25 / 10 / 2024
API stands for Application Programming Interface. It’s like a bridge between different software systems. APIs enable apps, websites, or services to access features or data from other applications or platforms in a standardized way.
This task involves implementing GitHub Actions, managing issues, and creating pull requests to contribute to the repository.
Clone the 'git-task' repository.
This step involves using the command line to clone the repository to your local machine.
Implement the specified GitHub Actions.
Follow the instructions in the README file to set up the required GitHub Actions.
Create, label, and manage issues.
Use GitHub's issue tracking system to create and label issues as necessary. Commit your changes related to these issues.
Contribute changes.
Create pull requests that address specific issues and include any necessary modifications.
The main branch of this repository is currently experiencing an error and failing tests. This issue may be caused by the +1
in the return statement.
This task involves performing various subtasks using the command line on Ubuntu.
or B56
.Kaggle contests are data science and machine learning challenges where participants compete to solve complex problems using datasets provided by companies or organizations.
Using pandas and matplotlib, and a dataset, plotted a line graph, pie chart, scatter plot graph, and box plot graph.
You can view my Kaggle notebook here.
Markdown is an easy-to-use markup language that is used with plain text to add formatting elements (headings, bulleted lists, URLs) to plain text without the use of a formal text editor or the use of HTML tags. Markdown is device agnostic and displays the writing format consistently across device type.
Learned how to create 3D designs, electronics, and coding projects on the online platform, Tinkercad.
Created a Tinkercad Account:
Visited the Tinkercad website and set up a new account.
Created a Simple Circuit:
Built a circuit using an ultrasonic sensor to measure the distance between an obstacle and the sensor.
In this experiment, we'll learn how to use an Arduino and an L298N motor driver to control the speed and direction of a DC motor.
Learned about the soldering equipment present in our lab, including the solder, soldering iron, soldering wick, and flux. Performed basic soldering on a perf board and an LED circuit.
Studied Karnaugh maps and learned how to use them to simplify boolean expressions and derive the corresponding logic circuit.
In this burglar alarm system, there are two switches: one for the door (open = 0, closed = 1) and another for the alarm (pressed = 1, not pressed = 0). The buzzer rings when both the door is open (0) and the alarm is not pressed (0), using a NOR gate to achieve this behavior.
I had the incredible opportunity to organize Pitch Venture, a prominent national-level technical event hosted by IEEE UVCE.