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V.A's AI-ML-001 course work. Lv 1

This Report is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

21 / 7 / 2024

AIML-001 Level 1 Report

Name : Vibha Batch : CSE 27'


Task goals: Learn what an API is and build a simple app using a chosen API.

Implementation: I created a simple app using HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript. Each time the button is clicked, the app fetches and displays a new joke from the Joke API.


Task 2: Working with GitHub

Task goals: Familiarize yourself with GitHub workflows, Issues, and pull requests.

Implementation: I explored the given GitHub repository. I followed the instructions in the README to complete the tasks, including creating issues and submitting pull requests.


Task 3: The Ubuntu terminal

Task goals: Get familiar with the command line on Ubuntu.

Implementation: Created a folder named test and navigated into it. Created a blank file and 2600 folders using for loop . Concatenated text files for display.

Ubuntu Terminal

Task 4: Working with Pandas and MatPlotLib

Task goals: Get familiar with using pandas for data manipulation and matplotlib for data visualization.

Implementation: I used pandas to load this dataset and matplotlib to create a line graph, bar graph, and scatter plot in Jupyter Notebok.

Bar Graph line Graph Scatter Plot

Task 5: Portfolio Page

Task goals: Develop a responsive portfolio website showcasing personal details, interests, projects, and social media profiles. Push the website to a Git repository.

Implementation: I used HTML and CSS to create a responsive personal webpage. This task provided an opportunity to complete and host a project I was already working on.

Link : This page is going to be updated regularly. I styled it in a way I think best represents me. Click here to check it out!

Task 6: Speed Control of DC Motor

Task goals: Learn basic techniques for controlling DC motors using the Arduino board and L298N motor driver. Specifically, control the speed of a 5V DC motor using an Arduino UNO and H-Bridge L298N motor driver.

Implementation: I made the connections and adjusted the code accordingly. With this, I learnt about Arduino and how to use breadboards for circuit design. The potentiometer helped regulate the motor's speed.

Dc Motor

Task 7: LED Toggle using ESP32

Task goals: Understand the operation of ESP32 and create a standalone web server using ESP32 to control an LED connected to its GPIOs. Use the Arduino IDE for programming and uploading the code to ESP32. Learn how to configure the IDE for ESP32 development.

Implementation: I learnt about ESP32 by creating a standalone web server that toggles an LED connected to its GPIO pins.

LED Circuit Web Server

Task 8: Soldering

Task goals: Learn about soldering equipment (solder, soldering iron, soldering wick, flux) available in the lab. Perform basic soldering on a perf board (e.g., LED circuit) under supervision. Document the process.

Implementation: I explored soldering tools and materials in the lab. Under supervision, practiced soldering by assembling a simple LED circuit on a perf board.


Task 9: Karnaugh Maps and Deriving the Logic Circuit

Task goals: Understand Karnaugh maps (K-maps) for simplifying boolean expressions and design a burglar alarm circuit using logic gates based on the conditions for door lock/open and key pressed/not pressed.

Implementation: I explored the use of Karnaugh maps to derive the simplified boolean expression ( B = D \cdot \overline{K} ). Using an online logic circuit simulator, I designed and implemented a burglar alarm circuit with an AND gate and a NOT gate to meet the specified conditions. The circuit activates the alarm (LED) when the door is open and the key is not pressed. K-map Truth Table

Task 10: 3D Printing

Task goals: Learn about 3D printing equipment and techniques available in the lab. Perform basic 3D printing by creating a model and documenting the process.

Implementation: I downloaded a model for the Pokemon Vulpix, sliced it and printed it in the lab.


Task 11: Kaggle Contest

Task goals: Make a Kaggle account, visit the website, and complete the Titanic ML competition to familiarize yourself with the Kaggle platform and machine learning competitions.


Implementation: I joined my first kaggle competition and made my submission using the Titanic dataset to predict who survived.

Task 12: Markdown

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01