20 / 11 / 2022
### Task 1: Setting up the ESP32 and Blink an LED First, I set up the Arduino IDE and imported the corresponding files required for coding ESP32. Then, I have written the code for blinking 3 LED’s one after the other.
Fig. Code The code was simulated on Wokwi: Simulation link
Fig. Simulation Then, the above simulations were implemented using hardware.
Fig. Implementation Video of Implementation <iframe height="\525""> Skills acquired: - Familiarity with Arduino IDE - ESP32 basics - Coding of ESP32 ### Task 3: Basics of MQTT protocol Read about MQTT Protocol. Summary: - MQTT stands for Message Queuing Telemetry Transport. MQTT is a simple messaging protocol, designed for constrained devices with low bandwidth. - MQTT – Publish/Subscribe: The first concept is the publish and subscribe system. In a publish and subscribe system, a device can publish a message on a topic, or it can be subscribed to a particular topic to receive messages.
Fig. MQTT publish and subscribe - MQTT- Messages: Messages are the information that you want to exchange between your devices. - MQTT – Topics: Another important concept is the topics. Topics are the way you register interest for incoming messages or how you specify where you want to publish the message. - MQTT – Broker: The MQTT broker is responsible for receiving all messages, filtering the messages, deciding who is interested in them, and then publishing the message to all subscribed clients.
Fig. MQTT broker working ### Task 4:Basics of creating a website - Read a couple of websites to understand the syntax of HTML and CSS. - Inspected elements of some websites. - Went through the resources. - Implemented the required problem statement-Create a webpage with a button that when pressed toggles the color of the webpage.
Fig. Webpage-Before
Fig. Webpage-After Video of Implementation <iframe height=""525""> Skills acquired: - Basics of HTML and CSS > BHAVID A > 3RD YEAR ECE"