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bs's D-P-001 course work. Lv 1

This Report is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

Marvel Level-1 Tasks Report

25 / 4 / 2023

Task 1: 3D Printing

In this task we had to learn the working of a 3D printer and print a model. I chose to print a small model straw hat pirates jolly roger. Things I learnt:

●About STL files.
●The process to change the size,
 speed of printing,
●About G-code and the method to print a model.

This was a very interesting and fun task. I learnt how a 3D printer works, the softwares required and the process that goes into it.


Task 2: API

In this task we had to familiarize ourselves with the working of an API*(Application Programming Interface)*. I chose to make a weather API.

Things I learnt:

●What an API is and its applications.
●Its importance and how it can help developers create better user experiences that are more engaging,
 and efficient.

This was an informative task and it helped me increase my knowledge in a new field. api

TASK 3: Git-hub

Familiarizeing myself with GitHub integrated workflows (GitHub actions), Issues, and pull requests

Things I learnt:

● creating an git-hub account
● forking
●creatig a branch
●creating pull requests 

this was a new thing for me by the time i did it i had no idea about it so i'm not sure wether i have completly resolve the issue. git

Task 4: Tinkercad

In this task we had to work on a circuit and simulate one such that the distance of the sensor would be displayed on the lcd screen.

Things I learnt:

● I wasn\'t familiar with tinkercad at all,
 so this task helped me learn a new skill.
● I learnt about different components of the circuit.

I had done a similar task with my friends so it was really easy for me. lcd

TASK 5: Markdown

Markdown is an easy-to-use markup language that is used with plain text to add formatting elements (headings, bulleted lists, URLs) to plain text without the use of a formal text editor , or the use of HTML tags. Markdown is device agnostic and displays the writing format consistently .Writeing a technical resource article on motors rcb

TASK 6: ubuntu

ubuntu is an open source operating software by linux.

thinkgs i learnt

● Creating a folder named test.
● cd into that folder.
● Creating a blank file without using any text editor.
● List the files in that folder.
● Create 2600 folders in this folder.

the common commands are

● cd    = change directory
● mkdir = make directory
● ls    = list
● touch = create file in a specific directory 


Task 7: K-Maps

In this task we had to determine the k-map and make a burglar alarm using simple logic circuits. this was the easiest for me as i had alredy learnt it in my 2nd pu as a part of my core subject electronics.

Things I learnt:

● About K Maps and that they are pictorial method that are utilised to minimise various Boolean expressions without using the Boolean algebra theorems along with the equation manipulations.

uses of k-maps in electronics.

I learnt the method of solving 2 and 4 variable K Maps.

# To create a burglar alarm using simple logic circuits,
 we have to define the different cases based on door lock/open and key pressed/not pressed. Here are the four cases:
● Door locked,
 key not pressed
● Door locked,
 key pressed
● Door unlocked,
 key not pressed
● Door unlocked,
 key pressed

To simplify the logic, we can use a K-map for each of the four cases.

in this  K-maps
i have used 0 as door locked and key not pressed while 1 represents door open and key pressed:


Task 8: Soldering

We had to perform basic soldering for this task on a perf board. I went through a few videos on how to do it. One of the coordinators, Abhilash, explained and performed it following which we did it too.

Things i learnt:

How to perform soldering
● The equipments used for soldering and their uses.
●  The applications of soldering.
●  The use of flux and how oxidation can be prevented.

This was a very simple task . I performed soldering on a led light with a resistor and checked the circuit with the help of a battery. led

Task 9: Portfolio page

This task required us to create a portfolio page about us. this was the most deficult task for me as it was the 1st time i typed the entire html code on my own .usually my friend would take care of it or i would just copy and paste it from google.

Things i learnt:

● Skills in html and css
● codeing can be fun if you know what you r doing

i didnt know what to fill so i just made my report in it

heres a link to my page



●the Marvel program provided a wide range of technical challenges that helped me improve my skills and learn new ones. The tasks covered various areas such as 3D printing, APIs, GitHub, Tinkercad, Markdown, Ubuntu, K-Maps, and soldering. Through these tasks, I learned about different concepts and tools used in these areas, such as STL files, G-code, forking, creating branches, pull requests, circuit components, Markdown language, Linux commands, and K-Maps. Overall, the program was an excellent opportunity to explore new technical skills and concepts, and I am grateful to have been a part of it.

●Additionally, the program provided a collaborative environment where I had the opportunity to work with like-minded individuals from different backgrounds, sharing ideas and learning from each other. The support from the program mentors and the community was exceptional, making the experience even more enjoyable.

●Moreover, the practical nature of the program made it an ideal platform for me to apply the theoretical knowledge I have gained in my academic pursuits. The hands-on experience and exposure to real-world problems were invaluable, and I believe it will be beneficial in my future endeavors.

●Overall, the Marvel program was an exceptional opportunity for me to learn, grow, and develop my technical skills. I highly recommend the program to anyone interested in technology, and I am confident that it will be a great investment for anyone seeking to advance their technical expertise.

Task 1: 3D Printing

In this task we had to learn the working of a 3D printer and print a model. I chose to print a small model straw hat pirates jolly roger. Things I learnt:

●About STL files.
●The process to change the size,
 speed of printing,
●About G-code and the method to print a model.

This was a very interesting and fun task. I learnt how a 3D printer works, the softwares required and the process that goes into it.


Task 2: API

In this task we had to familiarize ourselves with the working of an API*(Application Programming Interface)*. I chose to make a weather API.

Things I learnt:

●What an API is and its applications.
●Its importance and how it can help developers create better user experiences that are more engaging,
 and efficient.

This was an informative task and it helped me increase my knowledge in a new field. api

TASK 3: Git-hub

Familiarizeing myself with GitHub integrated workflows (GitHub actions), Issues, and pull requests

Things I learnt:

● creating an git-hub account
● forking
●creatig a branch
●creating pull requests 

this was a new thing for me by the time i did it i had no idea about it so i'm not sure wether i have completly resolve the issue. git

Task 4: Tinkercad

In this task we had to work on a circuit and simulate one such that the distance of the sensor would be displayed on the lcd screen.

Things I learnt:

● I wasn\'t familiar with tinkercad at all,
 so this task helped me learn a new skill.
● I learnt about different components of the circuit.

I had done a similar task with my friends so it was really easy for me. lcd

TASK 5: Markdown

Markdown is an easy-to-use markup language that is used with plain text to add formatting elements (headings, bulleted lists, URLs) to plain text without the use of a formal text editor , or the use of HTML tags. Markdown is device agnostic and displays the writing format consistently .Writeing a technical resource article on motors rcb

TASK 6: ubuntu

ubuntu is an open source operating software by linux.

thinkgs i learnt

● Creating a folder named test.
● cd into that folder.
● Creating a blank file without using any text editor.
● List the files in that folder.
● Create 2600 folders in this folder.

the common commands are

● cd    = change directory
● mkdir = make directory
● ls    = list
● touch = create file in a specific directory 


Task 7: K-Maps

In this task we had to determine the k-map and make a burglar alarm using simple logic circuits. this was the easiest for me as i had alredy learnt it in my 2nd pu as a part of my core subject electronics.

Things I learnt:

● About K Maps and that they are pictorial method that are utilised to minimise various Boolean expressions without using the Boolean algebra theorems along with the equation manipulations.

uses of k-maps in electronics.

I learnt the method of solving 2 and 4 variable K Maps.

# To create a burglar alarm using simple logic circuits,
 we have to define the different cases based on door lock/open and key pressed/not pressed. Here are the four cases:
● Door locked,
 key not pressed
● Door locked,
 key pressed
● Door unlocked,
 key not pressed
● Door unlocked,
 key pressed

To simplify the logic, we can use a K-map for each of the four cases.

in this  K-maps
i have used 0 as door locked and key not pressed while 1 represents door open and key pressed:


Task 8: Soldering

We had to perform basic soldering for this task on a perf board. I went through a few videos on how to do it. One of the coordinators, Abhilash, explained and performed it following which we did it too.

Things i learnt:

How to perform soldering
● The equipments used for soldering and their uses.
●  The applications of soldering.
●  The use of flux and how oxidation can be prevented.

This was a very simple task . I performed soldering on a led light with a resistor and checked the circuit with the help of a battery. led

Task 9: Portfolio page

This task required us to create a portfolio page about us. this was the most deficult task for me as it was the 1st time i typed the entire html code on my own .usually my friend would take care of it or i would just copy and paste it from google.

Things i learnt:

● Skills in html and css
● codeing can be fun if you know what you r doing

i didnt know what to fill so i just made my report in it

heres a link to my page



●the Marvel program provided a wide range of technical challenges that helped me improve my skills and learn new ones. The tasks covered various areas such as 3D printing, APIs, GitHub, Tinkercad, Markdown, Ubuntu, K-Maps, and soldering. Through these tasks, I learned about different concepts and tools used in these areas, such as STL files, G-code, forking, creating branches, pull requests, circuit components, Markdown language, Linux commands, and K-Maps. Overall, the program was an excellent opportunity to explore new technical skills and concepts, and I am grateful to have been a part of it.

●Additionally, the program provided a collaborative environment where I had the opportunity to work with like-minded individuals from different backgrounds, sharing ideas and learning from each other. The support from the program mentors and the community was exceptional, making the experience even more enjoyable.

●Moreover, the practical nature of the program made it an ideal platform for me to apply the theoretical knowledge I have gained in my academic pursuits. The hands-on experience and exposure to real-world problems were invaluable, and I believe it will be beneficial in my future endeavors.

●Overall, the Marvel program was an exceptional opportunity for me to learn, grow, and develop my technical skills. I highly recommend the program to anyone interested in technology, and I am confident that it will be a great investment for anyone seeking to advance their technical expertise.

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01