2 / 1 / 2025
3D printing is a trending manufacturing technology in which material is deposited layer wise. I downloaded the STL file of Mini Guitar and slicied it using the ultimaker cura and learnt about various setting and obtained the G – code and printed the mini guitar.
API stands for Application Programming Interface. API helps to communicate between two software components. By referring to the resources provided, I created a account on open weather API and obtained my API key and by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript on Visual studio I created a weather App.
Link to access API code: https://github.com/Usha-005/Weather-App.git
github is a platform used to build some of the most advanced technologies in the world. It is used to store, write and obtain the code and. In this i created an account on the github and understood various terms used and created my first Repository and created the new branch and forked the Marvel repository and fixed the issue by removing +1 and commited the changes and created a pull request to merge.
MATPLOTLIB is a python library used to visualize the data. I used some data and plotted Line graph, Bar graph and Scatter Plot. Below are the images
By using HTML, CSS , I created my portfolio. Below is a picture of it.
I wrote a article onL293D motor driver . link to access the article: https://github.com/Usha-005/L-293-D-motor-driver.git
Tinkercad is used to design, print the 3D objects and design the circuits. I used it to Design a circuit. https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/cf661830-729a-4986-b305-02392fb054df
I used the Arudino, Motor driver and Bluetooth model and Battery and controlled the speed of a DC Motor.
I connected the ESP32, the LED lights and the resistors on the breadboard. Further i toggled the LED lights using my phone.
Soldering is a method to Join electronic components. i successfully joined resistor, Battery, and an LED light on a perf board and lit it with a battery.
The 555 Timer IC is an integrated circuit used for pulse generation and oscillator applications. Using the 555 Timer IC , a circuit was designed with resistors in 2:1 ratio along with capacitors to get a duty cycle of 58.7%. The circuit and the waveform that was displayed in the oscilloscope is as below:
As an associate member of SEB i actively volunteered for the events like Scholarship distribution, AI workshop etc. I have also partcipated in events like BHAG UVCE BHAG, Puranik and Katalyst Tech Fest.
Familiarised with Virtual Reality. and experienced the 3D gaming and performed the task by using VR.