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Sumanth's CL-CY-001 course work. Lv 3


Sumanth G - General Task Report

6 / 7 / 2024

Sumanth G - General Task Report

Task 1: 3D Printing

Really blown away by using the 3D printer. I learnt how it works and how to set it up for printing and the importance of bed and nozzle temperature. I printed a flexible 3D model of a Pokemon - Rayquaza.

3D Printed Rayquaza 3D Printed Rayquaza

Task 2:API

Using Google's Gemini API, I built a simple chatbot website, using python’s streamlit. It lets the user enter a question, and the website communicates with Gemini and gives the response to the question. I also made it so that all the chat history is saved for a running session. This task was really insightful, I learned about APIs and how we can use API keys.

Github link


TASK 3: Working with Github

Familiarised myself with GitHub related actions like pull request, forking, cloning, committing.

I forked the git-task repository, cloned it and created a branch. I fixed the error in the folder and committed it to my forked repo. I then pushed the changes into my forked repository and then issued a pull request to merge my changes with the main branch.

github1 github2

TASK 4: Getting familiar with the command line on ubuntu:

I learned to use the command line on Ubuntu for basic tasks like navigating through folders, creating folders, directories, etc. I created 2 text files, added text into it and concatenated them. I also created 2600 folders with the specified naming convention.

cmd1 cmd2

TASK 5: Kaggle Contest

Github link

Learned to build a machine learning model using the titanic survival dataset from Kaggle. Learnt about the different processes it takes to build a model, like data cleaning, encoding, training, parameter tuning, testing, validation, etc. Tested 2 algorithms, SVM with different parameters, and decision tree, and found out decision tree works best. Here is the confusion matrix:


Also wrote a flask server around the model, and made an HTML form that accepts input features for the model like gender, class, parch, etc. And returns output whether the passenger survives or not.

flask1 flask2

TASK 6: Working with Pandas and Matplotlib

Learned to work with the Pandas and Matplotlib library. I used the titanic dataset from Kaggle to generate bar graphs and line charts based on the data. I learnt how we can use graphs and line charts for data visualization, to understand better about the data we deal with.

line line bargraphs

TASK 7: Creating a Portfolio Webpage

Made a simple portfolio webpage, using the Flutter framework. I wanted to try something new with Flutter. I included relevant details like my skills, interests, about and projects. Also included the necessary links for my contacts and projects.

Github link

Tried hosting the website on Github pages but failed... not sure about the error

Current website state


TASK 8: Writing Resource Article using Markdown

Wrote a research article on “Securing APIs”. It highlights the different types of attacks that can happen on your APIs and how you can secure them, taking necessary precautions. Some methods include using OAuth, using API gateways and using JSON web tokens for Authorization. Here is the link


TASK 9: Tinkercad

Familiarised myself with tinkercad, by building simple circuits with it using transistors. I learnt to build an ultrasonic radar system with Arduino UNO, and learned to code it. It was very insightful.

Link to the tinkercad file.


TASK 10: Speed Control of DC Motor

Learnt the functions of the different hardware components involved, like the Arduino UNO, H-Bridge L293D motor driver, servo motor, oscilloscope, etc. Got code from the internet for the Arduino UNO, and I faced a lot of issues working with the code and the circuit. Built a circuit using all the components, learnt to use the oscilloscope for current and voltage control and was able to control the motor speed by using the potentiometer.


TASK 11: LED Toggle Using ESP32

Learnt briefly about the working of an ESP32 microcontroller. Built a circuit with breadboard, jumper wires, ESP32, resistors, LEDs. I set up ESP32 with ArduinoIDE with the code from the web, briefly understood the code and built a web server surrounding the same. After a lot of error handling, I was able to access the web server from my phone.

The webserver enabled me to toggle LEDs on the breadboard on and off, felt really satisfied by the result.


Task 12 : Soldering Prerequisites

Learned the basics of soldering, and how to use the soldering iron, along with the soldering wick, flux. Used the perforated breadboard to solder and create a basic LED circuit along with a 9V battery and resistor.

solder2 solder1

Task 13: Active Participation

I participated in the “National Coding League - 2024”, conducted by Scaler School of Technology. It was a team competition where we were required to solve DSA questions. We tried our best, but it was pretty new for us, and we couldn't perform very well. We got an idea of what to expect in the future and it was really educational!

I also completed a small course on “System Design of Instagram” on Scaler. I was really blown away by learning what really goes into designing a large-scale

solder1 solder1

Also wrote a detailed article on the same topic.

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01