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Chandan's CL-CY-001 course work. Lv 1


6 / 7 / 2024


TASK 1 : 3D Printing

3D printing, or additive manufacturing, constructs three-dimensional objects layer by layer from digital designs. This technique involves successively adding material to form a 3D component. During the learning process, I explored key concepts such as STL files, G-Code, infill density, bed temperature, and nozzle temperature. I began by downloading an STL file from the web, which I then processed using Creality Slicer software. After slicing, I transferred the generated code to the 3D printer via Wi-Fi , enabling the printer to create the physical model. This hands-on experience provided a comprehensive understanding of the 3D printing workflow. Description of the image Description of the image


An API, or application programming interface, is a set of protocols that allow different software applications to communicate with each other. Serving as a middle layer, APIs manage data exchanges between systems, enabling businesses to share application data and functionalities with external developers, business partners, and internal departments.

In this task, I explored the concept of API keys and their applications. Utilizing a Currency Converter API key, I developed a webpage to showcase currency conversion. This hands-on experience enhanced my understanding of how API keys facilitate secure and efficient data access in web development.

github repository :-

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TASK 3 : Working with Github

From this task, I gained proficiency with GitHub, a widely-used platform for managing software development projects. I successfully identified and resolved an issue in the provided git-task, subsequently submitting a pull request to integrate the changes into the main branch. This experience enhanced my understanding of collaborative coding practices, including forking repositories and managing version control. It was an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge practically, fostering skills in error detection, debugging, and contributing to project repositories effectively. This hands-on engagement with GitHub deepened my confidence in utilizing its tools for future software development endeavors. github repository :- Description of the image Description of the image

Task 4 : Get familiar with the command line on ubuntu and do the following subtasks:

Ubuntu, a Linux distribution, stands out as an open-source OS tailored for cloud computing, specifically designed to bolster OpenStack deployments. Developed and maintained by the Canonical community, Ubuntu is freely accessible, emphasizing robustness and flexibility.

To illustrate a practical task sequence, I initiated by creating a directory named "test" using the mkdir command. Subsequently, leveraging the touch command, I generated a shell script file. Employing a while loop, I efficiently generated 3000 files. Lastly, utilizing the cat command, I seamlessly concatenated content from two distinct files. Description of the image Description of the image

TASK 5 : Kaggle contest

Kaggle serves as a platform and community for data scientists and machine learning enthusiasts, offering various competitions to enhance skills. For beginners, a popular starting point is the Titanic ML competition, designed to familiarize users with the platform. Participants access datasets provided by Kaggle and develop Python scripts to analyze and predict outcomes. The challenge involves creating predictive models to determine survival rates of passengers from the Titanic disaster based on historical passenger data. It serves as an educational opportunity to apply data science techniques in a real-world context, fostering learning and skill development among participants

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TASK 6: Working with Pandas and Matplotlib

Pandas serves as a vital Python tool for handling datasets, offering functionalities to analyze, cleanse, explore, and modify data efficiently. Meanwhile, Matplotlib stands out as a robust library enabling Python users to craft diverse visualizations, ranging from static graphs to interactive displays. In a recent assignment, I curated a compact dataset and proceeded to generate visual representations including line graphs, bar charts, and scatter plots. This exercise not only demonstrated the power of Pandas in data manipulation but also showcased Matplotlib's versatility in creating insightful visual insights from structured information. Description of the image Description of the image Description of the image Description of the image Description of the image

TASK 9 : Tinkercad

In this task, I explored the Tinkercad application and designed a circuit to gauge the distance between an obstacle and a sensor, displaying the results on an LCD screen. This project allowed me to understand the practical applications of sensors in measuring distances.


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TASK 12 : Soldering Prerequisites

Soldering is a technique for connecting metal components to create a mechanical or electrical bond. This method employs a solder, a metal alloy with a low melting point, which is heated and applied to the metal parts being joined. Once the solder cools and solidifies, it forms a secure connection. I learned about various soldering tools, including solder, a soldering iron, soldering wick, and flux. Additionally, I practiced basic soldering on a perforated board. These experiences provided a foundational understanding of soldering processes and the equipment involved. Description of the image

TASK 14 : Karnaugh Maps and Deriving the logic circuit

The Karnaugh map (K-map) is an efficient method for simplifying Boolean algebra expressions, tailored to the specific needs of a problem. While it resembles a table, a K-map provides more detailed insights. In this task, we need to construct a K-map for an alarm system, represented by an LED, which activates only when the door is locked, and the key is not found. Description of the image

TASK 15 : Active Participation

  • Participated in Kagada 2023 Poster Presentation track. Description of the image Description of the image
  • Codefury 6.0 Finalist. Description of the image
  • Secured 4th Place in Capture the Flag by GDSC. Description of the image

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01