7 / 1 / 2024
API stands for application programming interface. API's are generally used for the data transfer seamlessly across software applications. The data is sent across the web upon the request from the application.
- Create an account in any of the free API websites. Search for the required API. .
- Obtain the API key and paste it in the function of the javascript file
- Upon running the function the API request is sent and the data is transferred and is then displayed on the webpage.
TASK 2: UBUNTU command line
Ubuntu is a free operating system based on linux. In the below task we have to contactinate two files and display them.
- First create an directory using the command 'mk dir'.
- Access the directory using 'cd' command and and create new file 'touch < name of file>'
-Create 2600 folders in this folder 'mkdir -p a[1..2600]'
-Concatente 2 text files and display ' echo < text content-1 >" >> f1
echo "< text content-2 >" >> f2
cat f1 f2 > f3 '
- F3 stores the values of f1 and f2.

TASK 3: Tinkercad
Tinkercad is an online platform which is used to create ,design circuits 3d-designs and modeles.In the below task we are going to estimate the distance between the LCD screen and obstacle using the ultra-sound sensors.
- Arduino Board
- Jumper wires
- Ultra - Sound sensor
- All the necessary connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram .
- The d2 pin is connected to echo of the ultra-sound sensor.
- The d3 is connected to trig of the ultra-sound sensor.
- The grnd is connected to grnd of arduino and vcc is connected to 5V.
Circuit diagram

TASK 4: LED Toggle Using ESP32
ESP32 is a micro-controller that is used to perform specific functions .These functions are programmed in Arduino IDE.
- ESP-32
- Smart device
- Jumper wires
- leds
- Bread board
- The ESP-32 is taken and necessary connection are made according to the diagram.
- The digital pin 26and 27 are taken as input/output pins .
- The code is copied and pasted in the arduin IDE.
- We modify the code by replacing it with our network credentials.
- The input is given from the webpage .Here we control the toggle ON/OFF function.
Circuit diagram

TASK 5: DC motor speed control using a microcontroller
we need to control the speed of the DC motor using potentiometer
- DC motor
- Potentiometer
- Jumper wires
- l298n motor driver
- Bread board
- Arduino board
- The circuit connections are made and stimulated in the tinker-cad as shown in the figure.
- The vcc is connected to 5v .
- The grnd is connected to the grnd .
- The code is ccopied from the website and uploaded onto the arduino IDE.
- The speed of the motor is controlled using the potentiometer .
Circuit diagram

TASK 6: 555-Timer
The 555 timer functions as a one-shot pulse generator. It produces a single output pulse in response to an external trigger signal.
1. 555-Timer
2. Breadboard
3. Resistors
4. Capacitors
- The circuit connections are made as shown in the figure.
- A Duty cycle of 60% is obtained by applying suitable resistance to the circuit.
Circuit diagram

TASK 7: Soldering Prerequisites
Soldering is a process of joining two or more metal components by melting metal into the joint.
1. The solder
2. The soldering iron
4. Perf Board
5. Resistors
- The perf board is thourghly cleaned .
- The two LEDs are taken in series in the perf board with suitable resistors
- The ends of the leds are soldered together using soldering iron.

TASK 8: Markdown language
Markdown is a lightweight markup language that uses a plain-text format to create formatted text.
The entire presentation is done using markdown language. Example- # for heading, *** txt*** - for bold
TASK 9: 3-D Printing
This a process of creating three-dimensional objects by layering material on top of each other, based on a digital model or CAD file.
- Firstly downloaded a STL file from the internet and sliced it using the slicing software (Creality slicer) and then by the help of a SD card transferred the code to the 3D printer.
- It is then sliced using the slicing software
- Then by the help of a SD card transferred the code to the 3D printer.

TASK 10: Kagada Participation
Participated in project track in Kagada .we made an air quality sensor using ardunio , led , buzzer and MQ 4 sensor.
Dhruva P V KAGADA 2023 Participation Certificate.pdf
TASK 11: Git-Hub
GitHub is a web-based platform that provides hosting for version control using Git. Git is a distributed version control system that allows multiple contributors to work on a project simultaneously. I learnt about pull requests, forking in Git-hub.
