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kunal's D-P-001 course work. Lv 1

This Report is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.


29 / 3 / 2024


Soldering is a process used to join together two or more metal components by melting a filler metal (solder) into the joint. The filler metal typically has a lower melting point than the metal being joined, allowing it to flow and create a strong bond between the parts when it solidifies. Soldering is commonly used in electronics, plumbing, jewelry making, and other metalworking applications. It requires a soldering iron or torch to heat the joint and the solder, along with flux to clean the surfaces and promote good Screenshot (44)


Tinkercad is a web-based 3D design and modeling tool developed by Autodesk. It's designed to be user-friendly and accessible, making it popular among beginners, educators, and hobbyists who want to create 3D models without extensive training in CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software.Screenshot (45)


Design a 555 astable multivibrator with a duty cycle 60%, rig up the circuit on a breadboard, and by using the probes observe the output of your circuit on the DSO. Basic Astable 555 Oscillator: The 555 IC can function as an astable oscillator to generate continuous square wave pulses. It operates by continuously re-triggering itself, allowing it to function as a free-running oscillator.circuit configuration: Connect pins 2 (trigger) and 6 (threshold) together to enable re-triggering for astable operation.The timing resistor from the monostable circuit is split into two resistors, R1 and R2.Waveform Generation: During each cycle, the capacitor charges through both R1 and R2 but discharges only through R2. Output waveform voltage level is approximately Vcc−1.5V. Charge and Discharge Times: Charge time (t1) and discharge time (t2) determine the frequency of oscillations.T=t1+t2, where T is the total periodic time. Output Frequency Equation: f=1/T=1/(t1+t2).Duty Cycle Adjustment: The duty cycle can be adjusted by changing the ratio of resistors R2 to R1. The duty cycle is the ratio of the \ON" time to the "OFF" time.Screenshot (46)


I took part in CODEFURY 6.O which is the annual national level hackathon , conducted by IEEE on the 23 and 24 septembet 2023. Screenshot 2024-03-17 125642


API.API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate and interact with each other. APIs define the methods and data formats that applications can use to request and exchange information. They enable developers to access the functionality of a system or service without needing to understand its internal workings, making it easier to integrate different software components and create more powerful applications. Link of the Github repo : Screenshot 2024-03-17 125024


LED Toggle Using ESP32 Learn the workings of an ESP32. Use the Arduino IDE to code and upload the program to the ESP32. Learn to configure the IDE to upload code to an ESP32.Components required: ESP32 development board – read ESP32 Development Boards Review and Comparison 2x 5mm LED 2x 330 Ohm Resistor Breadboard Jumper wireSteps involved: Using a microcontroller we build an LED web server that controls the working of LED. We use general input/output pins 26 and 27 and configure them to give the output. Make sure to ground the ESP32 microcontroller. The rest of the circuits are made as shown below:After copying the code given in uploading it to the Arduino IDE, we modify the code by replacing it with our network credentials . Plug the esp32 into the computer and follow the instructions on the given resource article (stated above). Screenshot (64)


In this task, I first stimulated the circuit in Tinkercad and later performed it in marvel lab.The circuit consists of Arduino board, Motor driver , Breadboard, Motor, Battery and a potentiometer. The code was uploaded to to the Arduino board using Arduino IDE and the speed of the motor was controlled using the potentiometer. Screenshot (66) Screenshot (65)



Computer-Aided Design (CAD) refers to the use of computer software and systems to create, modify, analyze, and optimize designs. Here are some fundamental concepts of CAD: Geometric Modeling: CAD systems use geometric modeling to represent objects and shapes digitally. This includes 2D geometry for drawings and 3D geometry for solid modeling.

2D Drafting:

In 2D drafting, CAD software is used to create technical drawings, plans, and diagrams. This involves using tools like lines, circles, arcs, text, dimensions, and layers to represent objects in two dimensions.

3D Modeling:

3D modeling allows designers to create and manipulate three-dimensional objects. Common techniques include extrusion, lofting, sweeping, and Boolean operations (union, difference, intersection).


Isometric and orthographic projections are two different methods used in technical drawing and engineering to represent three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface like paper or a computer screen.

Orthographic Projection:

Definition: Orthographic projection is a technique used to represent a 3D object in two dimensions by projecting its views onto three mutually perpendicular planes: front, top, and side (usually left or right).

Isometric Projection:

Definition: Isometric projection is a method of representing a 3D object on a 2D surface where all three principal axes (x, y, z) are equally foreshortened, resulting in a non-distorted and uniform scale along each axis. IMG-20240330-WA0048 IMG-20240330-WA0027 IMG-20240330-WA0047 IMG-20240330-WA0046 IMG-20240330-WA0045 IMG-20240330-WA0044 IMG-20240330-WA0043 IMG-20240330-WA0042


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TASK 1 ALLEN KEY Screenshot (76) TASK 2 Create a New Design: Open Fusion 360 and start a new design project. Choose a Workspace: Fusion 360 offers various workspaces like Modeling, Sculpting, Patch, and Sheet Metal. Choose the Modeling workspace for traditional solid modeling. Create Sketches: In the Modeling workspace, click on the "Create Sketch" button. Select a plane or a face to sketch on. Sketch Geometry: Use sketch tools like lines, circles, arcs, rectangles, etc., to create the desired geometry on the sketch plane. Dimension and Constrain: Add dimensions and constraints to your sketch to define the size and position of the geometry. use parameters to constrain sketch geometry .project geometry into a sketch , finish the sketch Screenshot (77)


3D Modelling Solid Modelling in this task i Designed a simple aerofoil for an HTOL aircraft using Fusion360. Screenshot (78)


in this task Designed a toroidal propellor which is compatible with a 1000kv BLDC Motor available in the lab. Screenshot (81)


3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a technology that allows the creation of three-dimensional objects by layering material on top of itself. This process is in contrast to traditional subtractive manufacturing, where material is removed from a solid block to create a desired shape. 3D printing has gained significant popularity and is used in various industries for prototyping, customization, and even production of finished products. Here's an overview of how 3D printing works and its applications: How 3D Printing Works:

1.Digital Design:

The process starts with a digital 3D model of the object you want to create. This model is usually created using computer-aided design (CAD) software.


The 3D model is sliced into thin horizontal layers using slicing software. Each of these layers serves as a blueprint for the 3D printer.


The 3D printer follows these layer-by-layer instructions, depositing material (typically plastic, metal, resin, or a composite) to create the physical object. There are various 3D printing technologies, including Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Stereolithography (SLA), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), and more, each with its own material and process characteristics.

4.Cooling and Solidification:

Depending on the technology, the material is cooled, cured, or sintered to harden it into the desired shape.


After printing, additional steps such as removing support structures, sanding, painting, or assembling multiple parts may be necessary to achieve the desired finish and functionality. the material that we use at lab PLA(polylactic acid filament ) PRO + at a temperature of 195-210 and bed temperature of about 40-50 degree C. Applications of 3D Printing: Prototyping: 3D printing is widely used for rapid prototyping in industries like aerospace, automotive, and product design. It allows for quick and cost-effective iteration of designs.


3D printing enables the production of highly customized products, such as personalized medical implants, dental prosthetics, and bespoke fashion items.

Medical and Healthcare:

3D printing has applications in creating patient-specific surgical models, prosthetics, orthodontic devices, and even organs and tissues for transplantation in the field of regenerative medicine.


3D printing is a valuable tool for STEM education, allowing students to bring their design concepts to life and learn about engineering, design, and manufacturing processes.Architecture and Construction: Large-scale 3D printers can create architectural models, building components, and even entire structures, offering new possibilities in construction.

Aerospace and Automotive:

3D printing is used to produce lightweight and complex components for aircraft and vehicles, leading to improved fuel efficiency and performance.


Make basic gates using TTL logic.# 1.OR GATE USING NPN TRANSISTOR made a basic OR gate connection using npn transistor on tinker cad Screenshot (82)


made a basic AND gate connection using npn transistor on tinker cad Screenshot (83)


made a basic NAND gate connection using npn transistor on tinker cad Screenshot (84)


made a basic NOR gate connection using npn transistor on tinker cadScreenshot (85)

Driving an N-channel MOSFET

Driving an N-channel MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) properly is essential to ensure it operates efficiently and safely in electronic circuits. N-channel MOSFETs are commonly used as switches in many applications due to their low ON resistance and fast switching characteristics Screenshot (86) "

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01