13 / 7 / 2024
I was enthusiastic about starting 3D printing.I mastered the basics of 3D printing,including crucial details of nozzel and bed temperature.The filament material used is PLA(Poly Lactic Acid).The technology used in the printer present in Marvel is SLA (steriolithography). We can find even other technologies like FDM,Polyjet,DLP,MJF,DMLS,SLS and others. I used creality cloud to get STL file of the model and then sliced it to proper dimensions.Then,successfully printed an adorable Pikachu.The picture of print is given below.
Initially I learnt about API's and then I created a web weather app using HTML and CSS.I used Open weather API to create this application.This task helped me to get familiarise with HTML and CSS .I faced some problems in activating the API key but then I succeeded in doing it.
Link to github repository for code
I created a fork in Spoon-Knife project and then learnt how to clone a fork and cloned it using Gitbash.Then I created my own branch named Deepthianand and then learned to perform some changes in branch.Then I debbuged main.py which was failing test due to "+1" in the code.Then I opened a pull request proposing to fix the issue.
I learnt how command line on ubuntu works.I created a folder named test and created a blank file and listed that file into the folder.Then created 2600 folders in that folder and concatenated 2 text files containing random text and displayed them as shown below.
I made a kaggle account and I understood the task . I familiarized myself with kaggle.I participated in Titanic ML competition.I used machine learning to create a model that predicts which passengers survived the Titanic shipwreck.The training accuracy of the model I created is 92.26%.And the public score is 0.76555.
Link to github repository of the code
I used Python's Matplotlib and Pandas libraries to plot line graphs, bar graphs, and scatter plots for a random dataset. This helped me to get familiar with these libraries.The respective plots and their code are as follows.
I created a responsive portfolio webpage using HTML,CSS and Javascript.This webpage include my intrests such as art,photography and tech.I have also added few pictures of my art and photography.
Link to the github repository for code
I wrote an article on Chandrayan-3,which is a India's lunar exploration mission by ISRO using markdown.Markdown made it easier for me to write this article because of its simplicity. Its straightforward syntax and easy-to-use format allow for a clean and organized presentation. This simplicity not only enhances the writing experience but also ensures the content is accessible and visually appealing to readers.
I created my account in tinkercad and got familiarized to design circuits.Then I designed a circuit to estimate distance between an obstacle within range and the sensor using an ultrasonic sensor and simulated it and displayed on serial monitor.The circuit and tinkercad link as follows.
A radar system using an ultrasonic sensor and servo motor detects objects by emitting sound waves and measuring the echo time to calculate distance. The servo motor rotates the ultrasonic sensor, allowing it to scan a wider area. This setup provides a simple yet effective method for object detection and ranging within a specified area.
I designed a circuit using UNO,DC Motor and H-Bridge L298N motor driver and simulated it on Tinkercad (Link to Tinkercad simulation).Then I made a hardware circuit using UNO,DC Motor,H-Bridge L298N motor driver and 1k potentiometer and then uploaded the code to UNO and then controlled the DC Motor using potentiometer.
1.Potentiometer : (from left to right) GND (A0) 5v
2.L298n: IN1 IN2 ENA with respectively D8,D9 and D10 From Arduino and the DC motor is in Out1 and Out2
3.The driver is powerd by 9v battery wired with +12v and GND ( don't forget to ground the Arduino too)
4.The ENA here wired with D10 should always be wired with a pin that can deliver PWM signal
Link to github repository for code
First I learnt about ESP32,familiarized myself with breadboard .I followed the circuit and code given in reference in website and uploaded the LED Toggle code into ESP32 using Arduino IDE APP and then got IP address to control LED state.Then I performed LED Toggling.
Learnt about soldering ,how to use solder,soldering iron,soldering wick,flux,etc.Even got to know about desoldering using copper wire.I soldered LED to pref board.Then lighted up led using battery.
Key Points
Got familiarized with IC and several pins of IC and duty cycles in 555 IC.Then built a 555 IC astable Multivibrator circuit for 60% duty cycle .Used capacitors of desired value but due to unavailability of desired resistors ,used nearest resistor and got 56% duty cycle on oscilloscope.
I derived the truth table for the given situtaion ,which is given below .Then got to know that it resembeles XOR gate ,derived a K-Map for it and then I designed circuit using XOR gate and buzzer as shown below .The buzzer will activate only when door is open and key pressed or key not pressed and door is close.
I participated in Kagada 2023 in poster presentation track.It was great experience being a part of Kagada 2023.The certificate is as given below.
The MQ135 is a gas sensor widely used for detecting a variety of harmful gases, including ammonia, sulfur, benzene, smoke, CO2, and other gases. It operates on the principle of changes in the resistance of the sensing material in response to the presence of gas. The MQ135 sensor is highly sensitive and has a quick response time, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, including air quality monitoring and safety systems.
The calibration process involves exposing the sensor to a known concentration of a particular gas and measuring the output to create a reference point. The sensor's response to various gases can be characterized by its sensitivity curves, which are typically provided in the datasheet.
The sensitivity curves of the MQ135 sensor show the relationship between the gas concentration and the Rs/Ro ratio. Each gas has a distinct curve, which allows for the detection and estimation of its concentration.
The Freundlich Absorption Isotherm describes the adsorption of gases on a solid surface, which can be represented by the equation:
x/m = k p^(1/n)
For the MQ135 sensor, the Freundlich Absorption graph helps in understanding the adsorption properties of the sensing material and its interaction with different gases.
The MQ135 gas sensor is a versatile and reliable device for detecting a wide range of harmful gases. Its ease of calibration and sensitivity to various gases make it an essential component in safety and environmental monitoring systems.