5 / 3 / 2024
Learnt how to use a 3D printer.
Understood what is an STL file.
Learnt to slice it using Ultimaker Cura.
3D printer used: Creality CR10 Smart Pro.
Bed temperature: 65 C.
PLA printing temprature: 215 C.
Used the 3D printer to print F-35.
Learnt the working of an API and its applications.
Developed a Dictionary API: returns the meaning of the given word.
Used HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
You can see my API here.
Familiarized myself with GitHub.
Cloned the given repository to my account using the git command git-clone
Corrected the error.
Saved and committed using git command git-commit
Pushed into my repository using the git command git-push
Next, I pulled a request to merge with the main branch.
Please take a look at my pull request here.
Learnt a few basic Ubuntu commands like pwd
, cd
, ls
and mkdir
Created a folder named test.
into that folder.
Created a blank file without using any text editor.
Created 2600 folders in this folder and named each folder from M0001 to M2600
Created an account in the Kaggle contest.
Participated in the Titanic regression model problem.
I went through the given data: train, test and gender submission.
You can go through my submission here.
Created a report on COVID survivors, deaths and vaccinations
Created a line graph representing COVID survivors and death over time.
Bar graph representing COVID vaccinations over time
Scattered graph representing the Covid Survivors/Deaths vs Vaccinations
I created my student portfolio using HTML and CSS in Visual Studio Code. Take a look at my responsive Student Portfolio. Here is my Git repository.
I wrote an article about Hyperloops using markdown on GitHub. Refer to my resource article here.
Created a TinkerCad account.
learnt how to use the circuits.
Constructed a circuit that measures distance using an Ultrasonic sensor and Arduino and displays it on an LED.
I first stimulated this on tinkercad.
I used the L298 motor driver and ardiuno board.
Learned the working of an ESP32
Created a standalone web server
with an ESP32 that controls the LED connected with ESP32 GPIOs.
Used the Arduino IDE
to code and upload the program to the ESP32.
Learnt to configure the IDE to upload code to an ESP32.
Used the webserver to control two LED lights on the
Learnt about soldering types of equipment present in the lab:
Soldering gun, flux and solder.
Learnt to use them and perform basic soldering an LED and a resistor on a perf board.
Connect the LED to a battery.
Designed a 555 astable multivibrator with a duty cycle of 60%.
Carried out certain calculations, assumed R1 = 3kilo ohms and R2 = 6kilo ohms.
Set up the circuit on a breadboard.
By using the probes observed the output of the circuit on the DSO.
The system consists of two slide switches, a bulger alarm, a power supply, 2 resistors, a Quad AND gate and a Hex inverter. The 1st switch represents the door and the 2nd represents the key inside the house. When the door is open, the 1st switch is turned on and vice versa. When the light is on, the 2nd switch is turned off and vice versa.
Key not pressed, door not open - no burglar alarm or turning on of LED
Key not pressed, door open - the burglar alarm rings with turning on of LED
Key pressed, door not open - no burglar alarm or turning on of LED
Key pressed, door open - no burglar alarm or turning on of LED
Took part in a technical event: KAGADA 2023 Enrolled for a MOOC and completed the course: Coursera python