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Bhooshankumar's IOT-001 course work. Lv 1

This Report is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.


13 / 5 / 2022

TASK 1: BLINKING OF ONBOARD LED OF ESP32 ESP32 is a WIFI module. It is the successor of popular ESP8266 wifi module. ESP32 is used in many IOT based projects for connecting the hardware to internet. ESP32 can be programmed using arduino IDE which makes it easy to work for large community of arduino developers. In this task we are blinking the internal led of ESP32, ESP32 has a internal led in pin no 2. Link to git repository:

TASK 2 : DISPLAYING TIME ON OLED In this task we will fetch time from internet using NTP server and display it on OLED screen. The advantage of using internet clock is that it reduces the hardware required. OLED is an organic light emitting diode. OLED is better when compared to LED/LCD. Link to git repository:

TASK 3 : * CONNECTING ESP32 TO TELEGRAM* In this task we create a telegram bot which will send and receive data to and from ESP32. Telegram is cloud based instant messaging app. This has many applications in IOT projects like Home automation. Link to git repository:

TASK 4 : Controlling servo motor using web server In this task we control servo motor using web server and also control the direction of rotation of servo motor using potentiometer. Servo motor rotation is limited to 90, 180 or 270 degree. It has low speed but has high torque. Link to git repository:

TASK 5 : Sending and receiving data from the cloud using ESP32 In this task we are going to measure temperature and hall voltage using ESP32 and observe the plot received value versus time on our thingspeak account. Link to git repository:

TASK 6 : INTERFACING OF 4X4 KEYBOARD WITH ESP32 In this task we connect ESP32 to 4X4 keyboard and also implement password checking using the text entered through the keypad. This can be used in projects like home security system and many security applications. Link to git repository:

TASK 7 : OBTAINING DATA FROM ULTRASONIC SENSOR In this task we measure the distance of an object using ultrasonic sensor and display the values on serial monitor. The ultrasonic sensor we are using is HC-SR04.Ultrasonic sensor uses sonar to detect the object. Link to git repository:

TASK 8 : INSTALLING RASPBERRY PI In this task we will learn to install raspberry pi on pc .Raspberry pi is a tiny computer in a small form factor. There are 4 models of raspberry pi they are raspberry pi , . In this task we will learn to setup raspberry pi 4. Link to git repository:

TASK 9 : CONTROLLING LED WITH RASPBERRY PI AND PYTHON In this task we will blink led using python in raspberry pi 4. By this we can learn how to use raspberry pi interface Link to repository:

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01