2 / 1 / 2025
The task was to create a user interface using API. By doing this task, I understood the use of APIs and how we can build and customize an application using a relevant API key from a provider. I have created an application to get major details about any movie just by providing the title. I have used the API key from OMDb API provider. For programming , I used Javascript and added frontend features using html and css.
Link: https://github.com/unnathi-rb/API.git
The task was to get familiar with the command line on Ubuntu and perform the assigned tasks.
Kaggle is a platform for data science and machine learning professionals, on which users can compete with each other to create the best models for solving specific problems. This task was to compete in a competition on kaggle named Titanic-Machine Learning from Disaster. It involved the creative problem solving combined with coding concepts. I studied the data sheet and tried to figure out all the factors that could affect the possibility of survival in the titanic Shipwreck.The prediction model considers major factors like age, deck location,gender, fare and the class of passengers.
The task was to create a personal portfolio website. I created the portfolio website using html and css.It includes serveral information about my education, projects etc. It was an oppurtunity to work with full creativity. Link for the website: https://github.com/unnathi-rb/Personal-portfolio.git
I wrote an intresting article about digital twin using markdown markup language.Digital twin is useful tool in manufacturing, helps in preprocessing and designing equipments. I learnt and used the features of headings, subheadings, bold text and adding images in markdown. Link for the repository: https://github.com/unnathi-rb/Article.git
In this task,I designed a circuit where an ultrasonic sensor combined with a servo motor will act as a radar covering a wider region.Components of the circuit were an Arduino UNO R3, Ultrasonic sound sensor and a servo motor.As soon as the object is away from the range of sensor the servo motor is initiated and it rotates to allow detection of obstacles over a larger area.
Through this task i learnt the basics of tinkercad, how to select elements of circuit,design and stimulate the circuit. Dsigning a circuit in tinker and checking its effective functioning can be a useful method to get a blueprint to work with actual hardware components.
In this task, I built a circuit to control speed of a DC motor using a L298N motor driver and a potentiometer.An Arduino board,a motor,L298N motor driver,a battery and a potentiometer.
Through this task , I learnt about the ESP32.ESP32 is a microcontroller with Wi-Fi and bluetooth connectivity.I designed a circuit to create a stand-alone web server to control LED. Used the Arduino IDE to upload the code to program the ESP32.
It was simple task where I learnt how soldering is a simple process of joing metal peices using a filler meterial called solder.Got to know the basics of soldering, the meterial used,soldering temperature, safety requirements,etc. I soldered an LED and a resistor onto a perf board.
K map is graphical technique of simplifying Boolean expressions.In this task we used the k map concepts to program an alarm buzzer to beep when a theif breaks into a place. Intially wrote the logic using kmap and then designed a circuit on tinkercad and stimulated it.Components of the circuit were a slide switches, AND gate, NOT gate, buzzer and power supply.
It was a hands on experience working with linux commands.Sad servers is a software that offers services for improving debugging skills.Command line murders was like solving a murder mystery,I navigated into several directories and files to find clues and solve the mystery , all while using the command lines.
I wrote a report on L293D Motor driver.Learnt a lot about this IC ,it has a capacity to control two DC motors at a time. Wrote a report about this using markdown. Link: https://github.com/unnathi-rb/L293D-.git
555 oscillator is a relaxation ossilator used for generating square wave forms.They can be used to create clock signals and time delays. In this task, a circuit with a 555 IC is used with resisters and capacitors to build a 555 astable multivibrator with a duty cycle of 60%.Did calculations, choose resistors and capacitors required and set up a circuit.Used an oscilloscope is used to observe the wave forms.
I took part in the Kagada 20-a Technical student conference conducted by IEEE UVCE.I participated in poster presentation competation , made a poster on Microbots in neurosurgery.
The task hepled me get familiar with teh github environment.I learnt the basics of forking and cloning repositories on Github.I learnt about how github can become a platform where we can explore several projects and help each other debugg and improve the projects.