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Ashok's IOT-001 course work. Lv 1

This Report is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

19 / 7 / 2024

Task 12 : Soldering Prerequisites

Definition :

Soldering is a process used to join two or more metal components by melting a filler metal (solder) into the joint. The solder has a lower melting point than the workpieces being joined, so the parts themselves do not melt. Soldering is commonly used in electronics and metalwork.


Task 9 : Tinkercad

Definition :

Tinkercad is an online 3D modeling and design tool that allows users to create, modify, and share 3D digital designs easily.

Here is example that I build a circuit in Tinkercad to measure distance between object and ultrasonic sensor.



Task 13 : 555 Astable Multivibrator

An astable 555 multivibrator is a type of electronic oscillator circuit that uses a popular integrated circuit (IC) known as the 555 timer IC that produces continuous square wave or pulse wave output, commonly used for generating clock signals and timekeeping in digital circuits.
In the astable mode, the 555 timer functions as an oscillator, generating a continuous square wave output. This makes it useful for generating clock pulses, tone generation, and various timing applications.

Why "555"?

The name "555" comes from the three 5-kiloohm resistors used in the original design in its internal voltage divider network.

What is an Oscilloscope?

An oscilloscope is an electronic test instrument used to visualize electrical signals as they vary over time. It displays the voltage of an electrical signal on a two-dimensional graph, with the vertical axis representing voltage and the horizontal axis representing time. This graphical representation is called an oscillogram or waveforms.

1 astable

2 astable

3 astable

Task 14 : Karnaugh Maps and Deriving the logic circuit

karnaugh maps means are a graphical tool used to simplify boolean algebra expressions and minimize the number of logical operations in digital circuits .They represent truth tables in a visual format that makes it easier to identify and eliminate redudant terms .Each cell in a K-map corresponds to a unique combination of input variables, and groups of adjacent cells can be combined to form simplified expressions. This method is especially useful for simplifying logic functions in two to six variables.



Task 4 : Get familiar with the command line on ubuntu and do the following subtasks

Definition :

Ubuntu is a popular, open-source Linux operating system known for its ease of use, regular releases, and strong community support.

I learnt to create 2600 folders in a single code.

concatenate two text files containing any random text and display them on the terminal.

Creating 2600 folders in a single code was very interesting.



Task 3 : Working with Github

GitHub is a platform that allows developers to automate their software development workflows directly within the GitHub repository. GitHub enables continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) processes, making it easier for teams to collaborate and streamline their development pipelines.

Forking refers to the process of creating a personal copy of someone else's repository (a collection of files and the entire version history of those files) in a distributed version control system like Git. When you fork a repository, you are essentially creating your own independent copy of the project, which can be modified without affecting the original repository.

A pull request (PR) in GitHub is a proposed code change submitted by a developer for review and integration into the main codebase.

github 1

Task 7 : Create a Portfolio Webpage

Definition :

A portfolio website is an online platform where individuals or businesses showcase their work, skills, and accomplishments. It typically includes:
1.Home Page: An introduction or overview of who you are or what your business does.
2.About Page: Detailed information about your background, experience, and qualifications.
3.Portfolio/Gallery: A collection of your best work or projects, often with descriptions or case studies.
4.Services/Skills: A section outlining the services you offer or the skills you possess.
5.Contact Page: Information on how potential clients or employers can get in touch with you, often including a contact form, email address, or social media links.
6.Blog (optional): A space for sharing insights, updates, or articles related to your field.

It's designed to attract potential clients or employers by presenting your best work and making it easy for them to learn more about you.


Task 8 : Writing Resource Article using Markdown

Link to the article

Task 15 : Active Participation

Volunteer in Food for Cause Event


Volunteer in Milagro 2k24


Task 2 : API

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and tools that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. It defines the methods and data formats that applications can use to request and exchange information. APIs facilitate the integration of different systems, enabling them to work together seamlessly.

Crux Code:

$(function () {
  $("#myForm").submit(function (e) {

    var city = $("#city").val();


function getWeather(city) {
    key: "ea5ceda552fc62d695e46455e0a5ddbb",
    city: city,
    descriptionTarget: ".weather-description",
    windSpeedTarget: ".weather-wind-speed",
    minTemperatureTarget: ".weather-min-temperature",
    maxTemperatureTarget: ".weather-max-temperature",
    humidityTarget: ".weather-humidity",
    sunriseTarget: ".weather-sunrise",
    sunsetTarget: ".weather-sunset",
    placeTarget: ".weather-place",
    iconTarget: ".weather-icon",
    customIcons: "../src/img/icons/weather/",
    success: function (data) {
      // show weather
    error: function (data) {


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Bengaluru 01