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Vinay's CL-CY-001 course work. Lv 1

Vinay BasavaraddiAUTHORACTIVE


6 / 2 / 2023

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Task 1: Page to calculate and publish marks of students

A webpage that takes input of 10 students that publishes the rank list, calculates respective percentages and the class average. This is made using concepts of JavaScript with usual HTML and CSS scripts.

Link to git repository: Do Check Out image_of_task_one

Task 2: Food recipe website

A callback-based program that displays the steps of a food recipe in a chronological order using asynchronous JavaScript with usual HTML and CSS scripts.

Link to git repository: Do Check Out

Task 3: Updated food recipe website

An recipe program with implemented promises that displays the steps of a food recipe in using asynchronous JavaScript with usual HTML and CSS scripts. Potential benefits of using promises in the program include

  1. Simplified and more readable code format
  2. Better error handling within
  3. Improved performance of the code

Link to git repository: Do Check Out image_of_task_three

Task 4: Getting familiarized with Linux command line interface

To get a good grip over the Linux command line for handling the large amount of work on the same interface and to complete the given subtasks on it.

Link to git repository: Do Check Out

export \PS1=$ \"
$ pwd
$ cd /etc/..
$ pwd\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//reads your location
$ mkdir /tmp/test\t\t\t    //creates directory
$ cd tmp/test\t\t\t\t\t//dives into mentioned path
$ > blank.txt\t\t\t\t\t//creating blank file
$ ls\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//listing the contents of the folder
$ for i in {1..2600}; do mkdir F$i; done\t//creating 2600 folders
$ > count.txt\t\t\t    //a blank file to count and list them
$ wc -l count.txt\t\t\t//initial count = 0
0 count.txt
$ ls > count.txt\t\t    //listing all the files in current folder into the blank file
$ wc -l count.txt\t\t    //final count = 2600 + 2
2602 count.txt\t\t        //as both the count.txt and blank.txt files are included with new 
2600 files
$ echo \"This is the file one.\" > file1.txt\t
$ echo \"This is the file two.\" > file2.txt
$ cat file1.txt file2.txt > file.txt\t\t//concatenation of two text files
$ cat file.txt\t\t\t\t      //display of the concatenated content
This is the file one.
This is the file two.

Task 5: Getting familiarized with Vi Text Editor

Vi is a powerful text editor and has many other commands and features that can be used to customize and format the markdown file. Can learn more about vi by using the :help command within the editor or by reading its manual online.

Link to git repository: Do Check Out image_to_task_five

Task 6: Regex and piping implementation

Using 'grep' concept to extract login times within a date/time range from the login logs. And later with 'piping' concept putting this information into a text file and further into a folder named logs. Finally zipping this folder using gzip and tar.

Link to git repository: Do Check Out image_to_task_six"

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01