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D2D's CL-CY-001 course work. Lv 3


Level 1

10 / 12 / 2023

Task 1: 3D printing Hiii nOne of the finest cordinator Abhilash have taught and helped me throughout this task. In this task I have learnt What's an STL file Thing verse website Understanding the working of a 3-d printer Nossle temperature Plate temperature Why fan should not be placed anywhere near 3d-printer(when it is working). With the help of thing verse, I have 3-d printed a cat bookmark which is very useful. It took a duration of 48 minutes to print. Apart from minute printing voids it turned out to be fine art. IMG_20231207_123523_622 IMG_20231207_132203_496

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Task 2: API

Hi nThe cordinator bhavid and abhilash helped and guided me through this task. I learnt what is an API, how it is useful. I learnt and executed a open weather API using jQuery plugin and created a account in it. Built a real time weather app using open weather API in vanilla Javascript. Did some changes in download code as per my norms. It turned out to be a fun task and it worked without any hurdles. IMG_20231116_115712_102 IMG_20231116_120108_764

. . . . TASK 3: Working with Github Hi nI have learnt about basics in GitHub through some YouTube videos. I opened a GitHub profil nLearnt about: •readme.file •forking •pull request Firstl nI have taken a clone of the given repository, checked for the errors in the code, corrected them. Made a pull reques nIn total the task was very intriguing. Screenshot_20240111-143108 Screenshot_20240111-142759

. . . . TASK 4: Get familiar with the command line on ubuntu and do the following subtasks: Hiii nRead a resourceful article on all the major commands used in the Terminal. Read the history of Linux, the improvements in its versions and the develpoment of modern operating systems. In these task I have learnt •how to create a folder or file using only Ubuntu terminal. • Created 2600 folders in a folder just as mentioned in the marvel task. •learnt to concatenate two text files, so that it displays the texts in them together. •learnt major Ubuntu commands like: pwd cd mkdir cd ls touch

cat. IMG_20240111_123703_904 IMG_20240111_124624_862

. . . . TASK 8: Writing Resource Article using Markdown Markdown is an easy-to-use markup language that is used with plain text to add formatting elements (headings, bulleted lists, URLs) to plain text without the use of a formal text editor or the use of HTML tags. Markdown is device agnostic and displays the writing format consistently across device type. cordinator-Sarvesh have guided me in this task. Her nI have wrote about GIFT city in gujrat. . . . .

TASK 9: Tinkercad

Hii nThe cordinator Aryan and bhavid guided me through this task. In this task I have learnt what is a Tinkercad, how it is useful in forming a circuit (in computer). I have opened a account in Tinkercad. I have connected a circuit of distance calculator using equipments like Arduino Uno R3 board Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) 16×2 LCD I2C Display Jumper Wires. And I have done coding with c++. It turned out to be a successful task. IMG_20231108_132527_097

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TASK 10: Speed Control of DC Motor

Hii nCordinator Abhilash have helped and guided me through this. Senior Fathima have been a great support through out this task. Firstly i have equipped the circuits in the Tinkercad and it worked out pretty fine. Then, i started to assemble it, the things I have used are 2 DC Motors, the L298N motor driver, an Arduino board and potentiometer. Initially I faced many hurdles, later on abhilash helped me and the code in the website was not working properly. S nI got the code from chatgpt. Then, it worked out pretty good. IMG_20231109_115054_105 IMG_20231109_141914_063

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TASK 11: LED Toggle Using ESP32

Hii nCordinator Bhavid have guided me through this task and senior Fathima have been a great help during the completion of task. In this I have operated with Esp 32(micro controller) Led lights, breadboard, jumper wires, 2 ohm resistor. I have learnt what is a Arduino IDE, how it is useful, how to operate it. I have successfully connected circuit as in the task and copied and pasted code in Arduino IDE. Connected with my phones hotspot. The led light toggled without any hurdles. IMG_20231108_144406_010 IMG_20231108_144400_622

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TASK 12: Soldering Prerequisites

Hii nOne of the fine cordinator-BHAVID- explained and executed soldering process with enthusiasm. I learnt what is a perf board(It is made up of copper which is less reactive, so that lead sticks to it). Why do we use resistors (because different electrical equipments have different power) Learnt that lead is carcinogenic Learnt how to use the flux, how to hold solder, safety measures. With all the knowledge I have gained, I have mastered the art of soldering. I executed a simple LED circuit and it turned out fine without any issues. IMG_20231108_120208_295 IMG_20231108_113028_241

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TASK 13:Design a 555 astable multivibrator with duty cycle 60%.

Both the cordinator Abhilash and Bhavid have been a great help and guided me through out this task. Firstl nAbhilash have explained in detail what does a duty cycle, he showed in white board the circuit diagram of 555 astable multivibrator. The nWith the help of formula, i found out the correct resistor and capacitor I needed for the task and I also calculated the frequency. Then with the help of oscilloscope i checked the 555 vibrator, it worked out pretty good. Additional Bhavid have show me how does a capacitor charges and discharge with the help of oscilloscope. IMG_20231211_123851_158 IMG_20231211_123841_458 IMG_20231211_123713_083 . . . .

Task 15: Active participation

•I have own state first prize in IOM. •own district first in maths-science Olympiad 2018-19 organised by Krvp. •own district second in science quiz organized by Krvp. •own district first in young scientist event 2019-20 organised by Krvp. •own district first in young scientist event 2018-19 organised by Krvp.

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Bengaluru 01