13 / 4 / 2023
During 3D printing I got to learn about how a 3D printer works and the way we can operate it. In my case, I did choose to print a model of Yoda from Star Wars.Where in I got to know about reality slicer CR-10 smart pro and how slicing is required in the process.
Steps taken:
Downloaded the STL file: With the help of online platforms thingiverse.
Sliced the file: Using the Creality slicing software we sliced the STL file enabling us to move, rotate, scale and change the setting of the model.
Uploaded the G code: After slicing, the time taken to print the object and amount of filament required is displayed and we made necessary changes and chose the appropriate settings.
Copying code to printer: The G code is copied to the SD card of the 3D printer to print. Printing: The model ‘Baby Yoda’ was printed in 2 hours 19 minutes using Creality slicer CR-10 Smart Pro.
The learning process was quite fascinating, to be honest. I got to know about the STL template editing and the idea about the Thingiverse.
Here is the link to the photo and video related to the project. The output:
Got to learn about the API and how it's being widely used in the development industry.
I did make an interface where u can find meals on the basis of ingredients
Backend- was built using javascript while for frontend i did use cpp for styling and html for building its structure.
This webpage takes input in the form of ingredients and users have the flexibility to give out ingredients ranging from western to asian culture
Once the input is given, we get the output in the form of meals.
The output:
Got to learn about the workflow of GitHub and how it acts as a repository for various source codes.
Learnt how the source can shared across various platforms and can be worked on it simultaneously by a large number of people.
Pull request : of a repository which was failing a test because of errors.
A default branch has to be made to make the changes.
Merging the pull request to main source and closing it once it has been fixed.
once the errors have been fixed , the test is able to process to the next step.
Creating a New Folder in Ubuntu using the Terminal.
The Terminal is a command-line interface that allows users to interact with the Ubuntu operating system using text commands. To create a new folder using the Terminal, follow these steps:
Open the Terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T or by searching for it in the Applications menu.
Navigate to the location where we want to create the new folder using the cd command.
Enter the command mkdir followed by the name of the new folder. - mkdir dir1 dir2
Inorder to merge the existing directories use fmerge -dir1/dir2
By the end of this step we were able to get a newfolder which can be confirmed by using command line' ls'
now create 2600 folders in the newly created folder by using mkdir sample [1...2600]
OUTCOME: got to know about linux based operating system and how the files and folders are being managed in it.
steps to be followed to simulate ultrasonic sensors:
Open Tinkercad and create a new circuit project.
Search for the \HC-SR04" ultrasonic sensor in the components library.
Drag and drop the HC-SR04 sensor onto the breadboard workspace.
Connect the VCC pin of the HC-SR04 sensor to the 5V power rail on the breadboard.
Connect the GND pin of the HC-SR04 sensor to the ground rail on the breadboard.
Connect the TRIG pin of the HC-SR04 sensor to digital pin 2 on the Arduino board.
Connect the ECHO pin of the HC-SR04 sensor to digital pin 3 on the Arduino board.
Add an LED component from the components library to the breadboard workspace.
once you get the connections get right u will get the distance between an obstacle and sensor
OUTCOMES:Learnt how tinkered can be used for simulation purposes.
OUTCOME: Here I got to learn how pandas are being used to plot multiple graphs , which are very essential in data sector.
In the beginning we need to import the necessary libraries
creating pandas data frame with the data required
use df.plot to plot bar graphs
import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = {'year': [2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 n 'sales': [50, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110]} df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df.plot(kind='bar', x='year', y='sales')
plt.title('Sales by Year') plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Sales (in millions)') plt.show()
*For line graph set the argument to line.
OUTCOME:Got an idea about how an Arduino functions and how it can be used for other applications as well
Here an Arduino was used to regulate the speed control of dc motor
A l298 motor driver was being used which has a Hbridge which helps in providing rotations across x and y axis.
The basic process involved in this process was PWM(pulse width modulation)
Once a source is connected across these connections involving DCmotor , Arduino uno , L298 motor driver, rheosta nd push button switch.
The source voltage has to be of 9v - 12v range only then we will be able to see the rotation across the DC motor
The materials used for this process are LED wires Solder Soldering iron Stand
First the soldering gun is given an electric supply from an external source this heats up the gun.
Attach the led to the helping hand
insert one wire into positive and wrap the other end of the wire to provide support
And insert the other wire into negative
cut a small piece of wire and strip the same across both ends
now apply a small amount of solder to get a strong bond across the circuit and the wire
once it has been cooled we will get a complete LED circuit.When a terminal is held across the two wires of the circuit the led light turns on.
OUTCOME:Learnt about the application of soldering in the branch of electronics
Participated in the recently held impetus 23.0 in the following technical events:
AR wizards:The magic of AI this was a fun event where in they fused both tech stuff as well as the fun stuff.
Escape the crash
I also did participate in impetus 22.0 conducted during april month of 2022.
Web quest