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vrishank's AI-ML-001 course work. Lv 1

vrishank aryanAUTHORACTIVE
This Report is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

Generic Tasks

1 / 1 / 2025

Level 1 Final Report

Generic Tasks

Task 1: 3D printing

  • familiarized myself with the components of a 3d printer.

  • went into detail on how infill density and internal structure of the model affects the overall model's integrity and life.

  • Learned how to slice a model to get optimum time and overall structure

3d model pic 1

3d model pic 2

here's what i worked on: A cute, tiny model of Thanos

Task 2: API

  • familiarized myself with how an API works and how to get an API for myself.

  • Learned how to make a user interface of a weather app. This weather app can fetch you the weather of any city on the earth.

  • Got to know the basics of Flask for building websites.

  • Pushed the app i made to my GitHub profile.

Here is the GitHub link to the weather app i made:

Weather app

Task 3: Working with GitHub

GitHub is one of the best Version controls being used right now. It lets you to have a safe copy of your code and keeps track of previous versions of the same project. This essentially means that the code can be reverted to its previous version very easily.

Having to implement this without version control would be a nightmare.

Here are the steps i followed to complete this task:

  • Used the Git clone command on command prompt to get a local copy of the UVCE marvel task.

  • corrected the code in the cloned repo.

  • Created a repo of my own on my GitHub account and pushed the corrected code from the cloned repo to this repo.

Here is the link to the GitHub repo i created:

Corrected repo

git task

TASK 4: Get familiar with the command line on ubuntu

The command line is a wonderful way to get around file management. The six subtasks in this task, and how i solved them:

  • Create a folder named test.

  • I navigated to the place were i would like to have the folder using cd command .

  • I then used the mkdir test command to create a directory called test.

  • cd into that folder.

  • I used to cd test command to navigate into the folder test.

  • Create a blank file without using a text editor.

  • I used the touch file1.txt command to create a file named file1.txt

  • List the files in that folder.

  • I used the ls command to list all the files in that folder.

  • Create 2600 folders in this folder, named like B1,B2... and so on.

  • I used the command touch B{1..2600}.txt to create 2600 files of the .txt type and having a similar naming pattern.

  • Concatenate two text files containing any random text and display them on the terminal.

  • used the echo MAR > B1.txt to insert the text MAR in B1.txt

  • used the echo VEL > B2.txt to insert the text VEL in B2.txt

  • used the cat B1.txt B2.txt > B3.txt to concatenate the contents of B1.txt and B2.txt into the file B3.txt. This command also erases the filed B1.txt and B2.txt

ubuntu task

TASK 5: Kaggle contest

Kaggle is a wonderful platform to practice your model building capabilities. You might call it the LeetCode for AIML enthusiasts. The Titanic problem is a beautiful way to jump into machine learning.

The goal of the Titanic problem is to predict whether or not an imaginary passenger with imaginary set of details, would have survived the titanic wreck. We are given a huge dataset of passengers with their details and also whether or not they survived the crash.

I made use of TensorFlow 2.0 to make my model. I have pushed model to a repo on my GitHub.

Titanic model

TASK 6: Working with Pandas and Matplotlib:

One cannot stress enough on the importance of Pandas, MatplotLib, and Numpy for people who work with tons of data. They are probably the most important libraries that exist in python.

Pandas is a library that makes the transfer between an excel spreadsheet or a csv file to your program seamless. Though this is one of the most important functions of Pandas, this library is not limited to just this.

Matplotlib is another very important library. It is used to plot and graph the data. It takes in data as either a numpy array or a pandas column. and gives out an image as a graph. Plotting data is very important in hyperparameter tuning and stuff as simple as checking if we have chosen the right model for the current project.

I watched the tutorials of Keith galli on YouTube to familiarize myself with these topics. His videos also gave me the very valuable Pokemon dataset that i worked on.

TASK 7: Create a Portfolio Webpage

This task helps us set foot into the domain of web development. We delve into the frontend, backend and the connections between them. I built a tiny website to showcase my portfolio. I used HTML, CSS and python's Flask to build this website.

Code of the website

TASK 8: Writing Resource Article using Markdown

I have written a resource article on the basic fundamentals of AI. You could find it in the articles section

link to resource article

TASK 9: Tinkercad

Tinkercad is a wonderful software to visualize a circuit before building it. Its used by engineers all around the world to simulate real time circuits.

I created a Tinkercad account and familiarized myself with the basics of the software. I then, worked on a distance sensing contraption. It used a servo motor, an Arduino Uno and an LCD for projection of the distance.

tinkercad circuit img 1

TASK 11: LED Toggle Using ESP32

This was a very interesting task to work on. The goal was to toggle a light switch on and off using an external device which was connected to the ESP32 using Wi-fi.

pic 1 pic 2

TASK 12: Soldering Prerequisites

Soldering is a very important skill to master when working with circuits. A good solder is one which is not too big, nor too small.

  • learned about the ideal temperature to solder.

  • learned about the different techniques of soldering.

pic 1 pic 2

TASK 13: Build a 555 astable multivibrator

  • Familiarized myself with the working of a flip flop, transistor.

  • Worked on the circuit and understood what a duty cycle is.

A 555 astable multivibrator is used to create a free-running oscillator that produces square wave pulses. Its applications include:

  • Pulse generation

  • Light and lamp flashers

  • Tone generation

  • Security alarms

  • Logic clocks

pic 1 pic 2

TASK 15: Active Participation:

I am currently taking a course on TensorFlow 2.0 on Udemy. Will update the certificate as i get it.

tensorflow 2.0 course

TASK 16: Datasheets report writing:

I chose to write a datasheet on the MQ135 sensor. I went through the official document of the same and studied its working. The sensor works on multiple modes, all mentioned in the datasheet.

link to datasheet

Task 17: Introduction to VR

I have given a detailed explaination on VR in the works section of the UVCE Marvel website.

I also got hands on experience with the VR gear. I explored the VR world and a few simple games like ChemLab. Took a walk through the cities of Rio De Janerio and New York City. The possibilities are endless for the VR sphere. I am very excited to see where this domain goes.

link to blog post

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01