2 / 1 / 2025
Objective: Understand the working of a 3D printer, check out the online resources. Understand what's an STL file, and then learn to slice it. Go through the SOP'S regarding the 3d printer. Learn about bed temperature, infill density and other printer settings. Finally get an STL file from the internet, and slice it and put it for print.
Outcomes and Learnings:
I explored the basic concepts of 3D printing and how it works, learnt about bed temperature, PLA, etc.
I used the Thingiverse website to download the model's STL file. Then Creality software was used to customize the features of the STL file such as infill density and pattern, adding support (if needed), speed of printing, etc.
Then, I sliced the model and the printing time was 54 minutes. Slicing converts the model into layers.
The printer which I used for 3D printing was CR-10 Smart Pro.
Here is my 3D printed model, I printed a Batman logo.
Objective: Learn what an API is and how it works. Using any API of your choice, build a user interface (web app, mobile app, etc.) to make calls and display information.
Outcomes and Learnings:
I have learned about APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), it acts as a mediator between digital applications, allowing them to communicate with each other and exchange data, code, and functionality. I built a Weather API that takes the data from the website Open Weather and the code fetches the weather data and displays it in the user interface. I used the API key from the website to access the weather data.
Click here to access the API code.
Objective: Familiarize yourself with GitHub integrated workflows (GitHub actions), Issues, and pull requests with this task.
Outcomes and Learnings:
Link to my Git repository
Objective: Get familiar with Command lines on Ubuntu and do the subtasks as given on MARVEL website.
Outcomes & Learnings:
I learned the use of the below commands in Ubuntu:
1. Create a folder named test : mkdir test
2. To change directory : cd test
3. Create a blank file : touch blank.txt
4. List files in the terminal : ls
5. Create 2600 folders : mkdir M{0001..2600}
6. Concatenate and display two text files: cat text1.txt text2.txt
Concatenation of two files.
Objective: Make a Kaggle account, visit the website, complete the competition & participate in the Titanic ML competition - the best, first challenge for you to dive into ML competitions and familiarize yourself with how the Kaggle platform works. The competition is simple: use machine learning to create a model that predicts which passengers survived the Titanic shipwreck.
Outcomes & Learnings:
I understood the basics of ML doing this task. I enrolled in Titanic ML compitition on Kaggle to create a model which predicts the survival rate of passengers using features like age, sex, and class.
The goal is to accurately classify survival outcomes with historical data.
My public score is 0.77511.
Objective: Using pandas and matplotlib, and a dataset of your choice, plot a line graph, bar graph, and scatter plot.
Outcomes & Learnings: I learned how to plot the below graphs using Pandas and Matplotlib. Pandas helps in data manipulation and analysis of the data. Matplotlib is used for creating creating static, interactive graphs.
Click here to view the codes.
2. Bar Graph:
3. Scatter Graph:
Objective: Create a website to showcase your portfolio - about yourself, interests, projects, social media profiles and more. It has to be responsive and also pushed to the git repository. CSS can be of your choice and any framework can be used.
Outcomes & Learnings: I have learnt basic CSS and HTML to create a Portfolio website to show information about myself. I hosted my website on Github to make it accessible to all.
Webpage Link
Below is my home page of the webiste:
Click here to view the codes.
Objective: Write a technical resource article on a topic of your choice and post it on the MARVEL website.
Outcomes & Learnings:
My resource article is about Aditya L-1, India's first solar observatory mission, launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on September 2, 2023.
Here is the link to my report.
Objective: The objective of this task was to create a tinkercad account & to make a simple circuit to estimate the distance between the ultrasonic sensor and the object.
Outcomes and Learnings:
Tinkercad is an online 3D design and modeling tool, used for creating 3D objects, circuits.
I tinkered a radar system using ultrasonic sensor which displays the distance range.
Objective: Understand the control DC motors using the L298N motor driver and the Arduino board. Using an UNO and H-Bridge L298N motor driver, control the speed of a 5V motor.
Outcomes and Learnings:
This task made use of an Arduino uno board and a motor driver(L298N). The potentiometer is embedded on the breadboard and rotated to vary the speed of the DC motor.
The circuit looks like this after all the connections.
Objective: Learn the working of an ESP32 and create a standalone web server with an ESP32 that controls the LED connected with ESP32 GPIOs.
Outcomes and Learnings: In this task,I used ESP32 microcontroller and 2 LEDs controlled using the same through the Arduino IDE.
The first step is to write the required code into the ESP32 microcontroller. Enter the mobile hotspot credentials into the code.
Recieve the IP address to control LED state.
I pasted the IP address into the browser and toggle the LED using the website.
Objective: Learn about the soldering equipment and perform basic soldering on a perf board, for example a LED circuit.
Outcomes and Learnings:
I soldered together a simple LED circuit on a perf board.
Soldering iron was set at a temperature of around 300 degree Celsius.
Objective: Design a 555 IC astable multivibrator with 60% duty cycle.
Outcomes and Learnings: I learnt about Integrated Circuits and timer made for electronic circuits using 555 IC. An oscilloscope was used to read the wave form and detect the duty cycle. The duty cycle obtained was 59.44%.
This is the connection that is to be made on the breadboard.
Objective: Determine the Karnaugh map and make a burglar alarm using simple logic circuits. The buzzer or led blinks when certain conditions are met, you can use push buttons for the door and key.
Outcomes and Learnings:
The burglar alarm system is an electronic circuit that detect unauthorised entry and rings the alarm.
This system activates the alarm when the door is open and the key is not pressed.
The alarm works on the basis of the following table:
~ D denotes the Door.
D=0 denotes Closed Door, D=1 denotes Open Door.
~ K denotes the Key.
K=0 denotes Key is not put on the Door, K=1 denotes Key is put on the Door.
~ A denotes the Burglar Alarm.
A=0 means Alarm is OFF whereas A=1 means Alarm is activated.
The K-map obtained from the above truth table is :
Hers's a simulation of the task.
I won 1st place in the Kagada 2024 Project making competition. My project was about tackling air pollution using three innovative ways namely Miyawaki Process, using algae as CO2 absorber and Pulsed Electric Field Simulation. Below is the image of my certificate I received:
Objective: Study the datasheet of L293D motor driver and write a report on it. Specify about the ICs used in L293D, PWM, H-bridge etc.
Outcomes and Learnings: I learnt about the L293D motor driver, its specifications, working, etc.
Read the article here.
Objective: Familiarize yourself with what Virtual Reality is. Make a detailed study about what's the difference between VR and AR. Mention about the trends in the space and technology stack being developed.
Outcomes and Learnings:
I experienced the VR for the first time in the MARVEL Lab. It was an incredible experience. This is my report and the learnings.
To continue reading my Domain Specific Tasks. click here.