This Report is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.
1 / 10 / 2024
Task 2 - API
API stands for Application Programming Interface. It's like a bridge between different software systems. API's enable apps, websites, or services to access features or data from other applications or platforms in a standardized way.
I made NASA api using using HTML and JvavaScript . I used Api Pin by logging in to NASA api portal
Here's my api

Task 3 - Working with github
I created a Github acount for the first time. I was really fascinated by this platform.And completed the task mentioned in Readme file
- Created a new repository and under it a new branch
- Then the forked,cloned and pushed it to my github repository
- Finally raised a pull request
my pull request

Task 4 - Get Familiar with command line on Ubuntu and do the subtasks :
- I learnt commands used in ubuntu, created 2600 folders and then concatenate two text files

Task 5-Kaggle contest :
- I created a Kaggle Account, went through the tutorial and submitted my first ML project.
- Compitation was to use machine learning to create a model that predicts which passengers survived the Titanic shipwreck.
my profile

Task 6 -Working with Pandas and Matplotlib :
- This task helped me to understand code related to plotting of graphs
- Installed pandas and matplotlib extensions ,then plotted a line graph, bar graph, and scatter plot.

TASK 7: Create a Portfolio Webpage
- I created a responsive portfolio webpage using HTML
My portfolio

Task 8 -Writing Resource Article using markdown :
- I learnt about markdown and was surprised by its simplicit of formating plain text without using complex syntax
- I wrote a resource article on genetics
resource article
Task 9- Tinkercad:
- I Created a tinkercad account, got familiar with the application and understood the example circuits given
- Created a radar system using ultarsonic sensor and arduino uno
- It helped to estimate the distance between obstacle and sensor
my account
my project

Task 10 - Speed Control Of DC motor :
- Created a speed control of DC motor using ardunio uno, L293D driver (L298N motor Driver was not available , so i used L293D driver) and motor in tinkercad
- Performed the similar setup in lab using L298N driver and it performed well
tinkercad circuit link

Task 12 - Soldering Prerequisites :
- I learnt about Soldering, Desoldering ,how to use soldering iro lux and performed soldering on a perf board to make an LED circuit

Task 14 : Karnaugh Maps and Deriving the logic circuit :
- Consider Door as D and key as k
- The door is locked and key is not pressed (i.e.,D=1 and K=0)
- The door is not locked and key is pressed(i.e.,D=0 and K=1)
- Done with all the four possibilites that are possible

Task 15-Active Participation
- I participated in hakathon conducted by samsung inovation campus
- Topic was to create a web page on citizens feedback on road maintenance

TASK 16: Datasheets report writing:
- Studied about MQ135 Gas sensor and wrote a report using markdown
- It is a versatile sensor that can detect variety of gases .
- The sensor's resistance changes differently depending on the type of gas and its concentration
- Calibration of differnt gases is based on resistance of sensor in presence of gas and in clean air
- Freundlich adsorption theorem describes adsorbtion of gases on surface of tin dioxide
MQ135 report
Task 17: Introduction to VR
- Studied about Virtual Reality
- difference between VR and AR
- trends in the space and technology stack being developed.
- And also about Indian companies in this space
VR report