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Nalin's IOT-001 course work. Lv 1

This Report is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

16 / 7 / 2024

Task 1: 3D Printing

The objective of this task was to learn about the 3D printer and the 3D printing process. To complete this task, I first downloaded a 3D model and the imported it into creality and scaled it down. I sliced this and got a gcode file which I transfered to a SD card and then uploaded to the 3D printer.

Task 2 : Working with Github

This task introduced me to Github. I completed the task by first forking the marvel task directory and making a local copy of the directory. I then corrected the error in the file. I then commited this change and sent a pull request to succesfully complete this task.

def add(number_a:int, number_b:int):
    This function adds 2 numbers
    return number_a  + number_b

Task 3 : Speed Control of DC Motor

This task introduced me to the L298N motor driver which is commonly used in robo-cars, etc to control the speed of the wheel. The circuit of this task comprised of a DC motor, an Arduino, a push-button and a potentiometer. The idea was that turning the potentiometer would vary the speed of the DC motor and pressing the button would allow for reversing the direction of rotation. An image and video of the physical setup of the circuit are given below.

Task 4 : TinkerCad

The objective of this task was to make a circuit in TinkerCad that involved a ultrasonic sensor mounted on a servo motor. The ultrasonic sensor would measure the distance from the object and print it to the serial monitor. This helped me understand the working of TinkerCad and made me more comfortable to work with it.

Task 5 : LED Toggle Using ESP32

In this task I set up a circuit including a ESP32 which would enable control of 2 LEDs using a webpage hosted locally. This task helped me learn about the ESP32 micrcontroller and also about how to use the Arduino IDE to push code to the ESP32. I also learnt about how to set up a local host with an ESP32. The video and images of me doing the task are given below.

Task 6 : Soldering Pre-requisities

I completed this task in the presence of the coordinators. I learnt about the soldering process and also about the solder, flux used. I soldered some wires to a LED strip which was to be used in the lithophanes. Some images are given below.

Task 7 : 555 Timer

In this task I had to set up a circuit to get a 60% duty cycle for a 555 timer and obtain the waveform on the CRO. I learnt the designing process for a 555 timer and about the internal structure of the 555 timer. The images of the circuit made by me are given below.

Task 8 : Kaggle Contest

This task included heading over to the Kaggle website and tackling the titanic dataset problem. This task familiarized me with some of the common machine learning algorithms like linear regression, logistic regression, random forest model ,etc. The task was to use the Random Forest model and predict how many percent of men and women survived depending on variables such as their room no, age, etc.

Task 9 : Pandas and Matplotlib

This task required me to use the python libraries called pandas and matplotlib to first organize and sort the dataset in an appropriate manner using pandas and then to plot it using the matplotlib library. The dataset I used had data on various colleges ranging from no. of students to percentage of placement, etc.

Task 10 : Ubuntu

This task consisted of a couple of smaller tasks that I had to complete such as making folders, concatenating files, etc. This helped me learn to use the Ubuntu OS and familiarized me with some of the commands such as mkdir, cd ,etc.

Task 11 : K- Maps and Logic circuits

For this task I made a simple burglar alarm using a Quad And gate. The idea was that the alarm would go off when the door is open but the key is closed. I used a photo resistor and a button to represent the door and the key. I used the logic of a AND gate for this purpose. I simulated this circuit in TinkerCad as well. Below are the images of the logic and the simulation.

Task 12 : API

This task was intended to introduce us to using APIs, making calls and getting data. I am already somewhat familiar with using APIs and have made few programs using them. As such I have showcased images of a program which makes use of the OpenWeatherApi check the weather condition of my locality and then send an SMS via the Twilio API if there is a possibility of rainfall on that particular day. This reminder helps me to check for my umbrella everyday. I'm also running this program everyday using the pythonanywhere service.

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01