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4 Levels · 6 Months

Introduction to Cloud Computing and Cyber Security


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Level 1

Generic Tasks

TASK 1: 3D Printing

Understand the working of a 3D printer, check out the online resources. Understand what's an STL file, and then learn to slice it (using ultimaker or creality slicer).Go through the SOP'S regarding the 3d printer. Learn about bed temperature, infill density and other printer settings. Finally get an STL file from the internet, and slice it and put it for print.


Introduction to 3d printer

PLA settings

Types of 3D printing

(Note this task is to be done under coordinator supervision.) 3dprinter


What is an API? Learn the working of an API and its applications. Using any api of your choice, build an user interface(web app, mobile app, etc), where you can make calls and then display the necessary information. An example weather app is given below, using the open weather api.


TASK 3: Working with Github

Familiarize yourself with GitHub integrated workflows (GitHub actions), Issues, and pull requests with this task. Given below is a git repository, go check it out and then perform the necessary tasks stated in the readme file.

Check this link for more info:

TASK 4: Get familiar with the command line on ubuntu and do the following subtasks:

● Create a folder named test.

● cd into that folder.

● Create a blank file without using any text editor.

● list the files in that folder

● create 2600 folders in this folder where each folder is named like . For example, M90 or B56.

● concatenate two text files containing any random text and display them on the terminal.

TASK 5: Kaggle contest

Make a kaggle account, visit the website and complete the competition

Participate in the Titanic ML competition – the best, first challenge for you to dive into ML competitions and familiarize yourself with how the Kaggle platform works.The competition is simple: use machine learning to create a model that predicts which passengers survived the Titanic shipwreck.

Resources: Titanic regression model -

Video reference -

TASK 6: Working with Pandas and Matplotlib:

Using pandas and matplotlib, and a dataset of your choice, plot a line graph, bar graph, and scatter plot.


TASK 7: Create a Portfolio Webpage

Create a website to showcase your portfolio - about yourself, interests, projects, social media profiles and more. It has to be responsive and also pushed to the git repository. CSS can be of your choice and any framework can be used.

TASK 8: Writing Resource Article using Markdown

Markdown is an easy-to-use markup language that is used with plain text to add formatting elements (headings, bulleted lists, URLs) to plain text without the use of a formal text editor or the use of HTML tags. Markdown is device agnostic and displays the writing format consistently across device type. Write a technical resource article on a topic of your choice and post it on the MARVEL website. Refer to the linked article for further details


TASK 9: Tinkercad

Create a tinkercad account, get familiar with the application, understand the example circuits given and simulate a simple circuit using an ultrasonic sensor to estimate the distance between an obstacle and the sensor. Display the results on the serial monitor.

Create a radar system utilising an ultrasonic sensor and servo motor to detect objects within a certain range. The ultrasonic sensor emits sound waves and measures the time taken for them to bounce back, while the servo motor rotates the sensor to cover a wider area, providing a simple yet effective detection mechanism. RESOURCE: TASK OUTCOME: introduction to- · TINKERCAD · Working of ultrasonic sensor and servo motor · Radar technology PRECAUTIONS/SAFETY MEASURES- NOT ANY

TASK 10: Speed Control of DC Motor

Explore basic techniques for controlling DC motors, understand the control DC motors using the L298N motor driver and the Arduino board. Using an UNO and H-Bridge L298N motor driver, control the speed of a 5V BO motor, try simulating this on tinkercad and then perform it on the hardware, Record videos of you doing the same.


TASK 11: LED Toggle Using ESP32

Learn the working of an ESP32 and create a standalone web server with an ESP32 that controls the LED connected with ESP32 GPIOs. Use the arduino IDE to code and upload the program to the ESP32. Learn to configure the IDE to upload code to an ESP32.


TASK 12: Soldering Prerequisites

(Soldering is to be done in presence of a coordinator)

Learn about the soldering equipment present in our lab, the solder, the soldering iron, soldering wick, flux, etc. Learn to use them and perform basic soldering on a perf board, for example a LED circuit in the presence of a coordinator and document the same.


TASK 13:

Design a 555 astable multivibrator with duty cycle 60%, rig up the circuit on a breadboard and by using the probes observe the output of your circuit on the DSO. Resources:


TASK 14: Karnaugh Maps and Deriving the logic circuit

Description: For 4 cases, based on door lock/open and key pressed/not pressed. Determine the karnaugh map and make a burglar alarm using simple logic circuits. The buzzer or led blinks when certain conditions are met, you can use push buttons for the door and key.

(Tip: use logic gates, use k-maps to figure out the working conditions.)

TASK 15: Active Participation:

Take part in any technical event, inter or intra college and submit the issued certificate of participation.

Enroll for a MOOC and complete the course.

TASK 16: Datasheets report writing:

Topics: 1)MQ135 Gas sensor 2)L293D motor driver Task Description: Study the datasheet of any one of the above and write a report on it. Specify about the ICs used in L293D, PWM, H-bridge etc. In case of MQ 135, specify the calibrations for different gases and the Freundlich Absorption Theorem Graph.

Task 17: Introduction to VR

Familiarise yourself with what Virtual Reality is. Make a detailed study about what's the difference between VR and AR. Mention about the trends in the space and technology stack being developed. Make about Indian companies in this space. Make the report with detail. Using generative AI to generate this study can lead to disqualification.


Task 18: Hands on experience with VR

Determine your batch with the coordinator and attend an introductory offline session on the available VR headset in lab i.e, HP Reverb G2. Familiarize yourself with sketching in 3D with gravity sketch. Use the tutorial menu to design a bike with a mannequin positioned on it. The candidate is expected to learn about using all the tools in the environment which include using various brush strokes, line tool, curve tool, shapes, mirroring, manipulating and resizing objects, changing sketching hands on the controller and using the align tool.


Level 2


●Good understanding of HTML,CSS, JS and Python.

Task 1: Linux Based Task with

Specific Task Description:

Set up a basic chat application using Node.js and on a Linux system. The application should allow multiple users to connect and exchange messages in real-time.

Resource Links:

Expected Task Outcomes:

  • Understanding of basic Linux commands
  • Proficiency in setting up a Node.js application
  • Familiarity with for real-time communication

Precautions/Safety/Procedure to Complete the Task:

  • Ensure that Node.js is installed on your Linux system.
  • Use secure password practices when setting up user authentication.
  • Monitor system resources to avoid overloading the server during testing.

Equipment Needed to Complete the Task:

  • Computer with Linux operating system
  • Internet connection for downloading dependencies

Cost and Sustainability Plan:

  • Node.js and are open-source and free to use.

Task 2: Git Bash and GitHub

Specific Task Description:

Set up a Git repository, commit some code changes, and push them to GitHub using Git Bash. This task will familiarize students with version control and collaborative coding practices.

Resource Links:

Expected Task Outcomes:

  • Proficiency in basic Git commands (add, commit, push)
  • Understanding of version control concepts such as branching and merging
  • Ability to collaborate on projects using GitHub

Precautions/Safety/Procedure to Complete the Task:

  • Double-check repository URLs before pushing changes to avoid accidental data loss.
  • Practice using Git commands in a safe, non-production environment.

Equipment Needed to Complete the Task:

  • Computer with Git Bash installed
  • GitHub account for repository hosting


Specific Task Description:

  • Research and create a simple visual representation or diagram of the OSI model using a cloud-based diagramming tool.
  • Write a brief explanation of each layer of the OSI model and how it relates to cloud computing!

Resource Links:

Expected Task Outcomes:

  • Understanding of the OSI Model: You will gain a solid understanding of the seven layers of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model and their functions.
  • Cloud Computing Context: You will explore how each OSI layer plays a role in cloud computing infrastructure and communication.
  • Basic Diagramming Skills: You will gain practical experience in using a cloud-based tool for creating simple visuals.

Precautions/Safety/Procedure to Complete the Task:

  • None.

Equipment Needed to Complete the Task:

  • Computer with Internet Access: You'll need a computer with an internet connection to access the research resources and the diagramming tool.
  • Cloud-Based Diagramming Tool: You can choose from various free options like (, Canva, or Visual Paradigm Online. Each tool has its own features and interface, so explore them to find the best fit for you.

Cost and Sustainability Plan:

  • is a free cloud-based platform.

Task 4: Encryption Techniques

Specific Task Description:

Implement a basic encryption and decryption program using Python with the PyCrypto library. This task will introduce students to cryptographic algorithms and their practical applications.

Resource Links:

Expected Task Outcomes:

  • Understanding of encryption principles and techniques.
  • Proficiency in implementing encryption algorithms using Python.
  • Ability to secure sensitive data using encryption and decryption processes.

Precautions/Safety/Procedure to Complete the Task:

  • Use strong encryption algorithms and key management practices to ensure data security.
  • Handle encryption keys securely to prevent unauthorized access to encrypted data.

Equipment Needed to Complete the Task:

  • Computer with Python installed.
  • PyCrypto library installed via pip.

Cost and Sustainability Plan:

  • PyCrypto is open-source and free to use.

Task 5: IP Addressing and Protocols

Specific Task Description:

Use Python and libraries like Beautiful Soup to scrape IP address data from a website and analyze it. This task will reinforce understanding of IP addressing and protocols such as TCP/IP.

Resource Links:

Expected Task Outcomes:

  • Proficiency in web scraping techniques using Python.
  • Understanding of IP addressing and subnetting concepts.
  • Ability to extract and analyze IP address data from web sources.

Precautions/Safety/Procedure to Complete the Task:

  • Respect website terms of service and robots.txt rules when scraping data.
  • Handle scraped data ethically and responsibly, ensuring privacy and legal compliance.

Equipment Needed to Complete the Task:

  • Computer with Python installed.
  • Beautiful Soup library installed via pip.

Cost and Sustainability Plan:

  • Beautiful Soup is open-source and free to use.

Task 6: Kali Linux and SSH

Specific Task Description:

Perform a basic penetration test on a virtual machine using Kali Linux tools such as Nmap. This task will introduce students to penetration testing concepts and tools.

Resource Links:

Expected Task Outcomes:

  • Understanding of penetration testing methodologies.
  • Proficiency in using Kali Linux tools for network reconnaissance.
  • Ability to identify vulnerabilities and assess security posture using Nmap.

Precautions/Safety/Procedure to Complete the Task:

  • Use penetration testing tools responsibly and with permission on authorized systems only.
  • Document findings and communicate responsibly to system owners or administrators.

Equipment Needed to Complete the Task:

  • Computer with Kali Linux installed (can be set up in a virtual machine).
  • Network access for conducting penetration tests.

Cost and Sustainability Plan:

  • Kali Linux is open-source and free to use.

Task 7: Databases

Specific Task Description:

Set up a MySQL database and create a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application using Node.js. This task will familiarize students with database management and querying.

Resource Links:

Expected Task Outcomes:

  • Understanding of database management concepts.
  • Proficiency in CRUD operations using Node.js and MySQL.
  • Ability to develop database-driven applications.

Precautions/Safety/Procedure to Complete the Task:

  • Use parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities.
  • Backup database data regularly to prevent data loss.

Equipment Needed to Complete the Task:

  • Computer with Node.js and MySQL installed.
  • MySQL Workbench or similar tool for database management.

Cost and Sustainability Plan:

  • Node.js and MySQL are open-source and free to use.

● Node.js and MySQL are open-source and free to use.

Level 3

Task 1 - OSI

Learn about the OSI architecture (application, transport, network layers) along with the protocols, switching, routing, handshakes, ip addressing.

Task 2 - Serverless

Create a server which supports running serverless nodejs code which supports cold starts, terminates an app when not in use, and boots it when a request is made.

Task 3 - Sockets!

Using features of nodejs build a real time chat application, where the message is transferred from one source to another. Also implement the feature that the messages get updated without refreshing the page.

Task 4 - Make a Web app

Using express create a resource library website where you can browse the resource articles, books etc which are available and also you can manage your account

Task 5 - Docker

Make a docker container everytime push to a production branch is made on a vcs.,tools%2C%20system%20libraries%20and%20settings

Task 6 - Docker file spyware

Write a dockerfile spyware that constantly monitors a folder and sends all images posted into that folder to another server.

Task 7 - Webscraping and Automation

Deploy an Instagram ghost/bot any free cloud/one of the four servers at lab, using automation like selenium/beautiful soup, which likes posts of people who follow you/ sends a message that you’re away if you don’t reply within 5 minutes.

Level 4

Task 1 - Encryption

What are ciphers? Learn about caesar, Vigenere and substitution cipher, Why is this different from encryption techniques like SHA256? Learn about symmetric and asymmetric keys(Public and Private keys) (Optional : How is prime numbers used in RSA)

Task 2 - Hashing

Learn about Hashing ex:SHA256 algorithm ,Salting, Hash Tables (optional: Learn about MD5)

Task 3 - SSH

Write a script to SSH: Secure shell(SSH) is a network communication protocol that enables two computers to communicate . Write a script to SSH into a server and search the whole server for public keys/private keys and upload them to another server.

Task 4 - NMap

Learn how NMap works and Scan the ports, Host and OS and output these details in a file (optional: Analyze the results and report what you have found)

Task 5 - NMap Continued

Find out the use cases Wireshark and its working, Capture and Analyze Data Packs, Work with the various filters and statistics and report what you have found Reference:

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01