29 / 12 / 2024
Explored the basics of 3D printing,how the 3D printer works,using materials like PLA to build objects layer by layer.Understood STL files are used as digital models, and I’ve explored slicing software (Creality Slicer) to prepare files for printing, adjusting settings like bed temperature and infill density for good results.
I have learned about APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), which allow different software systems to communicate and exchange data. By using the OpenWeather API, I built a weather app that makes API calls to fetch weather data and displays it in the user interface.
This how API works! APIs act as mediators when signing up via Gmail, securely sharing your information (like email) between Google and the platform for authentication without exposing your credentials.
Github repo click me
I learnt how to create & delete my repositories.How to make changes in others repositories and push it back to them. Completed this task by forkeing the given repository into my repository and then cloned the repository.
Give the commands as given below.
Create a folder named test : mkdir test
Navigate into the test folder: cd test
Create a blank file : touch blankfile.txt
Create 2600 folders : mkdir m(0001..2600)
List files in the terminal : ls
Concatenate and display two text files: cat file1.txt file2.txt
The Kaggle Titanic Contest is a beginner-friendly competition where I build a model to predict Titanic passenger survival using features like age, sex, and class. The goal is to accurately classify survival outcomes with historical data.
Used pandas and matplotlib, and a dataset of UVCE-Placement record(2019), ploted a line graph, bar graph, and scatter plot respectively.
Python libraries like Pandas and Matplotlib really make things easier:
Pandas simplifies data manipulation-for handling messy, complex data.
Matplotlib turns that data into beautiful visualizations with just a few lines of code,easy to understand.
Github repo click me
My portfolio 👀
Github repo click me
My resource article on Advancements in Ornithopter Technology
Learnt how to report with Markdown.
Here's a quick guide to get started with Markdown (MD) click me
Tinkercad is an online 3D design and modeling tool, used for creating 3D objects,circuits. We can test our project's outcome before implementing them in hardware.
From this task, I learned how to create and simulate circuits using Tinkercad, particularly for an ultrasonic sensor to estimate distance. It helped me understand the working of this sensor.
Tinkercad simulation click me
I learned to control the speed of a DC motor using an Arduino and the L298N motor driver. Simulating it on Tinkercad and then doing it on hardware showed me that "Speed thrills but kills"—too much speed can lead to disaster, even for a motor!
I learned how to control a DC motor's speed using the L298N motor driver and Arduino UNO. By using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and varying the potentiometer, I was able to adjust the motor's speed by changing the resistance in the potentiometer.
The First, hands-on experience in IoT project
I learned how to control an LED using the ESP32. By programming the ESP32 in the Arduino IDE,Got to know about GPIO pin , toggling digital outputs, and understanding the basics of the ESP32 .
I soldered together a simple LED circuit on a perf board.Soldering isn’t just about melting metal; it’s about precision, patience, and not burning yourself!
The first led with resistor failed to light up but the second one without resistor did work the other day.
The DSO will display a pulse with a 60% high time and 40% low time, reflecting the 60% duty cycle. The frequency of the pulse depends on your resistor and capacitor values. Duty cycle Expected-60%.My task outcome-59.4%.
Learned to design a burglar alarm system using Karnaugh Maps and logic gates. By simplifying a truth table, we derived the Boolean expression A = D'K, which activates the alarm when the door is open and the key is not pressed. This was done using a NOT gate and an AND gate.
Every action counts in the journey to success
The L293D is a quadruple high-current half-H-Bridge motor driver integrated circuit (IC). It is designed for driving DC motors, stepper motors, and other inductive loads in both directions.
Read the full article here click me
My first experience with VR was mind-blowing! It felt like stepping into a whole new world. View my report here click me