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Shreyas's CL-CY-001 course work. Lv 3


Common Tasks(Level 0) Report

7 / 1 / 2024

Task 1: 3D Printing

Learned the necessary information to operate a 3D printer. Got a good understanding of how it works and the meaning of terms like bed temperature, nozzle temperature, G-Code, infill density, etc.

  • Downloaded an STL file of a Corvette car model and used Creality Slicing software.
  • Uploaded the sliced file to an SD card and then into the printer. IMG-20240107-WA0073

Task 2: Tinkercad

Had some experience with using Tinkercad. Had a decent understanding of its UI from a previous Marvel competition I had participated in.
In this task, I created a circuit with an IR sensor that can measure the distance of an obstacle and display the same on an LED screen. Connections are done on an Arduino board.

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Task 3: Working with Pandas and Matplotlib

  • Had done basic Python and worked with libraries in 12th. Tried doing Python on VS code for the first time and it took me quite some time to figure out how to get the libraries. Brushed up on the concepts and started with a simple data set. and worked with libraries in 12th.

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  • Made 3 graphs out of the dataset. Line, bar, and scatter charts respectively using the matplotlib library.
  • Used df.plot() and functions to generate the graphs.
  • Used the same data sets for line and bar graph but it wasn't possible use the same for scatter graph. Hence created another data frame of length, width and species and used it to plot the scatter graph.

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Task 4: API

Had known about APIs and how they work from the cloud computing campaign by GDSC. Read an article on the same and made a simple weather site that uses the Open Weather API key. Open weather allows a limited number of API calls per day for free usage and charges beyond that. Generated a unique API key and used it in my code for the webpage.

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Task 5: Kaggle Contest

Kaggle was completely new to me. Read a little about the platform and how useful it has been to ML and Data Science Engineers. Watched a Youtube video to solve the Titanic Problem. Couldn't really understand everything in that model. Found a simple tutorial on Kaggle for this problem and followed it step by step.

  • Copied the Python codes into a Jupyter-type notebook on Kaggle and executed it.
  • Obtained the final CSV file which predicts the survivors of the Titanic shipwreck.

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Task 6: Soldering Prerequisites

Soldering is a basic requirement for almost all electronic applications. Had a decent idea of all the things involved in it. Went through all of it again in the presence of a senior.

  • Performed simple soldering of an LED to a perf board.


Task 7: Ubuntu Command Line

Read a resource article on all the major commands used in the Terminal. Read the history of Linux, the improvements in its versions and the develpoment of modern operating systems. Started from scratch here and have a long way to go with the command line.

  • Used the mkdir command to make a blank directory.
  • Used cd and ls command to enter the directory and list the contents
  • Used the touch command to make 2600 files.
  • Used the cat command to concatenate 2 files.



Task 8: Speed Control of DC motor.

Read the resource article provided, and learned whatever basics are to be known about motor drivers. L298N motor driver to be precise is used.

  • Simulated a circuit on Tinkercad. L298N motor driver wasn't available on Tinkercad so the simulation and the actual circuit are slightly different.
  • Built the circuit in the lab and was able to change the speed of the motor using a potentiometer.

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Task 9: Working with GitHub

Had a basic understanding of GitHub. Watched a video of the basics of git and Git Hub from freecodecamp on YouTube. Learned about forking on GitHub.

  • Created a clone of the given repository.
  • Found the error in the code, made the necessary changes, and committed to the change.
  • Made a pull request to merge with the main branch.

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Task 10: Markdown Resource Article

The article provided below is to display my understanding of markdown and its syntax.

Link to an article about Google Bard

Task 11: LED Toggle using ESP 32

The task was to make a web server that controls ESP32 switches using LEDs. The circuit is built by GPIO 26 and 27 ports connected to LEDs and the ESP32 is connected to the PC with USB.

  • Required code is uploaded to Arduino IDE and necessary ssid and password changes are made to the code.
  • Open the browser, paste the IP address and we may now control the LEDs.

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Task 12: Active Participation:

  • Took part in the Google Cloud Campaign by GDSC and completed 3 courses and 1 arcade event listed in it.

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  • Participated in a 4-week-long Consulting Simulation Event organized by the IIT Madras branch of 180 Degrees Consulting.

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K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01