12 / 7 / 2024
Understand the working of a 3D printer, check out the online resources. Understand what's an STL file, and then learn to slice it (using ultimaker or creality slicer).Learn about bed temperature, infill density and other printer settings. Finally get an STL file from the internet, and slice it and put it for print.
Here is my work 3D Printing
What is an API? Learn the working of an API and its applications. Using any api of your choice, build an user interface(web app, mobile app, etc), where you can make calls and then display the necessary information
Here is my Work
Familiarize yourself with GitHub integrated workflows (GitHub actions), Issues, and pull requests with this task. Given below is a git repository, go check it out and then perform the necessary tasks stated in the readme file.
Here is my Work Github
Create a folder named test.
● cd into that folder.
● Create a blank file without using any text editor.
● list the files in that folder
● create 2600 folders in this folder where each folder is named like . For example, M90 or B56.
● concatenate two text files containing any random text and display them on the terminal.
Here is my Work
Using pandas and matplotlib, and a dataset of your choice, plot a line graph, bar graph, and scatter plot.
Here is my Work Pandas and Matplotlib
Create a website to showcase your portfolio - about yourself, interests, projects, social media profiles and more. It has to be responsive and also pushed to the git repository. CSS can be of your choice and any framework can be used.
Here is my Work Portfolio
Markdown is an easy-to-use markup language that is used with plain text to add formatting elements (headings, bulleted lists, URLs) to plain text without the use of a formal text editor or the use of HTML tags. Markdown is device agnostic and displays the writing format consistently across device type. Write a technical resource article on a topic of your choice and post it on the MARVEL website. Refer to the linked article for further details
Here is my Work Markdown
Create a tinkercad account, get familiar with the application, understand the example circuits given and simulate a simple circuit using an ultrasonic sensor to estimate the distance between an obstacle and the sensor. Display the results on the serial monitor.
Create a radar system utilising an ultrasonic sensor and servo motor to detect objects within a certain range. The ultrasonic sensor emits sound waves and measures the time taken for them to bounce back, while the servo motor rotates the sensor to cover a wider area, providing a simple yet effective detection mechanism.
Here is my work Tindercad
Learn about the soldering equipment present in our lab, the solder, the soldering iron, soldering wick, flux, etc. Learn to use them and perform basic soldering on a perf board, for example a LED circuit in the presence of a coordinator and document the same.
Here is my work
Take part in any technical event, inter or intra college and submit the issued certificate of participation.
Here is my work