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K's D-P-001 course work. Lv 1



21 / 1 / 2023

##TASK 1 ####ISOMETRIC AND ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS ####Brief Explanation and Images #####1.Drawing Orthographic projections of given Isometric Drawings The Orthographic projections (Front View, Top View and Side View) of the given isometric drawing of a fractal tetrahedron is drawn on a drawing sheet image #####2.Drawing Isometric projections of given drawings The Isometric Projection of given orthographic drawings are made 1. Hexagonal nut bolt image 2. Given Drawing image ####Technical Concepts Involved The main technical aspect of this task is Engineering Drawing which is the most fundamental aspect of design in Engineering, especially in Mechanical Engineering and Civil engineering. I learned from this task the basic orthographic projections, and the standard convention of how to draw them, and also how to draw Isometric Projection. Even though Engineering Drawing is included in the college syllabus, it was a good experience to revisit what I have learned as well as what I had forgotten, and be more familiar with the concepts ####Challenges faced and lessons learned Drawing a tetrahedron was a bit challenging, as it took some time to figure it out, so first I draw the top view, an equilateral triangle, from there I projected the front view to get the true length of one of the sides, and hence the height, and from there to the side view. The Isometric drawings were also challenging, especially drawing circles in isometric projection. These are the challenges involved in this task. ##TASK 2 ####2D DRAFTING IN CAD ####Brief Explanation and Images #####2D drawing on sheet of the platonic solids using AutoCAD This task involves the use of 2D drafting in AutoCad to make a 2D drawing of the following given solids 1.Cube of sides 40mm image 2.Tetrahedron of sides 35mm image 3.octahedron of sides 30mm image 4.Hemisphere of radius 70mm image ####Process and Technical Concepts This task is mainly about the use of AutoCad 2D Drawing workbench. The important points are the basic use of LINE command and specifying a center point, the use of ortho command to draw right angles, use of trim, intersection, snap to midpoint of a line and center of a circle, etc. The use of isometric command and drawing isocircle is also included. Hatch command is also used to shade the drawings. ####Challenges Faced As someone new to AutoCad, figuring out the basic commands itself was a bit challenging and I have to go through a lot of Youtube videos to get used to it. Drawing the tertrahedron was also challenging, so I first drew the orthographic projections, get the dimensions from there, and used it for the isometric drawing. I used the same process for the octahedron as well. Also the task was to draw 2D drafting so I simply assume it is isometric drawings only and I procceded to do as such. ##TASK 3 ####3D DRAWING IN AUTOCAD ####Brief Explanation and Images Here, 3D drawings of given solids are made using AutoCad. This task involves the use of the 3D workbench in AutoCad software and the various commands and tools associated with it in order to produce 3D models from 2D sketches. The software comes with inbuilt options for making some common solids like cube, prism, etc. However, as required by the task, these options are not used and all the 3D models are developed from 2D drawings #####1.Pentagonal pyramid of sides 40mm and height 60mm. First, a 2D drawing of a pentagon is made in the 2D workbench. Now the center is located by connecting the vertices. Then the 3D modelling workbench is selected. From the center, a line or altitude of height 60mm is drawn upwards, perpendicular to the plane of the pentagon. Ortho mode is engaged during this process. Now, the end of the altitude is joined with two adjacent vertices by a line, forming a triangular face. By using join command, the triangle is joined. Now using polar array, it is rotated about the center/altitude and five instances are made. Then using conceptual view, the 3D model is visible image #####2.Hollow Cylinder, diameter 40mm and height 60m hickness 2mm. Two concentric circles are made in drafting and annotation workbench and then in the 3D modelling workbench, using presspull command, the profile is extruded. image #####3.A hexagonal pyramid of base edges 16mm and height 50mm is placed on a cylinder of radius 50mm. A circle of radius 50mm is drawn and then extruded. Now, using UCS command, the plane is changed to the top of the cylinder. Then, a pyramid is made on top of it using the same process as mention in the pentagonal pyramid image #####3.A triangular prism of sides 30 mm placed a square prism of sides 50mm with equal inclination to the horizontal axis. A square is drawn in drafting workbench and extruded. Now it is rotated using the rotate command and using UCS command the plane is changed to the face of the square and a triangle is drawn on top. Then it is extruded to make a triangular prism. image #####Process and Technical Concepts Use of UCS command, extrude a 2D profile, Substract, Various views, move, rotate command, joining several lines using JOIN command. #####Challenges Faced Figuring out 3D modelling commands in AutoCad, rotating objects and plane changes ##TASK 4 ####DESIGN, ASSEMBLY AND SIMULATION ####Brief Explanation and Images This task involves Rapid prototyping of Hinge Joint Using Autocad. Here, a model of a hinge joint is made with different parts made differently and later assembled. image image ####Process and Technical Concepts The side profile with knuckle profile is drawn and then extruded. Then a profile without the round knuckle part is drawn. This is then copied two times to make one side of the hinge. Now to make the other side if the hinge, the MIRROR command is used to mirror the hinge to make the other side. Then, the pin is developed by extruding a circle. Now, using the MOVE command, the axis of two sides of the hinge are made to coincide. Then, the axis of the pin is moved to coincide with the axis of the barrel using the same MOVE command. Now using the material command, a material is applied to the door hinge. The main technical concepts are: 1)Developing 2D drawings on various planes, dynamic UCS, 2)Copying 2D wireframe and move from base point. 3)Join command for joining 2D sketches 4)Union command for joining 3D solids 5) Mirror command for mirroring objects 6)Meaning of Ucs plane and View (World, SE Isometric, etc) 7) How to use Snap to 2 nap to 3D objects. 8) How to use Edge fillet and Edge chamfer 9) How to use MOVE command by specifying base point 10) how to use 3D move and 3D rotate. 11)How to apply materials to objects. ####Challenges Faced UCS plane changes is quite challenging and confusing for beginners, also confusing was changing the drawing planes and different views. ##TASK 5 ####3D DESIGNING OF BALL AND SOCKET JOINT ####Brief Explanation and Images The task requires the designing and simulation of a ball and socket joint in AutoCAd. The ball and the socket are designed separately and then later assembled using the MOVE command. image image ####Process and Technical Concepts First, the socket part is developed by revolving a semicircular profile using the REVOLVE command. Now, using Snap to 3D, the center of this hollow sphere is then located by using Snap to 3D command. From here, a line is drawn for the stud. At the end of this line, a circle is drawn for the stud profile. This is then extruded to intersect the socket sphere. The Ball part is developed by using Sweep command and the thread for the stud is also made. This is done using helix, sweep and substract. The lessons learned are: 1) How to extrude a surface from 3D sphere 2)How to make a helix 3)Sweep a profile using helix as guide curve.( To make thread.) 4)More use of Sweep command and better understanding of drawing in a different plane. ####Challenges Faced Making the thread of the screw. Sweeping the profile and substracting from the stud and making the hexagonal bolt was the challenging part of this task. ##TASK 6 ####3D PRINTING ####Brief Explanation Unfortunately, the 3D printer was not functioning around the time of submission of this task and I saved it for last. However, I have done it together with my friend and also during my participation in the humanoid project, I am involved in 3D printing. So the process is as follows: The stl file model of whatever we wanted to print is opened in ultimaker cura. This is then sliced and saved as gcode. If supports are needed, the supports are generated using meshmixer. Now the stl file can be pasted in SD card or uploaded via octoprint. Log in to octopi.local and use the marvel password. Then upload the gcode file. Set the print temperature appropriately (205-210 for nozzle and 55-60 for bed). Wait carefully for the print to finish. This is the process that we used for 3D printing. ##TASK 7 ####LED ON A BREADBOARD ####Brief Explanation and Images A circuit is made on a breadboard to light up an LED. The led is connected to a 9V battery through a resistor. Here 1k ohm resistor is used in this task. The resistor is then connected to the LED in series. The negative side of LED is then connected to ground. Several LEDs are also lighted by connecting them in parallel. image ####Process and Technical Concepts The technical concept of this task is basic knowledge of building a circuit using a breadboard. Basic knowledge of how to use a breadboard for connection is required. Also, differentiating anode and cathode of an LED, and calculation of resistor value is also required. However, I didn't calculate the values of the resistor and I simply used 1k resistor. ####Lessons Learned 1)Basic circuit connections from reading circuit diagram 2)Practical use of a resistor 3)Basic working of a breadboard 4)Basic connection of LED (connection of cathode and anode) ##TASK 8 ####TRANSISTOR AS A SWITCH ####Brief Explanation and Images The circuit uses a NPN transistor(BC547) in common emitter configuration. An LED is connected as the output in the collector side. A 1k resistor is connected in series with the LED and a push button switch is connected to the base of the transistor. A base resistor is also connected. The emitter side is connected to ground and the collector is connected to a 9v battery. When the switch is pressed, the base emitter junction conducts and a small base current flows. This turns on the collector junction and a large collector current flows. This turns on the base collector junction and the LED is turned on. Once the switch is released, the switch turns off and the LED is turned off. image image ####Lessons Learned 1)Basic biasing of an NPN transistor in common emitter configuration ( here bc547 or 2N2222A is used) 2)Practical working of a transistor 3)Identifying pinout of a transistor by datasheet/google search ##TASK 9 ####FLASH AN LED USING A TRANSISTOR ####Brief Explanation and Images Here an astable multivibrator circuit is used to flash two LEDs. The circuit uses two transistors that oscillates the circuit. The timing of the flashing or oscillation is determined by the value of capacitor. image image Video ####Challenges Faced Initially, the circuit doesn't oscillate. So I disconnected the resistor and reconnected it, and it solves the problem. Also, the oscillation gets faster and faster and eventually both LEDs are on at the same time. I have tried replacing the capacitors and it works a bit better but the problem still exist. I was only able to reduce the time until both the LEDs are on. This may be due to current leakage of electrolytic capacitor. ####Lessons Learned 1)Basic connection of astable multivibrator 2)Connection of electrolytic capacitors 3)Troubleshooting a circuit when it doesn’t work ##TASK 10 ####DARKNESS DETECTOR USING LDR ####Brief Explanation and Images LDR is a Light Dependent Resistor. The resistance differs based on the light that shines on it. There are two circuits: The light detector and dark detector. The Circuit is made as given of light detector and dark detector Light Detector Dark Detector ##TASK 11 ##CONVERT 3D DRAWINGS TO CAD ####Brief Explanation The 3D model of the following given drawings are made using Catia V5 software. 1. image 2.image 3.image image image ##TASK 12 ####SIMPLE SOLDERING PRACTICE This task involves the learning the basic process of soldering by using soldering iron. I have soldered some resistors on a perf board and I also have soldered some wires together. image image

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01