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Attendance Logger

Jagruthi KareholiAUTHORACTIVE
Attendance Logger
This Report is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

Attendance Logger

1. Introduction

The ESP32 RFID Attendance Logger is an automated system that records attendance using RFID technology. It reads unique RFID tag IDs and logs attendance data into a Google Spreadsheet via WiFi. This project replaces traditional manual methods with an efficient, digital solution.

2. Objectives

  • Automate attendance tracking using RFID.
  • Log data to Google Sheets for easy access and analysis.
  • Ensure a low-cost, scalable, and user-friendly solution.

3. Components Used

Hardware Components

  • ESP32 Development Board – A microcontroller with built-in WiFi and Bluetooth.
  • RFID-RC522 Module – Reads RFID tag information.
  • RFID Tags – Unique IDs assigned to individuals.
  • Power Supply – 5V 2A recommended.

Software Components

  • Arduino IDE – For coding and uploading to ESP32.
  • Google Apps Script – Connects ESP32 to Google Sheets.
  • Google Sheets – Stores attendance records.
  • Libraries Used:
  • WiFi.h (WiFi connectivity)
  • HTTPClient.h (HTTP communication)
  • MFRC522.h (RFID handling)
  • SPI.h (SPI communication)

4. System Design

The system workflow:

  1. The ESP32 initializes WiFi and the RFID module.
  2. When an RFID tag is scanned, the UID (Unique ID) is read.
  3. The ESP32 sends the UID to a Google Apps Script via HTTP request.
  4. The script processes the request and logs the data in Google Sheets.
  5. The response from Google Sheets is displayed on the Serial Monitor.

5. Working Principle

  1. RFID Scanning
    • User taps an RFID tag on the RFID-RC522 module.
  2. WiFi Communication
    • ESP32 connects to the internet and sends the UID.
  3. Data Logging to Google Sheets
    • UID, timestamp, and user details are logged.
  4. Response Handling
    • Serial monitor provides feedback. ESP32 RFID Attendance Logger

6. Code Implementation and Google Apps Script

7. Advantages

  • Automated Logging: Eliminates manual entry errors.
  • Cloud Storage: Google Sheets offers real-time access.
  • Scalability: Can handle multiple users and RFID tags.

8. Challenges & Solutions

WiFi Connectivity IssuesEnsure a stable internet connection and reliable power source.
RFID Read ErrorsUse high-quality RFID tags and maintain proper reader distance.
Data LossImplement data retry mechanisms to prevent missing entries.

9. Conclusion

The ESP32 RFID Attendance Logger is a reliable and cost-effective system for attendance tracking. It simplifies record-keeping and enhances security while utilizing cloud-based data storage.

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01