using git command git-commit. Pushed into my repository using the git command git-push. Next, I pulled a request to merge with the main branch. Link : Screenshot-2025-01-02-214133.png

TASK 4: Get familiar with the command line on ubuntu and do the following subtasks:

In this task, I learned basic Ubuntu command line operations. I created a folder named test123 and added a blank file using mkdir and touch commands. I created 2600 folders with alternating names using mkdir {A..Z}{0..9}{0..9}. Then, I created two text files (file1.txt and file2.txt) and concatenated them using the cat command. Whats-App-Image-2025-01-02-at-9-44-59-PM.jpg Whats-App-Image-2025-01-02-at-9-44-59-PM.jpg

TASK 5: Kaggle contest

Under this task I made a kaggle account and learnt how to work with the projects related to data science and machine learning. And Participated in the Titanic ML competition.This competition is simple: use machine learning to create a model that predicts which passengers survived the Titanic shipwreck and compare it with actual data . Here I used pandas and matplotlib to visualize and analyze the train.csv file . I got a score of 0.72009, it means that the model is 72% accurate with the actual data. Whats-App-Image-2024-12-11-at-1-40-35-PM.jpg

TASK 6: Working with Pandas and Matplotlib

Learned how to use NumPy and Matplotlib to plot graphs.

Created: A scatter plot . Screenshot-2024-12-31-001502.png A bar graph . Screenshot-2024-12-31-001441.png A line plot. Screenshot-2024-12-31-001411.png

TASK 7: Create a Portfolio Webpage

For task 7 I have created my portfolio page using HTML( Hyper Text Markup Language) and CSS( cascading Style Sheet) . You can view it here

TASK 8: Writing Resource Article using Markdown

Hologram the future of Visual Communication

Holography is revolutionizing the way we interact with visual content. By creating 3 D images that appear to float in space , they are applied in entertainment industry, education , designing and more . Screenshot-2025-01-02-200552.png Screenshot-2025-01-02-200635.png

TASK 9: Tinkercad

Created a TinkerCad account. learnt how to use the circuits. Constructed a circuit that measures distance using an Ultrasonic sensor and Arduino Whats-App-Image-2024-12-18-at-8-10-15-PM.jpg

TASK 10: Speed Control of DC Motor

In this tassk, I explored how to control the speed of a 5V DC motor using an L298N motor driver and an Arduino UNO.I simulated the system on Tinkercad before testing it with real hardware.The circuit was first simulated on Tinkercad, where I wrote code to adjust the motor speed. After successful simulation, I built the circuit using real hardware. Whats-App-Image-2025-01-02-at-11-04-27-PM.jpg

TASK 11: LED Toggle Using ESP32

Learned the working of ESP32. Built a standalone web server that controls an LED connected to ESP32 GPIOs. Used Arduino to code it. Whats-App-Image-2025-01-02-at-11-09-23-PM.jpg

TASK 12: Soldering Prerequisites

In this task learned how soldering works and about soldering equipment like soldering gun, flux, and solder. Soldered an LED and checked its function using a battery. Whats-App-Image-2024-12-18-at-8-06-37-PM.jpg

*TASK 13:Design a 555 astable multivibrator *

In this task we needed to design a 555 astable multivibrator with duty cycle 60%,using 10 kilo ohms and 20 kilo ohms resistors. Set up the circuit on a breadboard and observed the output on the DSO. Whats-App-Image-2025-01-02-at-11-17-28-PM.jpg Whats-App-Image-2025-01-02-at-11-17-28-PM-1.jpg

TASK 15: Active Participation

participated in Kagada in poster track, Marvel open day this semester View here

TASK 16: Datasheets report writing

L293D Motor Driver Summary

The L293D is a widely used motor driver IC that allows for the control of motors in various electronic applications. It provides a simple way to control the direction and speed of DC motors, stepper motors, and other types of motors. This report will cover the working principle of the L293D motor driver. You can view the full report here

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01