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17 / 8 / 2024
OSI also stands for open structure interface .It basically is a conceptual framework used for understanding the networking. The OSI architecture is divided into seven layers
Project :
-Physical Layer-Connection between physical devices and data cables.
-Network Layer-Handles packeting of data.
-Transport Layer-The transport layer is responsible for ensuring complete data transfer. It provides error checking, data flow control.
-Session Layer -It establishes connections between two communicating hosts.
-Presentation Layer -It esIt is usually the communication between the data sent by application layer. It handles things such as encryption,authorisation.
-Application Layer-he application layer is the closest layer to the end-user. It provides network services directly to the user's applications, such as email, file transfer, and web browsing.
TASK 2: WebApp
In this webapplication, I have created a webapp that stores in Users resources and can filter it out based on topics. For this project i have performed CRUD operations on the SQLite database
Project :
-This webapp comes with user authentication and allows to the resource data and update it
TASK 3: Docker
Docker is light weight framework that automates deployment,scaling and management of applications thrugh containers.
Project :
-The first step in creating a docker conatiner is to create a docker file.
-A docker file consists of all the project and requirements .It acts as an blueprint for docker containers.
-A docker image contains all the libraries,envirornment variables. It is essentially a snapshot of a system that can be used to create a running instance called a Docker container
Screenshot 2024-09-30 001804 47e21-2a0f-4233-adb4-8674f1720cc7)
TASK 4: WebSockets
Websockets are computer communication protocol that establishes a continous communication between the server and the client.Unlike HTTP which uses standard request and response , websockets use handshake sequence to create the connection between the server and client .
Project :
-In this project i have created a real time messaging app, that uses async functions for data transfer.For this app, I have used daphne,channels packages.
-Channels- a powerful extension that adds support for handling real-time, asynchronous protocols like WebSockets, HTTP2, and background tasks, beyond the traditional synchronous HTTP requests.
-Daphne- Daphne is the HTTP/WebSocket server that interfaces with Django Channels. It handles incoming requests and manages the connection lifecycle.
TASK 5: WebScraper
Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites in an automated manner.For this project Beautifulsoup is being used to scrape the data from the HTML page .In the below project i have used this library to extrac the internship details from the internshala website.
Project :
-First , go to the required website and click on the inspect option to view all the HTML content of the website.
-Using the soup method , load the url to create an object using HTML parser.
-Once loaded we can Scrape the data by loading the HTML tags and scraping the data with the required attributes
Serverless means to a cloud computing execution model where the cloud provider dynamically manages the infrastructure and server allocation for running applications. Some of the serverless providers are AWS lambda,Google cloud functions,vercel,nettify etc.
Project :
-For this project I used Pythonanywhere website.This is a IAAS provider where it automatically deploys the website without needing to worry about the requirements.